Keep Hope Alive

Hope could be defined as the happy anticipation of good thing. When we expect good or meaningful things to come our way, we surely look forward to it. However, we feel sad and disappointed when the reverse happens. We are still disappointed even when these unpleasant happenings may be God’s way of testing our faith, pruning or putting us in proper shape. When hope fails to materialize, frustration and sadness set in. Perhaps in this realization, the writer of Proverbs says “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes through, it is a tree of life” [Proverbs 13:12; Ecclesiastics 13:12]. He that lost heart loses hope. When hope gets sick and dies, man becomes sick at heart and life becomes empty and worthless; when dashed, disappointment, discouragement and perhaps depression grow.

Hope is the medicine that prevents heart-sickness and the tree that produces life. It’s a tonic that assures a better life tomorrow. Life is full of expectancy. Everything in life is a process in motion, without movement, advancement and progression, there is no life. Once a thing ceases to progress, it becomes stagnant or death. I once read a caption on a lorry which read “whether whether, whether or no whether the whether must go”. This is a statement of fact. Time waits for nobody; it’s always ticking right. When a clock stops, it’s either malfunction or the power is dead, otherwise it keeps ticking; so is hope and life. When hope exists, life flourishes, but when hope is gone, all is gone and nothing remains.

Man is God’s ultimate creation, made in His image to be goal-oriented visionaries. When people lack vision, they tend to perish and become hopeless and lifeless. God created man to be dependable on Him and His Word. The more hope we have in God, the joyful we become. Biblically hope proceeds faith. Hope is the foundation on which faith stands or built on. Hope in God brings courage. Hope is our anchor and …steadfast. (Hebrew 6:19).

Hope believes that everything might turn out right. Hope is positive and to enjoy it you must develop a positive altitude and desire positive things to happen to you. Hope is the only moving force behind man’s activities. Martin Luther said, “Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”. The Bible says he that plowed should plow in hope; and that he threshes in hope should be partakers in his hope (1 Corinthians 9:10). Leroy Brownlow, in “Making the most of life”, said “hope of a crop prompts the farmer to drive the plow; hope of a victory urges the soldier to fight; hope of oil causes the wildcatter to drill; hope of winning makes the athlete run; and hope of the incorruptible crown inspires the child of God to run in the race of life” (1 Corinthians 9:24-26). It is hope that sustained Apostle Paul in his distress. He said, “We are troubled on every side yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; presented but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed. (1 Corinthians 4:8-9). A person of hope sees a difficult situation as a challenge to be steadfast and opportunity to show his/her power, and uphold his/her faith.

However, some people wrecked in the face of trial, dwell on pains and hurts, while other withdraw to them and dwell on the problem instead of seeking solution. These attitudes and reactions breed negative thoughts and depression. Negativity produces distress, hopelessness and faithlessness. Proverb 23:7 says “For as a person think in his/her heart, so is he/her”. Hope does not accept failure for an answer, but it keeps striving until there is a positive response. (Romans 8:28 and Psalm 3:3). Hope is a gladdening power. (Proverbs 10:28). Hope sees blessing in the midst of calamity. “As long as there is life there is hope” says a popular adage. “For to him that is alive in the land of living, there’s hope; for a living dog is better than a dead lion” [Ecclesiastics 9:4]. Many born again Christians accept Christ but still carrying vile stuffs and thoughts. All the failures they ever had, the bible assure had passed away. The person becomes a brand new person, new thoughts, with new expectations. That means something good and new begins to happen. The Bible assures that hope is formed in God (Psalm 39:7) and obtained through the scriptures (Romans15:4).

It’s worth mention that the kingdom of God is not bread, butter or cake. It is full of challenges and persecutions (Romans 14:17; Ephesians 4:23-24). The good news is that “tribulation worth patience, patience produces experience and experience brings hope (Romans 5: 3-4). You cannot be an experienced person in what you’ve not experienced. Trials and pruning have great and valuable lessons to teach and learn. Apostle Paul exhorts Christians to rejoice in hope be patience in tribulation and instant in prayers (Romans 12:12). God is who He says He is and shall keep His promises. Malachi 3:6 teaches that God is an unchangeable changer. He does not change but changes things, situations and people. Hope sees change and change is the only constant factor in our environment. As long as you don’t hope for change it will not happen. Even if it happens you see it upside down. We must position ourselves to enter a joyful moment with God to enable us flow in His goodness (Proverbs 17: 22). Hope produces joy while hopelessness breeds misery.

The greatest hope is the assurance of eternal life. The bible says if Jesus was not raised from death, it means we are talking nonsense, are in self deceit and of all men we’re most miserable. (1 Corinthians 15:19). The hope of meeting our Lord and Master face to face and enjoying His presence, in worship and in eternity, drives us to be steadfast, persistent in our faith journey and hold forth the Word and the power of His saving grace. For where there is hope there is the power of life. When hope is gone all is gone. I am therefore persuaded to challenge us to keep our hope alive, no matter what we are passing through in life. There is no tonic as potent as the hope that tomorrow will be better. We should keep shooting and always be hopeful. Remember that God is always working even when we are not. No matter how hopeless a situation may appear God makes things happen. My God is a God who never changes, but constantly and continually change things and people. He has changed many people, including me and can also change you. All you need is belief and being at the right place at right time.

Rick Warren, writing on “The purpose Driven life”, says “Hope is as essential to your life as air and water. You need hope to cope. Hope comes from having a purpose. If you have felt hopeless, hold on, wonderful changes are going to happen in your life as you begin to give in on purpose”. Jeremiah 29:11 says God has plans for us, good plans to preserve us not to hurt us. He will give us hope and good future.” Even when we are facing terrible situations, God is able to do far more than we dare ask or even dream of, beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes. [Ephesians 3:20].

The lesson of the past becomes the principles for the future. Never be discouraged when you make little progress, no matter how small, it is better than nothing. Julia Carney said, “Little drop of water little grains of sand, make mighty ocean and pleasant land.” Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. Though your beginning was small, yet your later end shall greatly increase [Job 8: 7]. Therefore “despise not the day of small beginning because you can make all your mistakes anonymously,” said Pat Robertson. Be hopeful always and have a goal to pursue; be patience, perseverance and persistence.

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