We live in a world that is full of distractions, deceit and distortion. Many things contest for our time and our attention. Eight out of every ten persons on steering talk on cell phone. Some men glue their eyes on beautiful babes while women subtly watch robust and handsome men passing by them. Some people are so crazy about car models that each new model of passing cars grab their attention. Others are crazy with nudeness that they open their computers only to view nude people. Since they do it in the comfort of their closed doors they think nobody is watching them; however the web sites keep record of their viewers. During Church worship service some are easily distracted with attires: shoes, hats, suits and laces, etc. These things divert and corner our attention from prayers and sermons. They are in the Church but their minds are some where else. They come to worship God but their minds are clouded with unpaid bills, unsettled issues and worries of all sorts.

In our age and time that the world economy is passing through recession, some have lost their jobs, houses, stocks and are so depressed and confused that their minds are flipping, tossing and loosing touch with realities. Some have been rendered homeless and jobless by natural calamities, while others have lost their dear ones. Most of the things we attached importance to are flipping away; thus leaving us to wonder: is God still on the throne? Why are these ills visiting us? Is He no longer the caring and merciful God and the Father of all mankind? But we fail to ask: Is God trying to get our attention?

God is chasing us to get our attention but many are unaware of it. Some are looking for God elsewhere while He’s present even in and all around us. He’s an omnipresent God – present every time, in every place. William Barry says, “Whether we’re aware of it or not……..every moment…….we’re encountering God…….who is trying to catch our attention……to draw us into a reciprocal conscious relationship.” Many are looking for God in wrong places and end up thinking and saying He does not exist or cannot be found. This is not true and those who have had the rare privilege to experience God will concur to this truism.  

God appears in a variety of manner and form. We cannot squeeze God into our boxes or into our balloons. God is Spirit and He appears physically in whatever manner that He chooses to meet His purpose and mission. He could come in disguised form of men, women and children. But we judge the book by its cover and most times miss Him. In the beginning God spoke some objects into being – heaven and earth, land and sea, the sun, moon, stars and all heavenly host that made day and night. He made the times and seasons that continue to emerge and move on; created mankind in His image and likeness. After creation, we read that He regularly visited the Garden of Eden, to have fellowship with mankind. It was on this conviction that King David acclaimed, “The earth is the Lord’s and all it holds; the world and those who live there. For He founded it on the sea, established it over the rivers [Psalms 24:1]. “…when I see your heavens, the work of your fingers; the moon, and stars that you set in place….. [Psalms 8:4]. And God walked into the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve ran away and hid themselves among the trees of the garden [Genesis 3:8]. God keeps His covenant with man. As was His custom, He walked into the beautiful Garden of Eden [place of meeting with Adam], will you be there waiting?  God is present in our lives and can even speak to us. He can ask you as he did to Cain: where’s your brother? His voice reveals His presence.

In the book of Exodus chapter 3, the scripture reveals that God appeared in a flame of fire in the midst of the bush, but the bush was not on fire. This was to get Moses’ attention. When Moses turned around to see, God called and commissioned him [Exodus 3:2-4]. Those who are anxious and expectantly looking for God see Him. The scripture warns: seek for God when He is near and when you can find Him. On that day and season, Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law, the Priest of Median and he saw unusual and uncommon site/feature. Here the bush was on fire but the bush did not burn with it. However God used that uncommon incidence to draw Moses attention. What will God do to get your attention?

Again while Jacob attempted to escape from his brother Esau whom he had swindled and deceived his father, he came to a place where He took a stone and put his head and slept. He dreamt and beheld a ladder was set up on the earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it. Then God gave him a promise, “I am with you and I will watch over you whenever you go.” When Jacob woke up the next day, he said, “The Lord is in this place and I was not aware [Genesis 28:16 NIV]. As Jacob return to meet with his brother Esau, God revealed who He is to Jacob at Jabbok by wrestling with him all night and dislodging his hips [Genesis 32:24ff]. After that encounter He changed his name from Jacob to Israel. What would God do to get your attention? 

 God in Jesus Christ encountered Saul of Tarsus on his way to Damascus [Acts 9]. It was time for God not only to halt Saul who was still breathing murderous threats against the people of the Way [Jesus’ disciples]. A light from the sky suddenly flashed around him. He fell on the ground and heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? When Saul woke up from the ground, he could not see with his eyes. Saul asked: who are you, Lord? A voice replied, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God used this incident to get Saul’s attention and called him to order. After that incident, God changed his life and renamed him Paul; turned him into His battle axe.

When God of the universe called Jonah, he was hesitant and skeptical to answer. He attempted to run away from God but only to find out that God is everywhere. God pursued him and drew his attention to His call on his life. He had nowhere to run to; even inside the ship, in the belly of a fish he found God everywhere and still chasing him. But he did know he could not escape from God [Psalms 139:7-10]. God has called some people to special assignments in His kingdom but they’re still struggling with Him. The Good News is that you cannot run away from God. The earlier you submit, the easier the burden. God will fulfill His purpose, whether you like it or not. Many who had run in the past had surrendered and found great life in Him.

Since the day Adam and Eve ran out of the Garden of Eden and hid them, God has a message for all mankind: I love you anyhow, unconditionally but hate sin; however man does not get it. He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to live on earth, died on the cross and resurrected on the third day; thus becomes the Lamb of God, reveal God and His love to man yet some still do not get this message. By this great sacrifice, God exhibited His unconditional love: while we were still unlovable Christ died for us. He cares about us and wants us to be saved. He is still doing great mysteries to pass across this message of love and get our attention. This message of salvation is preached all over the world just to get our attention but some people are still adamant and nonchalant; other running from God.

Whatever it will take God to get your attention, He will do it. I do not know why you are still running from God; why you are reluctant to come to Jesus and make peace with Him. I do not know why you think you can hide from God or He does not exist in your little corner. I have Good News for you: If there was a lesser sacrifice, God won’t have sent His Son Jesus to died a shameful, most humiliating death on the cross for mankind. God is not tired of chasing us. It could be the whole of what you’re passing through has been God’s attempts to get your attention. God has deliberately allowed the various trials and testing to get your attention. Also it could be that He is preparing you for your promotion to the next level; turning chores into cosmos. You may have to halt and stop jumping from one Church to another. Where you or any two or three are gathered in His name, God is present [Matthew 18:20]. His presence brings His present [uncommon gifts]. The Lord is in this place but you do not know it. There’s a vacuum in mankind that only God can fill. God has not fenced you away; so stop alienating yourself from God. God allows both good and evil to happen to get our attention. Little wonder Apostle Paul put it clear: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” [Romans 8:28]. I assure you, God would allow you to run but you cannot hide. Montaigne once said, “The greatest and glorious masterpiece of humanity is to know how to live with a purpose.” What else would God do to get your attention?


Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: weefreeministries@yahoo.com  OR P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.



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