More than enough

God is more than enough i


As we begin another New Year, I make bold to say happy New Year to all. It is a great privilege to witness another year. It’s the Lord’s doing and marvelous in our eyes. Many people who started last year did not make it to the end. Many who lay in cemeteries did not meet their destinies. Even though we sorrowed and resigned faith in “God gives and God takes,” they died before their time. Some died of old age and others died of non-curable diseases either after a brief or protracted illness. Painfully I lost by death after a brief but unexplained illness, a sister, Elewechi, in early thirties who left behind a husband and two adorable kids and of course enviable family members. All who passed left without notice, yet we thank God for their lives and hope we meet in the bosom of Abraham. As the year passed by, we reflect movement by movement in the events that marked it. Some were glorious and others heart breaking but in all we give thanks to God.

If you happened to ask some people how they fared the past year, you will hear complains on the things God did not do for them, the things we could not do or achieve. We reflect on unanswered prayers; the losses we made, the sicknesses that befell us and the hard times we passed through. The next is to complain or argue over what we have but were not satisfied with. It could be our jobs, churches, homes, spouse, children and friends as well as inglorious moments of disappointments and grief. We talk about the various bills and taxes we pay; the high cost of gas, the battered economy, the war and terrorism that engulf our world. These are all related to things and events that happened.

These quickly reminds us how the children of Israel grumbled, murmured and protested against God and Moses, their leader about water, food and their wilderness experiences. They said they were better off in the land of Egypt where they ate variety of food and drank good water as slaves. They dreaded the monotony of Gods’ food provision [manna] from heaven. They remembered the fresh fish, cucumber, melons, leeks, onions and garlic they ate in Egypt freely and out of vexation cried, “But now our soul has dried away; there is nothing at all besides this manna before our eyes.”[Numbers 11:6].  These displeased God and Moses, their leader who brought them from slavery to freedom. The children of Israel easily forgot that they were slaves in the land of Egypt, where they were whipped tortured and put under hard labor. They cried to God out of their bondages and God heard their groaning and remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. [Exodus. 2:23]. Then God appeared to Moses in a flame of fire out the midst of a bush and the bush burnt with fire but was not consumed. In the midst of the fire God spoke to Moses, “I am the God of thy father, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt and have heard their cries by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows,” [Exodus. 3:6-7]. I hate and dread slavery. I pray that we do not have to go back to Egypt; I cancel every spirit and desires, inclinations and incentives that shall draw us back to slavery in the name of Jesus. Come let’s enjoy God’s freedom in Christ Jesus.

We often forget where God has brought us from. Be reminded, we were dead in trespasses, separated from our Creator; were slaves to sin and lived in captivity, condemnation and in darkness. We lived in misery and were hell bound; mankind could not save himself. God commanded his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners and unlovable, Christ died for us. [Romans 5:8]. “Yet that He died for all that they which live should not hence forth live unto them, but unto Him who died for them and rose again.” [2 Corinthians 5:15]. As we complain on the things that God has availed us, how they are not as satisfying as we want; we seem to lose sight that many are not alive to see this day. Some are so sick that for the past few years they have not had true life, they live awaiting death to come. We had forgotten some died in car accidents; others murdered by armed men or stray bullets or died in the war fronts etc. Others died in the field of sport they loved and others died in hurricane or under fire disaster. Yet those who survived those hazards of life are ungrateful. They think it’s by their power that they get to see the New Year. They have failed to appreciate and rejoice the fact that they survived the past year. Instead they are busy complaining of the lapse in the system, the fall of mortgage industry, collapse of world financial sector, mass lay off of workforce and the mess in political leadership. They are un-thankful for all the blessings God bestowed upon their lives and protection this past year.

God knows exactly what we need and what is good for us and provides. It may not be as exciting as we want, or glitter as gold, but God through all He gave us blesses our lives, gives good health, and protects us from the evil of the world. He listened to our midnight cry and answered our prayers. We have to praise God and worship His name. His eyes are on the righteous from the beginning to the end of the year [Deuteronomy 11:12]. He is our God and shall ever be till the end. We can look back and remember, but we cannot retrace a single event or moment of the past year.

Therefore count your blessings and name them one by one. Stop grumbling and complaining, stop comparing yourself to others. You were created unique. It will surprise you what great things the Lord has done in your life. As children of God we should lay aside every weight and sins that enslave us. We get rid of anything that hinders us; in dance with our spiritual enemy. We put off those complaining, murmuring, comparison, jealousy, grudges and selfishness and as well as idolatry – worship of man and money. Instead we should learn to be grateful to God; express love to Him who loved us first. We should commit ourselves to God and put ourselves under his shadow. God has given His son to die for us and paid the price of sin. We have been delivered from darkness into spiritual light. You may not have gotten all you wanted last year, but you are not in lack. You are better than those who had passed. The God who blessed your yester years shall also lead you to another year. “Fear not for I am with you; be not discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you; uphold you with my righteous hand. His presence is all we need because His presence brings His present. He is more than enough and satisfies our needs; shall see us through.” Do not ask Him to lead you and then you turn around refusing to follow Him as he tries to orders you steps and to drive your life but you are holding the steering wheel. We may want God to uphold us, but we have not fully surrendered. Look up for a dependable God, for our times are in His hands. He has never failed or delayed; trust in His timing and you will never be late or go wrong. The New Year is another opportunity to begin with God; abide in Him and practice His presence daily. Have a fruitful New Year.


Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill or Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.


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