A TRIBUTE: LIFE THROUGH THE STORMS

Before the disciples boarded the boat and began to sail to the other side of the sea shore, there were no worries about their safety or having thoughts of danger. They may have crossed the sea many times before then without mishaps or threats.  All that was on their minds was the plans of what they were going to do on the other side of the shore. Again, they had with them a leader who is the son of God and had performed numerous uncommon miracles. They had presumed that it was going to be a wonderful trip as usual. Everything appeared perfect as they entered the boat. The boat was in good state; the weather was fine and the disciples were bubbling in high spirit. As they commenced the trip, some of the disciples engaged one another in conversations and looked forward to landing on the other side. About the middle of the sea, things changed. What started as a little breeze turned out into strong winds? The weather changed and the water became stormy and troubling. As they attempted to bail out water from the boat, more water rushed into it and the wind became forcefully stormy.

In the middle of the sea, the lands were far off and the boat was becoming unsafe; the sea was about to swallow them up. They neither could stop the water from entering the boat nor the boat from sinking. Suddenly they began to doubt their safety and reaching their destination. At the same time, it wasn’t possible turning back. They were in the middle of dilemma [troubled waters] and their hope of survival drained away. There was no other boat or ship coming to their rescue. They could not swim, even if they knew how to do so because the shores were not in sight. Fears of life engulfed them and they were terrified and panicking.

While the sea troubled and disciples panicked, their leader, Jesus of Nazareth who incidentally was on board fell asleep. He was tired and exhausted and as He put his head on the pillow He fell into deep sleep, oblivious to the crises. Was He really asleep?  I wonder how He could have slept in crises. Was He aware of the imminent danger or He did not care? I guess, the crisis was too small to cause the Lord His sleep or He had already subdued it while asleep. They murmured: shouldn’t we wake Him up and inform Him that the boat was sinking? Somebody got to do something quick and fast.

Eventually someone muzzled up courage, in the midst of panic and terrific fears and shook him up, saying: Master we are about to drown; save us, less we perish. Another shouted: don’t you care if we drown? The “Big man” woke and surprised that they were fearful, O ye little faith! Jesus quickly rebuked the winds and the sea; there returned a great calm. The winds and waves howling and tossing the boat a moment ago became completely quiet. Everything changed. Do you mean, just like that? Jesus then turned to the disciples and rebuked them: where is your faith? They turned and looked at one another with amazement; indeed dumbfounded!!! They wondered, what kind of man He was, even the wind and wave obey him [Mark 4:41]. They were astonished and fascinated; trying to figure out: who really was their Master?

Brethren, as we face real life’s challenging situations, we often behave like the disciples of Jesus in the middle of the storms. We get frightened, panicking, doubt our beliefs, ignore our confession that Jesus is Lord of all and forget that even if he sleeps, He’s still divine and the Lord of heaven and earth, sea and land, winds and waves, etc. Here Jesus exhibited his two natures: human and divine:

Human: Jesus had human body like mankind, preached everywhere, was tired and exhausted; weary and fatigued; got some rest by lying on a pillow. He even suggested they went over to the other side of the sea. He rebuked His disciples like a father rebuked his children for having no strong faith and not attempting to rebuke the storms.

Divine: Jesus knew the winds and waves were imminent; rebuked them and there was completely calm. So Jesus was human just like us yet He was God. He’s all powerful, eternal and omnipresent. He has power to rescue us from any kind of storms of life.

Literally the disciples knew Jesus is Lord but it was all in their minds; they did not anchor their souls in that belief. Faith is not just something to have and believe but something that must be put out or hold on even in difficult situations for it to work for us. The Lord knew about the winds and had power to stop it from blowing in the first place. He allowed his disciples into the storm invariably to test their faith. Sometimes He allows us go into the midst of danger to see how far our faith shall carry us; whether we shall uphold our confessions. “Even the most pathetic, panicky faith is valuable because it takes us to Jesus and He does not drive us away………but the unsinkable Savior keeps us from perishing; He calms our storms and brings us peace; takes our shaky little faith and makes it bigger.” – Fear Relieved by The Back to God hour.

Many believers usually ask why Jesus did not stop the storm or different situations of life from occurring in the first instance. For example: Would we like a test free life and situation where we go through school and promoted to the next class or passed out without test; where we are issued driving licenses without tests. How would we like where we have Engineers without qualifications build our roads; doctors care for our health, teachers teach our children and mechanics fix our vehicles with inadequate certifications and experiences?  Christians should be prepare to face trials of faith [1 Peter 4:12]. Trials come to test, purify and strengthen our faith [1 Peter 1:6-7]. Peter, the great Apostle and other disciples failed many trials and committed blunders earlier in life but by the time many of them wrote their experiences and charges, they were able to exhort us because their faith through testing’s had matured; became their experiences with God and testimonies. God has never given up on us; we should not give up on ourselves.

Today, when we find ourselves in desperate situation in our personal or family lives or among friends, we should not think we are hopeless or we wish we better died. Do you think Jesus is not present when He himself promised, “I will be with you always?” He also cares for us. No matter how turbulent the situation may be even in the middle of the storm of life, when we have no other where to go, than lay our burdens at His feet. Jesus is waiting for us to exercise our faith, by waking Him up and calling Him to our rescues. He understands our situations, struggles and pains, worries and fears. Why not leave your cares to Jesus then watch and see what He shall do. Even if He’s asleep, He will wake up and rebuke the storms before the boat sinks. He’s able, abundantly able to deliver and save us.  He had every reason to be anxious. Jesus had a first hand experience of sickness, betrayal and loss. But when the storms of life rose up, He remained calm; He even slept through a storm on the Sea of Galilee.

Omi dear, life is likened to a freeway. As Omobola exit on May 17, 2011, the world seems to have stopped on your face. In the middle of the storm, just like the disciples, the doctors battled to save her life but death took an upper hand leaving you to wonder why me, why now, how can! It is difficulty to understand every meaningful explanation. The truth is life can never be the same.  The task to pick up your battered self and live again and most importantly raise your three wonderful children as Omobola would have jointly done is not an easy one, but a requirement. There is a vacuum that no one can fill except God Almighty. Trust in Him; He’s not asleep. Do not give up; keep moving. Keep your focus and determined to continue the journey. In the middle of the storm, Jesus is alive and speaks calm to the storm of life. He that has brought you into this storm shall see you through it. Farewell Omo, death must have taken life out of you but Christ gives you eternal life. He welcomes you to a home of eternal joy and perfect peace void of tears and sufferings.


Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill @ or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.



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