Recently I watched a newscast on a catholic priest who chose his Church pulpit to announce he is a gay. He urged his parishioners to accommodate those who choose to feel, reason and behave differently. From all that has been going on, he’s not alone. As if that alone was not enough headaches for Christendom, the Episcopal Church in America had proposed the ordination and acceptance of gay Bishops. Consequently, the Episcopal leaders have approved same sex blessings without official liturgy. These leaders appear to lean their supports following recent scientific discoveries that gays are biological defects, and the US Supreme Court decision in favor of the homosexuals. Could this be an unholy compromise?

For purposes of information and perhaps description, literally gays [lesbians] are homosexuals or sodomites who have unnatural sexual desire and relationship with people of same sex or with beasts. The scriptures condemn this culture and way of life as sinful, uncleanness, unnatural [or vile] affections, effeminate, pederasty, sex perversion and self-abusers [Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and 1 Timothy 1:9-11]. There are two schools of thoughts concerning the gays/lesbians. One holds that it’s a lifestyle, meaning a choice, for which they could control while the other contends that it’s a biological defects or psychological disorder, with chemical unbalance. The second portrays that it’s inborn, natural and they have no control over their situation. Both are pathetic; should attract the deepest human empathy and demand urgent spiritual help.

Similar to the issue of women ordination into priesthood, the gay priest and bishop issue has instigated Episcopalians conflicts causing deep division among the ordained and laypersons in the Church in America and abroad. Gays / lesbians issue is more of a spiritual matter than legal, medical and even of general viewpoint. I also find inconsequential the description “gay Christian”. Can one be a homosexual and a Christian? When a gay repents of his sinfulness, denounce his gay ways of life and accept the new way in Christ Jesus, he becomes a Christian (not a gay Christian), a new creation and nothing less [2 Corinthians 5:17]. This is a positional truth of the scriptures.


GAYS 11: Priests and Bishops

In part 1, attempt was made to describe who are gays and lesbians and to correct the erroneous impression that there was a “gay Christian”, not to mention gay priest and bishop. If a gay renounces his gay way of life and accepts Christianity (neither religiosity nor churchanity), he’s no longer a gay but a Christian, a creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Again if a gay confess with his mouth that ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believes in his heart that God raised Jesus from the death for his sake, then he’s saved.  For with the heart you believe and are justified and with your mouth you confess and are saved [Romans 1:9-10]. This is evidenced by the assurance or testimony in one’s heart less the person has delusion and not salvation.

As the Catholics battle with the issue of the priest who announced in his church pulpit that he’s gay, so does the Episcopal Church in America and abroad face the odd world in their proposal to ordain or accept gay bishops. Already, three remarkable events had signaled a warning sign to the universal Church of the times we live in and tips of the future expectations; there are:

       i The US supreme court decision in favor of gays/lesbians

       ii Rev. Gene V. Robinson had been  made the first gay bishop

       iii Episcopal leaders have recently approved same sex blessings without official  liturgy.                 

The disturbing question that should bother Christendom is how on Gods earth did a Christian priest or bishop becomes a gay?  Put it the other way, how did a gay become a Christian priest and have metamorphorzied to the high calling of a bishop? The first gay bishop, Rev. V. Gene Robinson was made following his physical life style not necessary according to the prescription in the scripture. Gays are homosexuals whose life pattern in the dark is dirty, ungodly and unacceptable. Gays have sexual relationship with other men while the lesbian do same with other women. This is immoral, ungodly and totally unscriptural.

The God of creation created male and female and authorized them to love “jada” one another. Through their contact procreation which is God’s design shall take place. This was so important to God that when He created Adam [man] and man named every creation but Adam had no female partner. God caused man into deep sleep and made out of man a woman, whom Adam named Eve [meaning the mother of all living thing]. Human beings and other higher animals [mammals] procreate by sexual reproduction [conjugation] while lower livings do same through asexual reproduction or binary fusion. We need no seer to tell us that homosexuals were excluded in this plan.


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