This exposition is taken from the Gospel of Mark Chapter one verses forty to forty-five. God is still in the business of changing people and the situations of their lives. It does not matter how hopeless the situation may be. He turns around lives, heals life- terminated sickness and makes a way where there is no way. What the Father does, the Son also do same. While in Galilee Jesus healed many sick people and cast out demons. Here came a man suffering from leprosy [a leper]. He came to Jesus for healing but was not sure whether he had a chance. A leper is a person who is rejected by the society and his family. He’s a public outcast, reject and untouchable; patiah and luzar. Leprosy is dreaded skin disease, a plaque, isolated, infectious and contagious transferrable sickness. There are two types of leprosy: Physical and spiritual. The physical characteristics include: open sores, unpleasant, detest and public misfit. He stings and despised. Spiritually, he could be a moving corpse: living, walking, talking but blind and dead in spirit. He possesses evil thoughts and dirty conscience, practices legality without morality. A leper is regarded as a nobody; has no life, no personality or credentials. Racism is a societal leprosy. A Racist has a spiritual sickness and does not know God. What God made and declared beautiful and very good, He/she devalues and demeans God’s creation. He’s hateful and hurtful and dead in trespasses and iniquities.

This leper must have searched for help in many quarters. He must have suffered shame, reproach and rejections. As a public misfit carrying sores on his body, he stings and nobody likes to associate with him. In those days, he had to notify and warn people of his passing by carrying a bell or gong or clapper which also attracts attention for charity –begging for alms. Everyone, even the closest relations isolates and despises him. Yet this reject knew he had a problem and sort for help. He carried his dreaded sickness, stinginess and life determined burden to Jesus. He did not mind what people would say. He did not care whether he stings or irritates; how he looked and what he put on. The leper came to Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, the source of life, seed of David, Light of the world, King of kings and Lord of lords. He is also our sanctifier, sufficiency and fulfillment. He carried his sinfulness to the world Redeemer, our Savior, the Messiah, the great Physician and Healer, Jewish Teacher and Galilean Priest for cleansing, sanctification, purification and healing. He must have said to himself, even though I’m a leper [disabled], I can cry for help. I have heard this man called Jesus healed many people of sickness and cast out demons; it’s my time to walk to Him and obtain healing. I do not loose anything for asking. Today, Jesus shall answer me. I have to cease the moment and shall not miss this chance.

He walked to Jesus, kneeled down, worshiped Him and begged for help. I’m a reject but I need help. I ‘m a sinner but can’t help myself. I have been despised by men but not God. This leper was earnest and desperate, yet humble and submissive. He implored Jesus, if you are willing [if it pleases you] – the Lord of life, show me mercy; look upon me with pity. I have no other help but you. Kindly make me clean. He was specific, concise and personal. Jesus filled with compassion and pity reached out and touched him. Jesus filled with holy anger felt the passion of what he must have suffered and how the sickness of leprosy had tormented God’s creation of whom He came to safe. He quickly reached out his hand and touched him. By implication Jesus behavior meant, I have the authority and I want to; it’s my pleasure and my Father’s will. I came to give life even more abundantly; I will, so be clean. Instantly the disease left him and he was cleaned. Jesus turned a leper that had no life, no hope, and no future and a nobody to somebody; a sinner became a saint and a public reject become acceptable/desirable person. This is what only God can do.

People went to Jesus as He preached in the synagogues throughout Galilee and obtain healings and deliverances from their sickness and evil possession. That same Jesus is alive today and in the midst of His worshipping people. The challenge before everyone in our daily Christian walk with Jesus is: why are we worshiping Jesus? Why are we looking for Him? What would we want Jesus to do for us? You have wandered everywhere with your plagues and life determined sickness; now sick of medical experts and facilities. However you’re welcome today to the spiritual hospital where Jesus is the Chief Physician and Healer; He does not only cure but heals without side effect. Your recovery is instant and from despised you become the desired. Here God shows His creation mercy and compassion. He does not check your past failures or criminal records because He knows all have sinned and even when we try to be clean, our cleanliness is like filthy rags. But God is rich in mercy and while we did not know Him, Christ died for us. It does not matter what kind of reproach, shame and disappointments, failures and distresses or difficulties you have been pedaling; what your medical records say and how long the pains had persisted –sickness, divorce, lost of job, disappointments, neglects; un-forgiveness, jealousy, selfishness and chronic pains, etc. It does not depend on who had abandoned you –your spouse, children, close relatives and even trusted friends had made mockery of you.

Today is a new day, a new era, a new dawn and a season of God’s favor; the power of God is here to heal. Jesus is present and His presence brings His glory, uncommon gifts and His interventions and deliverances. He has promised to do a new thing. He invites you to come unto Him those who have heavy burdens of life and He will grant you rest and peace [Matthew 11:28]. Jesus is the author of life and He will restore and fulfill you. He is the Lord that heals and will not cast you away. Your spouse may have rejected you; parents deny you and children abandoned you but Jesus is saying come unto me; ask anything in my name and I will do it. The leper heeds to the call of Jesus and he was healed. Today God is calling you to accept His free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus. “I tell you the truth: no one can begin to enjoy the benefit of the kingdom of God except he/she is born again” [John3:2; Romans 10:9-10].

A person is born physically of human parents but is born spiritually by putting faith in Jesus Christ. Not every human being created by God is a child of God. You choose to be a child of God by coming to Jesus Christ in faith; trusting God for sending us His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world; His provision for our sin offering. Jesus became our Savior and Redeemer through His death and resurrection. Today you have the opportunity to accept Jesus’ finished work on the Cross and He will become your new Master and the Lord of your life. By so doing you make God, the Father Almighty, your Father, Jesus Christ your Lord, Savior and Redeemer, the Holy Spirit your comforter; while other Christians become your brothers and sisters. Jesus warned the leper after healing not to tell anybody but he could not hold the joy and excitement. He started telling people: I came to Jesus a nobody but He made me somebody, I came as a leper and He made me admirable personality. I came a sinner and Jesus turned me into a saint, a slave and He turned me into a freeborn, I came sick and made me well. The place was jammed parked such that Jesus couldn’t minister again. You may have come here this day as an ordinary person but Jesus shall make you extraordinary; as one death in trespasses but will return home saved. What is your testimony?

What has Jesus done for you since you came to Him? Has Jesus not done anything to you that’s worth His praise and worship? Have you told somebody about Jesus since you became a Christian? Do not forget that you became a Christian through the testimony and confession of somebody. If you’ve found Christ, have been healed or delivered of demons, have you told anybody about God’s goodness and compassion in your life? The Church will not be filled until we tell someone about the love and mercy of Christ. Many are waiting to come to Christ through our witnesses, testimonies, lifestyles and show of love of Christ in us. If a leper [public reject] could come to Jesus and obtain favor, mercy and healing, what has happened to you, child of God? Let the word you have heard today clean and challenge you to a better relationship with God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is already present here and reminds us again; ask anything in my name, I will do it.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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