GENUINE CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE

Our reflection on The Challenges of living a Christian lifestyle published in Discipleship Digest of July 2011 attracted unprecedented comments. This was a highly welcome development and extremely appreciated. Today’s reflection is a follow up to that earlier publication. By the word “genuine” it suggests that it is real and authentic; on the opposite side it is false, fake and imitation. When we try to draw a demarcation by human judgment, we all fail. This is because we look at human disposition from the titles we bear, the activities we engage in, our wealthy dispositions and the rich donations we make; some belong to certain caucuses and are invited to front seats in special events. They put up plastic faces and behavior in the front and exhibit their indecencies and anomalies behind.

Unfortunately all are addressed by the name Christians. Many answer Christian names and portray the appearance of a Christian but inside or by behavior, they act like demons. These group of people attend Church worship, recite creeds, have baptismal certificates and other commendable credentials to show they are good people and very benevolent but when you come closer to them you will be surprised that they neither have Christ nor obey His commands. They are very selfish and greedy; drive away from Christ those who would have come in to know Him very personally and serve His kingdom. Just as fake Christianity repel people, real Christianity attract others and cause them to come in and experience the warm love of the Son of God, who loves the world and died to avail her salvation, freedom and liberty. Since everyone claim to be a Christian: wears the cross, carries the bible, belongs to the Church family, it becomes tricky difficult to identify who is a genuine Christian. Even at that, God cannot be deceived; knows those who are His.

Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church had said, not all who call  Him, Lord, Lord, will get into the Kingdom of heaven but those who do His will and keep His commands (Matthew 7:21). Again Jesus also said, we shall know them by their fruits….Every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit (Matthew 7:16, 20). He also commented, “The kingdom of heaven is like what happens when a net is thrown into a lake and catches all kinds of fish. When the net is full, it is dragged to the shore and the fishermen sit down to separate the fish. They keep the good ones, but throw the bad ones away (Matthew 13:47-48). Jesus had warned, “Beware of false prophets who comes to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (vs.15).

In our society today, we have people who are not Christians striving to practice Christianity. They are religion fraudsters’ who had never been real Christians – never accepted Christ as a Savor or the Lord of their lives. They simply belonged to a Church family doing “Churchanity;” some are the high drum players (or pastor’s praise singers) and supporters by being always available or high money givers who are lured into Church leadership. Among them are position seekers who bring their social club agendas into the Church. They talk about members, their benefits and gains; build walls against lost souls, the poor and the less privileged. A number in this class wield so much influence, strength and power; bring in their contemporarily worldly ideas into Spiritual setting thereby creating enormous problems.  They begin to dictate what happens and every decision encircles around them; without them there are no decisions. They often gain a lot of ground and would later question the Spiritual leader’s authority and build boundaries of operations (what they ought to teach or preach).

In our era, there are varieties of Christianity. This could be attributed to the different names we bear and the different denominations we belong. If you ask someone, what’s faith? He/she would respond, I am a catholic or I am a Baptist or Pentecostal, etc. Many have problem understanding that we have one Christ, and one universal Church where Jesus is the head. It’s a shame that we allow what should unite us to divide us. A Christian means follower of Christ. The prayer of Jesus was and still is that we shall be one, just as Christ and the Father are one (John 17:11b, 22).  Jesus said, “I am the Vine and you are the branches. If any remains in me and I remain in them, they produce much fruit. But without me you can do nothing” (John 15:15).  “You did not choose me; I choose you. And I gave you this work: to go and produce fruit, fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you anything you ask for in my name” (vs. 16).  It implies that we are follower of Christ and Christ chooses us to follow His ways and teachings. So Jesus’ Christianity is our calling and genuine faith. Apostle Paul lived his life after the example of Christ and implores us, “follow my examples, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). He also charged saints in Philippians, “let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus……… (Philippians 2:5ff).

Jesus kind of Christianity is the genuine Christianity and involves:

1]. He chose (called) you or did you just find some kind of religion and begin to play Church. 2]. You must have undeniable impact and experience (genuine grace). Note that mere religion tries to imitate these experiences and they quickly disappear when they come to living a Christian lifestyle. 3]. Is your acceptance and experience of Christ based on the truth, reliable and authentic, infallible word of God. 4]. Does it exhibit the life of genuine grace, compassion and mercies; has a positive influence on others and through us spread everywhere fragrance of the knowledge of Him (2 Corinthians 2:14). Our lives should be a pleasing perfume to God and others. 5]. If a believer does not exhibit and witness “the new found experience” he/she may have had no genuine regeneration and faith in Christ.  It is a fact of history that numerous Christian came to the faith through witnesses of other persons: whether from pulpits, street witness, read tracts or through the media, etc.  It all amounts to a beggar found bread and get back to other friends in destitution; call them to come and share.  To debar or deny any believer the opportunities of witnessing amount to asking the believer to quit His faith and disobey the command of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church.

Are you a genuine Christian? It does not depend on whether you are tall or short, green or blue colored and born before or born after. The key concept remains whether you accept Jesus Christ as the son of God and the Lord of life. Pause and make inward examination of yourself. A deep reflection may change your presumption. Be ready to accept the real truth or live in denial. Be prepared and willing to make a life changing turn around or backslide into religious mediocrity but you will not remain the same after going through the challenges of this reflection. The God of second chance awaits your return. There is joy in heaven when a sinner repents and return to God. The choice is yours!!!  Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill @ or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272. Tel: 832-881-3929.

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