LECTURE:  MISUSE OF GOD’S NAME

                          (PSALM 111: 1-10; LEVITICUS 24: 11 – 16)

Early last year we had a study on first and second commandments of God. We recalled that about 1.900 years ago, God gave the Ten Commandments. The Israelites gathered at the foot of Mount Sinai and Moses climbed the mountains to receive God’s message (Exodus 19:3). The Lord came down on the mountain in fire and in the midst of thunders, lightening, smoke and earthquake. He then announced through Moses what we know today as Ten Commandments.

1. Deuteronomy 5:1f records Moses standing in gap between the Lord Almighty and the Israelites. As He read the commandments which also were an agreement, He warned the people that the commandments were to be kept by all who were alive from that day onwards. It was about three months after the children of Israel had experienced deliverance from slavery and bondage in the land of Egypt. These beloved people of God impatiently asked Aaron to design gods with their metal (silver and gold) after the pattern of the Egyptians. As they were shouting the name of the Lord in front of the Golden calf, they put the name of God on the calf, and worshipped as the Egyptians; Moses appeared before them and read the laws.

The Ten Commandments are the essence of God’s moral law. They represent God’s rule for life and His standards of conduct. They name sin and discern between good and bad (evil). Yet many who claim to be Christian cannot even name them much less, attempt to live be them.

Some are quick to claim we live by grace and not under the law. This is true, but Paul in Romans 3:3 reacted to the behavior of early Christians towards the law. While Christ gave a positional statement in Matthew: 17. Also for a run down, attempt to read Matthew 5:19-28; these passages portray that grace carried higher standards of holiness than the law.

Today I shall attempt to talk on the misuse of God’s name as it is reflected on the third commandments in Exodus 20:7 which says ‘Thou shall not take the name of thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name”(Deuteronomy 5:1f). Also in Leviticus 19:12 God says, “You shall not swear by my name falsely nor shall you profane the name of your God. I am the Lord.    

2. The name of the Lord is pronounced in words through our mouth. From the genesis of life,        God had not taken lightly the misuse of His name. In Numbers 20:9-12, God was angry and punished Moses because he and Aaron took credit for what the Lord had done. That is putting one’s own name on another persons work. Also Ezekiel 13 records the false prophets who though prophesying in the name of living God but were delivering messages the Lord did not send them.

Wh                  at then are words?

Wo                  rds are not just sounds mad by vibration of our vocal cords, but are the way we express our    

thought and attitudes. Words are the main way we relates to others, be it our wives, husbands,

chil                  dren, church members or even co-workers etc. When we choose our words carefully, it

sho                   ws respect for self and for others. The way we talk may also show that we do not care much

abo                  ut what kind of person we are or how we relates to others.


Our words also reflect our attitude and respect and honor towards our God and humanity. A mouth that uses the name of God lightly reflects a heart that takes God lightly reflects a heart that takes God lightly. A mouth that speaks God’s name only with great reverence, which speaks of Holy things with great care and utmost respect, expresses a heart that honor God. Who we are and what we think of God comes through in how we speak.


It was for the relevance of words to our lives that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in Matthew 12:34-37. One could say, only words? Yes, for words can make of mar one or situation and relationship. Words are the evidence of what’s in the heart. Words are the evidence that will acquit or condemn us. Words are evidence of salvation or damnation.


Psalm 111:96 says” holy and reverend is God’s name. We are to reverence God’s name and never to use it in any wrong way because God’s name is Sacred. God make Himself known to man through the use of a number of names. These names reveal His attributes and virtues, works and of course personality (identity).




     – I AM (Exodus 13-15).He exists. He has existed and will always exist. There’s no other

     – Holy, holy, holy (Rev. 1:7-8) – purity, sacredness, perfection

     – Ascribe to the Lord glory due to His name. Psalm 96:8-

     – Our father who art in heaven hallowed by thy name (Matthew. 6:7). Hallow means honor, glory, power etc. (see Rev. 4:8- 11, Rev.15:3-5)

    – Baptizing them in the name of the ….. Matthew 28:19

    – The Bible was written for them who feared the Lord and that thought upon His name ……..Malachi 3:16

The scripture speaks awesomely of God’s name and guards the honor of that name.

(See: Isaiah 42:8; 40:25-26); Proverbs18:10; Acts 4:12).



    Some think only about cursing and swearing and the use of vulgar language in all we  

    Talk and do in life, is what blasphemed. No, far beyond that.

    Many misuse the name of God unknowingly. While some call the name carelessly; others use it when do not mean what they say. Some pastors are fond of saying “God says” while announcing their desire/thought. Men have claimed to heal thereby taking the place of God. Some use the name of God to attract sympathy or perhaps add emphasis on their claims while others pray calling God with their mouth but their hearts are filled or reflect other vain things.

                                      –     3      –

In magazines, or newspapers, in television or movies, God’s name, God’s creation or God’s attributes are often misused and blasphemed. To many these have been common commonly used that it has become part of their daily vocabulary. If it is a criminal offence punishable by the law of the land to insult, misused human beings name, as well as impersonate or forge one’s signature, then it is more grievous to misuse God’s name, creation or attributes.


We shall discuss three (3) common areas of misuse of God’s name:


1.  PROFAMITY          2.  IRREVERNCE            3.  HYPOCRISY


1. PROFAMITY:  it is unfortunate that we are in the cursing age and deceitful generation. A mother curses a child for one failing or the other. A person who strikes his foot against the stone pronounces a curse on the stone. The rain falls while goes to work or business, the person curses the rain. People easily say “God punish you”, I no go better for you” Thunder fire you” and the a-likes. There are careless uses of God’s name.         

  Swearing is a sign of weakness, empty head, and feeble mind. It is deceitful to think of it as a sign of manliness – proves one is right and certain and have authority on issue discussed. It is sign of having self control. Others say it makes the conversation pleasing to hearer. It is an unmistakable sign of refinement and culture. Swearing is a crude, discourteous and vulgar habit. Not only is the name of God use in profane way but other Biblical terms such as: what a hell: God damn it same substitute Gosh instead of God. Some say my heavens and for heavens’ sake


ii. IRREVERENCE (CARELESSNESS) most people attach little importance and reverence to the name and things of God, thus using them flippantly or thoughtlessly. A Christian word should be his bond. Matthew 5:37: let your yes be yes. It is irreverent to make “empty promise; to say what you do not mean. This is worldly and deceitful.


Think of vows taken during religious ceremonies such as Baptism and confirmation, and manages how about our commitments and pledges to pay our tithe and make do all our promises to attend regular worship, fellowship meetings and Bible studies, to give and support the church of God etc

How much of the oaths we take before the courts are correct? Be it declaration of age or evidence or witness. Let it be known that God takes our promises and vows seriously. At times we are asked to testify to someone’s character or attest to a witness. How sincere have we always air our mind?


In the name of spontaneous worship, many also pray repeatedly like the Pharisees, standing, stretching our hands, head bowed, speak loud that we seek approval of person around us than the approval of God. In careless repetition of the names of God, some say long prayers with less devotion (see Matt.6”7, Ecc.8:1-13, 4-7)


 iii. HYPOCRISY:  some honor God with lips but hearts are far from Him. Some confess Christ in their mouth but denies Him in their lives, while others confess the presence and believe in God as the creed but behave as if He does hot exist or far off, God is omnipresence. We profess God faithfulness and unfailing love yet worry over everything under the sun, Romans 10:9-13.



God says He will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name. The Lord wants us to choose all our words carefully especially words that refer to Him. God commands us not to insult and misuse His name but to revere and honor and adore Him.


As easy as the injunction/advice may look, the toot of the problem lies deep in our hearts. It takes the regenerating power of the Lord Jesus Christ to get victory of sin, or profanity hypocrisy and irreverence. There is need to cultivate assenace of God’s presence every time. You should also practice the presence of God in your life. In that way Jesus will increase in you. If Jesus increases in you, your thought and evidence by words shall honor Him. Only then can we be mindful about outruse of His name.


Think always of who God is – omnipotent, omnipresence and omniscience, the Creator of the universe. Think about His saving grace – suffering and death of Him son – Jesus Christ on the cross for the love of those who hated Him, Gods daily provision and providence over our lives. As you do this, there will grow in your heart a sense of respect, awe add honor for His name.


Finally, Paul advised the Corinthians and Christians today to cleanse ourselves from all the filthiness of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (1 cor. 7:1)



Do you misuse God’s name? Is God honored in the way you talk, think and believe? Search your mind and reflect deeply over your utterances and thought and deeds, would God bless you or curse you. Perhaps your wrong thoughts have of can caused you to dishonor God in speech and behavior. Your have a way out.


Today except your helplessnese and turn to Jesus completely. He will heal your heart, put a new spirit in you and you will have a new life. It is then that you will become a new creature having a new position and disposition. You will enjoy peace with God and with one another. The spirit of cursing, swearing and misuse would be chased out of your life and a new spirit of love will start flowing in you, bringing that decent words and actions that honors’ God.                    






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