Christians world wide, not withstanding their denomination, celebrate Easter Sunday in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many skeptics opine that Jesus did not rise from death. At the same time, two thousand years after the resurrection event, they have not provided a sufficient and satisfactory answer to what happened to the Jesus body. Surprisingly no one has ever claimed to have found Jesus dead body.

Jesus Persecution and death: Biblical history has it that the chief priest and elders plotted against Jesus and put Him to death, because among other things, He claimed to be the son of God and called God “My Father.” The elders felt threatened by the uncommon teachings and numerous unusual miracles He did. He was accorded honor and glory; did things only God could do: forgives sins, claim He was the Way to heaven; raised the three dead including Lazarus and Nain’s widow’s son. Jesus appeared before Pilate and other Israel elders and was condemned to death by crucifixion. They took Him to the place called Golgotha and there they crucified Him [Luke 23:33]. Other unbelievers opine Jesus did not die but was simply hallucinating following the deadly floggings He received. However the scriptures said He committed His spirit unto God’s hand and breathed His last [He died]. When the soldiers came to Jesus and saw He was already dead, they had no reason anymore to break His legs but one of the soldiers pieced His side with a spear and immediately blood and water rushed out – medically evidence of being dead [John 19:33f].

Jesus’ Testimony: Jesus had told His disciples that He will rise on the third day of His death. This uncommon event is testified throughout the Gospel and Epistles of the New Testament. More so, the Pharisees reminded Pilate after Jesus’ burial that He said He will rise on the third day. [Matthew 27:63; John 2:19-22; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4].

Jesus was buried: This fact of Jesus burial is not in denial or doubt. The scripture records that Joseph from Arimathea, a council member and of course a secret disciple of Jesus Christ asked of the body of Christ from Pilate. He took the corpse down, wrapped and laid it in a new tomb. In More than a Carpenter, Josh McDowell said, “After the body was placed in a solid rock, an extremely large stone, weighing approximately two tons, was rolled by means of levers against the entrance……..This guard affixed on the tomb the Roman seal, a stamp of Roman power and authority…..to prevent vandalizing. Anyone trying to move the stone from the tomb’s entrance would have broken the seal and thus incurred the wrath of Roman law” [Luke 23:50-53; Matthew 27:57-60; John 19:38-42]. The next day was Saturday, the chief Priest and Pharisees went to remind Pilate that Jesus even at death was a risky convict because He said, He will arise on the third day. Pilate then ordered the tomb to be heavily secured [Matthew 27:64] by soldiers who kept vigil day and night.

Empty Tomb: How can we explain the empty tomb? An infallible proof that the Roman seal was broken, the massive stone moved from the sepulchre and the Roman guards unit fled. Yet in spite of the guard and seal, the tomb was empty. There was an earthquake because just an angel from the throne of God descended and rolled away the tomb [Matthew 28:2f]. The women found the tomb empty; they panicked and rush back to tell the men. Peter and John ran to the tomb and found only the grave clothes. The testimony of the angels added a convincing proof. Looking for the living among the dead? He is not here but risen [Luke 24:4-6].Praise the Lord; we worship and serve a living God.

Jesus Resurrection:  The synoptic Gospels and the Epistles of New Testament record the resurrection of Jesus Christ [Matthew 28: 5-7, 9; Mark 16:6; 1 Corinthians 15:4].  In An Anchor for the Soul, Ray Pritchard wrote, “There’s no reasonable answer than this: Jesus Christ actually, literally and physically rose from the dead. And from that day to this, the Christian Church had made the resurrection the cornerstone of the Gospel message.” His resurrection confirms that Jesus is all He said, He was: the son of God, the Messiah and the Savior of the world; He’s also alive today sitting at the right hand of the Father interceding for us;  all who believe in Him has eternal life. He conquered death and has given us victory over Satan and death. It’s also a reassurance that all believers who put their faith in Jesus Christ shall be raised to life.

His disciples stole it away!: This argument stands as the worst ridiculous lie and biggest fraud against Christianity. It was perpetuated by the chief Priest to save his head and his job. : [Matthew 28:11-15]. Can we ask: Where were the soldiers who barricaded the tomb and keep vigil day and night?  How can Jesus disciples, common civilians with no armories overpowered well equipped soldiers who were commissioned custody of the corpse and tomb. Who broke the Roman seal without fear of crucifixion upside down? Yet they were not persecuted or sanctioned? The chief Priest lobbied against the truth of God.  The disciples stood a distance from the time Jesus was arrested and were so afraid to come out. They thought that when Jesus died, it was all over. Little wonder they went and hid themselves in a closet so that those who killed their master did come after them [Mark 14:50]. The soldiers at the tomb were paralyzed and behaved like dead men [Matthew 28:4]. In Jewish custom, women were not regarded as harmful or threat. These disciples at first did not even believe that Jesus had risen [Luke 24:11]. During the post resurrection appearances, Jesus broke through the closed door into the where the disciples resided and said to them, “Peace.”

If Jesus is not risen what happen to the body, 2000 years, after? Have you forgotten that the Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and He crucified and the third day rise again [Luke 24:7]. “Based on overwhelming historical evidence, Christians believe that Jesus was bodily resurrected in real time and space by the supernatural power of God. The difficulties in belief may be great, but the problems inherent in disbelief are even greater.”


Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 720035, HoustonTexas, 77272.


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