I SHALL NOT WANT

The shepherd’s Psalm 23 is very popular among Christians as well as unbelievers. It was taught and recited in most Christian homes during prayers. Pupils in Mission Schools were compelled to know it at heart and recite it during Morning Devotion and in Sunday school classes. This psalm is reprinted in large letters, framed and placed at conspicuous places in homes, in offices; in small print and placed in purses and hung in vehicles. It’s common to have it reprinted in sympathy, get-well-soon and general good wishes greeting cards. Each time I read this wonderfully packed prayer piece I seem to have new insights and revelations. Surprisingly it appears the most misunderstood prayer of King David. I believe we may not get the whole gist until we meet with King David at the bosom of Jesus Christ in heaven.

Those who happen to have lived where livestock’s especially sheep are reared have watched with great admiration, the communication links between the shepherds and sheep. They bear witnesses of the compassion, commitment and utmost care shepherds have for the sheep as well as the total dependence of the sheep on the shepherd. The shepherd is so endeared to the sheep and put the sheep‘s interest at heart in every decision he makes. He’s always with the sheep, leading, directing, protecting and preserving. He knows when the sheep is hungry, dehydrated, ill or wounded and when they need rest.

The psalm begins with a very powerful statement of faith: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. King David apparently wrote this psalm from his shepherd boy’s experience. He was a shepherd of sheep from his teen age. He had battled with wolves that came to steal his sheep and God gave him victories. As intimidating and shy as sheep are they know their keeper, hear his voice and follow his directions. The sheep trust him for food, water to drink, protection and safety as well as total care in illness. He carries one by his shoulder when ill and unable to walk. With his staff, he protects them from wild animals and pours oil on their heads to keep away pest as well as heal the wounds. The sheep depends totally on the shepherd for everything even in the face of danger, inclement weather or terror attacks and invasion by enemies.

What difference would a shepherd experience if he’s to shepherd mankind? How can God shepherd man as a shepherd do to sheep? A man is willed to make choices whether good or bad. A natural man prides in ‘I did it.’ Some have grown to believe because they were created in the image of God, they are gods and do not need their creator anymore. Others worship other gods and conceived the false impression that they are equal with God. They believe they can depend on themselves; they’re not depended people or creatures like the sheep. These groups of people say the psalm as a recitation. Even though some go to Church, they do not depend solely on Almighty God but also put their minds on other gods. They are the people who often say God help those who help themselves. But throughout history, God is more concerned with the helpless.

Dear people let it be known that God created mankind with a vacuum only He can fill. We are made to be dependable people on God. He demands total dependence on Him alone and nothing else. The sheep total dependence on the shepherd brings in the second clause, ’I shall not want.’ It represents more than a bold statement of faith; it includes a statement of satisfaction and contentment on God. If therefore mankind wants God to shepherd him like a sheep, man must learn to depend on God as sheep depends on shepherd. A sheep’s only hope is on the shepherd. It believes in him, trusts him for its all and follows the shepherd’s directions. Even in the midst of other sheep, a sheep knows its shepherd and respond to his voice. Every child of God must learn to become a sheep while Christ is the shepherd. We take this position when we sing, ‘I surrender, take my life and let it be, only Jesus,’ etc.

You may not have all you ask for all the time, but you are not deficient. You are in proper care of Jesus who is our shepherd. He is able to provide for all our needs – physical, Spiritual, mental and emotional, etc. I shall not want because even though I may not see it physically, the Lord who makes every impossibility possible is able to supply our needs beyond our imagination. Again if our God would not supply, He would not command us to ask, seek and knock. God cannot lie or deceive mankind.

In the world of privation and adversity, the Lord is sufficient in all things. He’s all we need. He’s enough. We can depend on Him. He’s worthy of our reliance and trust. He’s our father, mother, provider, protector and most especially our Savoir and Lord. He’s every thing to us. God never promise a problem free life. Rather Jesus said that for his sake we shall be persecuted; pass through tribulation that brings hardship and frustration. Yet be of good cheer, He had overcome the world. Do not be troubled in your hearts; be anxious for nothing for you are not forsaken. Jesus assured, “I am with you always, even to the end of ages.” An author once said, ‘My master is an expert in cove care and sustenance.’

Many who reside this psalm do not know what it means to say I shall not want. They attribute it to outward successes, earthly riches and wealth. The propounders of prosperity doctrine do not help matters here. These people base their accomplishments on money, elevated status, affluence and prestige. Yet with the associated ego, pride and gain, they are poor in Spirit; have no inward peace or joy in life. They live in fears and restlessness. The shadows of their calamities chase them everywhere they go. They are insecure and unsure of self, morally empty and lack Spiritual values. These people claim freedom but live in fears; liberties but live under bondage.

On the contrary, some people may suffer material hardship, disaster and battle with deadly illnesses as well as financially hardship but have inward peace, rich in Spirit, generous at heart and large in soul. These people have surrendered to Christ and are satisfied and content in Him alone. Even though they lived in the world they are not living like worldly people- in greed and grabs, in covetousness and pursuit of riches. They seek after God and depend on Him no matter what. They believe strongly that God is never late and has never failed. He is their sufficiency and their help even in times of need. They trust God even when the promises appear delayed in coming, even when their prayers are yet to be answered; even when their child is not healed, while struggling in poverty and do not see the outcome, their confessions have not changed. The Lord still sits on his throne and His kingdom has no end. He succeeds where we fail; is present when we are absent and acts in his righteousness and grace.



Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill can be reached by email:gkapin63@yahoo.com

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