Robert C. Coleman writing on the Master Plan of evangelism said, “Knowledge was gained by association before it was understood by explanation.” He explained that it was by fellowship and continuous being with Christ that His disciples were privileged to “know the mysteries of the kingdom” [Luke 8; 10]. Jesus was exposing His disciples to what He had to suffer in the hand Pharisees and Jewish leaders; preparing them for a life without Him and Simon said, No this cannot happen to you [Mark 8:32]. This exposed Simon lack of knowledge of the purpose of Jesus mission [Mark 16:23]. Jesus gathered again His disciples and said, “Little children, I shall be with you a little while longer…..where I am going you cannot come…” Simon Peter asked Him, Lord where are you going? In another instance, Jesus explained that He was going to the Father, to prepare a place for them. Again Thomas asked Him, “Lord we do not know where you are going and how can we know the way?


                                        …Unto you it is given to know the mysteries

                                        of the kingdom of God: but to others in parable

                                        :that seeing they might not see and hearing

                                        they might not understand.

                                         [Luke 8:10]


Despite their association with Jesus the disciples neither fully understood who He was nor where He was going. Phillip could not wait but asked, Lord show us the Father and it is sufficient for us? Jesus then wondered, “Have I been with you so long and yet you have not known me? He who has seen me has seen the Father [John13&14].   Coleman added, “His disciples were distinguished, not by outward conformity to certain rituals, but by being with Him” [John 18:19]. Knowledge was not gained by attending formal school, Seminars, New membership and confirmation classes or crusade but by following Him and being with Him. Jesus invited John and Andrew to “come and see” where He stayed. They went and saw and remain with Him that day [John1:39]. After staying with Jesus, Andrew was convinced He was the Messiah and He was quick to reach out to his brother, Simon whom Jesus named Peter. Phillip invited Nathaniel to come and see the Master after he had dwelled with Him [John1:46]. All who ever followed Jesus obeyed the same invitation, “follow Me.”

                                 And when they had brought their ships

                                 to the land, they forsook all and followed


                                  [Luke 5:11]


                                  And straightaway he called them: and they

                                  left their father Zeb’e-dee in the ship with the

                                  hired servant and follow him.

                                  [Mark 1:20].


Jesus chose the twelve from the larger crowd so that they might be with Him, know Him and obtain instructions, grooming and thereafter being sent forth to preach, evangelize, have power over demons and demonstrate His authority and power. By being with them and teaching and mentoring them they became Jesus spiritual children [Mark 10:24] and employ the proper way of raising a family which is to be with them. By close and constant association for about three years, Jesus was able to train, groom, mentor His disciples and even made them taste His authority and power as well as prepare them for power from the Father. Jesus was rest assured that they would represent Him and the Father well. Little surprised He said to them:


                                  “Ye shall bear witness because ye have

                                    been with me from the beginning”

                                   [John 15:27].


By implication, Jesus was saying, I have trained men who will become my witnesses after He had gone. He was able to do this, by being with them. He exposed them to the source of His power and allowed them to experience Him. He also allowed them to fall and rise until they would be strong enough to stand on their own. Even after He had passed, He still send them the promised Holy Spirit for empowerment. He reassured them, of His ever loving presence. Lo, I am with you always [Matthew 28:20]. Even though they were with the master, they did not understand all His teaching and revelation,

But they continued to follow Him and obeyed Him. Obedience to Christ was the very means by which those in his company learned more truth.

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