As I reflect on the recent tragedy in Colorado, three questions came to my mind: When will God bring lasting peace on earth? When will Satan stop the violent in our world? When will mankind learn that life on earth is impermanent; it’s short, uncertain and meaningless. Alas, the life we live on earth is borrowed. May I commit the lives of those who passed in that massacre into the keeping hands of our Lord? I pray God to console the relatives of those who met their end on that unexplainable tragedy. God will also quicken His healing on those who suffered injuries and hurts.  The story in the book of 2 Kings 6:1-7, exposes the depths and implications of this borrowed life. I don’t know how big or small your house is? Many people lived in small houses, so congested that there become uncomfortable and unhealthy for human habitation. They have things that don’t need storage: hearts full of hates, ego, greed, competition, conflicts, abuses and frustrations, etc.  I don’t know how much stuffs occupy your heart. Most God’s temples are filled with junks and we turn around to wonder why our prayers are not answered.

When death occurs, we gather for a session of celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ. In such gathering we remember the demise of one of our own and celebrate a life well lived. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Psalm 116:15). Each death reminds human beings that we are strangers on earth; our days are numbered and at best we are handbreadth-vanity (Psalm 39:4f). Every wake-keeping affords mankind opportunity to learn how little we are and how great and mighty God is. Again, we live a borrowed life on earth. The real owner, the sole Lender, is the God of the universe who withdraws or recalls it at the expiration of the term of life. The owner has a right while the servant/borrower has responsibilities. Even though we possess life and sometimes live and behave as if the life we live belongs to us; it’s still borrowed and we are simply possessors of life. Each day is a gift from God. That is exactly the message death sends each time it occurs; yet we do not get it; instead we wonder, why me? Why now? And how can? Surprisingly, we live as if life is permanent and death shall not happen. We should know, “We live life once and if we plan it well once is enough.” Again, “We live life forward and learn from it backward.” Even at that, we still don’t get it; learnt nothing until it happens again.

Literally, an axe is described as a tool with bladed head mounted crosswise on a handle, used for felling trees or chopping woods. It is made with iron metal; has sharp front and dull back. It chops incisory and removes woods ruthlessly or suddenly. Many axe heads have fallen out and we are simply left with the wooden handles but live in denials. What use is the wooden handle when the axe head is off? When the axe head is off, the handle is less valued. Equally, an axe head without handle will not fulfill its purpose. When the head is off, the body is useless and has no value than return it to mother Earth.

The life we live is borrowed; it’s not our own (Psalm 38:15; 39:4-8; 90:12). We are just passing by as visitors and it’s temporary; just for a time or season. Every situation we face is for a season; it’s not for a life time. The manna that the children of Israel fed on in the wilderness was for a time but they didn’t know it. Many people on Government Assistance Programs live on it for a season; it is design to be temporary yet these people don’t know it. The vehicles we drive have life span. Some people do not know that some of the items they pick on store counters have expiry date. Satanic attack is also for a season. There are football and baseball, basketball and soccer seasons. Little wonder King Solomon said, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). The children we bear are borrowed to us; we are only caretakers. We shall give account of them – how we cared, loved, admonished, disciplined and molded them. What shall we do when the real owner call for them? We are ambassadors of Christ on earth. What happens when we are recalled home?

Many people have handles (sticks) which the axe heads have fallen off yet they behave as if there do not matter. Some people know they have lost their axe heads but pretend to have them on. Some men and women of God could loose their anointing but are still living in their old shell; praying in empty diverse tongues; jumping and shouting the-do-as-I-say message on the pulpits. They behave as if it does not matter; pretend it is not real and people do not know.  When the Priest, Eli lost his anointing, he mistaken a woman in deep affliction as drunk. Even if people do not know, the God that calls them knows that they are disconnected from the source of power and are empty. The axe head is likened to the anointing and without it there is no power.

Certain events in our world point hand to the undeniable truth of human life on earth. We consider the brutal murder of 9/11 at World trade center, New York; the unprecedented tragedies of hurricane Katrina at New Orleans and Minneapolis Minnesota road disaster; not even to mention the recent Colorado massacre. When those who lost their lives in different tragedies left home, they never thought their loved ones shall not meet them again. These represented different facets or dimensions of havoc on human lives in our hostile environment and world. Daily things happen to authenticate the fact of history that we are strangers; life is impermanence. This world is not our own and the totality of our life is vanity.

Unfortunately, many live as if they own everything. They boast of wealth and earth possessions as if they shall take any with them when they depart this world. They name streets after their names and build mansion thinking their houses shall last for ever (Psalm 49:6, 11). They wake up in the morning thinking it’s a right to go to bed at night and wake up the next day. These people forget that the whole of life is a gift from God. Let me re-emphasis once again, “We live life once, but if we plan it well, once is good enough.”  Also, “We live life forward and learn from it backward.” We run to and trust men and women of God not knowing that the arm of flesh shall fail us. Man even though in honor but do not remain; is like a beast that perish (Psalm 49:12).

As we ponder on what to do, don’t forget to ask for God’s presence and guide. His presence brings His present, security and uncommon favor. Do not leave your house without Him; do not return without Him. For without Him we can do nothing (John 15: 5b). Little wonder, one of the sons of prophet asked the prophet, please go with us and he did. With God nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37). Christ in me the hope of glory. The native doctors know how to carry their talisman; the Catholics know how to carry Missals and Rosary. Many Christians neither carry their God, bibles nor anointing. They do not carry their power instead they act with physical strength (flesh). What happens when the enemy attacks or their real owners call back their lives? It can happen anytime and anywhere. When we wake up in the morning, do we invite the Spirit of God into our lives and day; implore Him to go with us or do we take life for granted?

On our roads, we still have drunk and possessed drivers on steering; text driving, and those who run red lights, etc. We need God’s protection and security. Obtaining insurance cover is good but will not replace life, prevent accidents or stop death but God can. There is safety and security in abiding in the presence of God. He is our refuge and fortress. We shall call on Him and He will answer us; will be with us in troubles and will deliver us. (Psalm 91:1-2, 15). There are many wicked and demon-possessed people out there. Some terrible things happen in spiritual realms beyond our imaginations. We need to pray a covering over ourselves and loved ones. We take authority over demons; bind them and rebuke them. God asked Job, have you commanded the morning? (Job 38:12f).

Many people died and did not meet their destinies or fulfill their purposes in life.

There are in our vicinities monitoring spirits, destiny destroyers, dream killers and demons moving around like roaring lions. Do not fear them because there’re not roaring lions. You can only have dominion after you have subdued (Genesis 1:28b).You shouldn’t die before your time; nobody shall cut you down untimely. The God who created and gave the blacksmith knowledge to make a weapon and gave the waster power to use the weapon to kill assures that no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper; every tongue raise against us is already in judgment (Isaiah 54:16-17).  The tongue is the greatest weapon mankind has and destinies molder. By what you say you both shall be established and saved or be condemned. Speak liberty and freedom; demolish every works of Satan and frustrate every evil enhancer. Rebuke and paralyze every imagination of the enemy. “I know the Lord is great and that our Lord is above all gods” (Psalm 135:5). Also, all power belongs to God (Psalm 62:11b).

Never, ever loose sight that life on earth is borrowed. Aware of our limitations and helplessness, let us do something positive right now to save our precious life. The reality is life on earth is uncertain and vanity. No matter what you do and how much protection you have you will die one day and the time is uncertain. Death is God’s messenger and is aggressively fulfilling its purpose. “Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people.” So let’s prepare for and obtain the everlasting life offered to us through God’s grace in Jesus Christ. Now is the time and the choice is yours.


Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, or P.O.Box 720035, Houston, TX, 77272.

Cell 832-881-3929.


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  • Emmanuel

    More grace sir, I have light on this path. Thank you for putting this here!! God bless you sir!!!

  • Rev. Dr. Chukwuemeka Adiele

    Man of God, thank you immensely for this powerful message. Remain blessed and rapturable in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.