LIVING INTO THE FUTURE (Deuteronomy 11:1-12; Phil 3:7-14)

LIVING INTO THE FUTURE (Deuteronomy 11:1-12; Phil 3:7-14)

As we begin the year everyone deserves good provision of life: good life, good health, good paying job, good relationship, good home, wonderful children, good car etc. Everybody looks forward to great accomplishments. These goodies are reflected in our New Year wishes or resolutions. To some it does not matter how they meet their desires: by hard work or ugly fortune! Some get jealous of the accomplishment of the wicked, the unrighteous and unbelievers and wish to be like them (Proverb 15: 8). I am not saying that all who are wealthy and successful have done some ugly deals. However, it’s not an excuse to be unproductive or not aspire to commendable achievements and good successes.

Some may have already started the year on a wrong footing – without God. Others believe that man has the power to succeed and invites God only when he needs Him. These people end up trusting God as a spare tire, as against steering wheel; as an air hostess instead of a flight captain. They seem to forget that God is the creator of the universe including mankind (Psalm 24: 1-2). The Atheists do not believe in God, and the bible call such people, fools (Psalm 14: 1). When you look back at past years, you seem to have forgotten that it was not by your efforts that you are alive, healthy and successful or even made it to the present day. Do not forget all His benefits [Psalm 103: 2-5; 68: 19; 106: 4-5].

 As a citizen of heaven on earth, you enjoy the rights, and benefits, as well as privileges of heaven through faith in Christ Jesus. Every God’s creation has His trade mark; He has a legal claim over them. God has a right and we have responsibilities/commitment (the 3 T’s – Time, Talent and Treasure). It’s against that background that we go to bed at night and wake up next morning feeling hopeful and ascertained to live the days, months, and years ahead. If God created the universe and mankind, they have purposes and destiny. What’s your purpose in life and what’s your desire? You cannot live into the future without a goal. Is your destiny heaven or hell? Do your desires agree with the purpose of your creation? (Deuteronomy 10: 12- 15). To fear God, love God, please God or Satan? (John 14:15). 

If you must please God, you must first know who God is and what He likes or his ways. You can know the Father only through the Son (John 14: 6-7, 10-11). Jesus says to know Him, you must get saved; come into a relationship with Him (John 3: 3; 5-7): Step 1: Accept Jesus as a Savior and Lord. Step 2: Believe in the saving grace of Christ. Step 3: Confess your sin and repent. I believe I am addressing born again Christians. However, if you have not been saved, this message may not benefit you in entirety. So you must be born again or saved. *Act 4: 12 says that Jesus is your only source of impact (John 1: 17; Colossians 1:16). I therefore invite you into a warm relationship with Jesus Christ. This is how to begin the right journey into the future.

How can you start a journey of 365 days without a compass, light, and gas? A Compass is the way – Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Light is the Word of God (Psalm 119:9-11, 105; Ephesians 6:17). Gas (fuel) is prayers (1 Thessalonians 5:17; Ephesians 6:18; John 14:13-14). Always be thankful, grateful, and cheerful. Be focused, avoid distractions and wavering. If we must live for the future we must define our purpose. “When a purpose is derailed, it becomes “pain bargained.”

In last (2010) World cup played in South Africa, Nigeria Green Eagles lost to Greece National side by 1-2.  One of the Eagle team players kicked the opponent Greece player. The referees spotted the foul play and issued a Red card (sent out of the field of play) on the Nigerian player. That incident somehow demoralized the Nigerian team. That player lost his purpose; played karate instead of football. Again during 2006 World Cup, the French captain Zidane’s head butt on an Italian player gained him a Red card and that contributed greatly to why his team lost. No matter the distraction or satanic provocation, stay focus. God has not promised His children smooth journey but safe landing. President Kennedy – American trip to the space mission said, “We must face the challenge before us not because it is easy but because it’s hard, and it’s a challenge we cannot postpone”. Life is like a moving river, we either swim against the current (it’s the challenge of life) or we shall be carried /swept by it.

As human beings we have some baggage that we have to drop to enable us to be light enough to move forward or press forward towards the mark: 1)Sin, pride and hate. 2) Avoid unnecessary stress (Matt 6: 25-27): (i) blaming self (ii) blaming others (iii) hurrying and worrying (iv)holding resentment and bitterness (v) Exaggerating consequences of problem (vi) thinking and talking lack and (vii) being judgmental. “A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You are not going anywhere until you change it.”

Things to do (must do):

Trust God and live by faith (faith does not deny facts but refuse to focus on them).

Engage in praise and worship (Psalm 71: 14).

Stays focus on the purpose or goal (press towards the mark) Philippians 3:14.

Always be thankful and grateful; wear a cheerful look and be humble (1 Peter 5:6; James 4:10).

Meditate on the word daily and pray ceaselessly expectantly (Psalm 5:3).

Maintain religious ties (believer’s fellowship and surround yourself with word and spirit filled, positive minded people).

Few Satanic lies – Don’t believe them:

*God is partial.                                                           * Waiting is wasting

*Pressing is pricking (stressful)                                  *Prayer is playing (vain)

*Godliness does not pay                                           *Delay is denial or refusal

Remember: It’s never too late…………It’s still possible!

+Man’s adversity is God’s opportunity                     +Man’s last bus stop is God’s starting point

+The delayed wine always is the best wine             +The delayed Isaac is the child of promise

+A slave can become a leader in foreign land          +Your future is still greater than your past.

+Something good can come from Nazareth            +God can make a king while he’s in the forest.          

Pope John xxiii said, “Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustration but about your unfulfilled potentials. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do.” Your future is loaded with your unfulfilled potentials and what is still possible (Deuteronomy 11:12; Philippians 3:13-14; Psalm 34:15; Ephesians 2:4-5; Romans 12:12). Your future is bigger than your past. Join the Lord Jesus as He walks you into the future. Happy New Year.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill @ or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.




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