CONVENANT RESPONSIBILITY

WHAT IS COVENANT: Hebrew term for covenant is ‘berith’ meaning agreement and arrangement. Simply defined covenant means an agreement or a promise. It could be liken to a contract made between two people. New world Encyclopedia, wrote, a covenant is a legal and/ or religiously binding agreement between two or more parties based on a promise [or promises] made. The biblical covenants imply God’s concern and unconditional compassion for humanity and are often tied to the idea of faith, obedience and a chosen people or elected group. It is of great significant in the self consciousness of Abrahamic religious of Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Covenants have legal contractual conditions:

–          Property right, time limit, curse or penalty for breaking the covenant; responsibility or duty imposed; renewal options; intermarriage requirements, any other conditions suitable to the covenanting parties.

–          Have witness [or witnesses], symbols to mark and commemorate covenant such as ritual meal, use of salt or blood; determines which portion of the sacrificial animal go to which participants as they ratify the agreement.

God covenant was with Israel.

God began to work out the salvation of His people in the nation of Israel in the Old Testament; not because Israel was righteous but God was and the nations were evil. This work of God culminates in the coming of Jesus the Messiah and His redemption of the people of God. That work of redemption God began with Abraham and his seed (Gen. 12). “Prof. David J. Engelsma writing on The covenant We are called to keep said, “The covenant of God with His people is a unique relationship of intimate fellowship in mutual love. That was the covenant announced to Adam and Eve in the garden immediately after the fall. That was the covenant established with Abraham. That was the covenant as administered to Israel even though the covenant with Israel was burdened with law. This is the nature of the perfect form of the covenant with believers and our children in the present, gospel age.”

The covenant history of the Old Testament has Jesus Christ as its goal; so Jesus came into the world to fulfill the covenant and on behalf of the covenant. Even at the birth of John, the father Zacharias prophesied and explained the coming of Jesus Christ (Read Luke 1:70-74). The entire work of Jesus Christ is making the covenant – the New Covenant with the elect Church and each member in particular. This was explained in Hebrews 8:6-13 as promised in Jeremiah 33:31-34. By Christ atoning and sacrificial death, He opened the way for His people to receive the covenant. By His Spirit and Word, Jesus established the covenant with individual of His people. Little Surprised the writer of Hebrews gives Jesus the title, the mediator of the covenant [Hebrews 8:6]. The truth of God’s covenant with His people was announced in Eden, established with Abraham and perfected by Jesus Christ.

The Israel of the New Covenant is those who become children of God through Jesus Christ. Modern Israel constitutes the Children of Abraham; those who do the works of Abraham and hear God’s words (John 8:39-47). These are not the physical descendants who are children but Spiritual descendants. The children of promise are counted as seed (Rom. 9:6-8; Gal. 3:7]. Each child is grafted on to the tree of Israel because the promise belongs to Israel (Rom 11:17; Eph 2:12]. The children who comprise Israel today are the Church (Rom 4:14, 17; 11:17; John 8:39-47; Gal 3:26-28; 6:16).

Who are these people?  Read 1 John 5:1-5 explains:

  • have repented
  • been Baptized
  • received the Holy Spirit
  • Worship the One true God
  • Obey His commandment and
  • Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God whom He sent [John 17:3].

Responsibility: The covenant consists of two unchangeable elements. There are:

  1. Obedience to God’s will – “walking before me and be blameless” [Gen 12:1; 17:1; 26:5].God’s love is only available on a continuing basis to those who keep the covenant (Ps. 103:17-18; Ps 25:10) God will receive all who repent and their sins will be forgiven.
  2. God’s promises.

*Abraham‘s descendants would be multiplied greatly (Gen 12:2; 17:5-6; 22:17)

* God would bless Abraham and make his name great (Gen 12:2; 17:6)

*Through Abraham all nations would be blessed (Gen 12:3)

* They would receive a blessed homeland forever (Gen 17:8).

The reason for implementing of the covenant is explained in (Deuteronomy 9:4-5).

1.      He will be their God and they would be His people.

2.      They shall be His special treasure or people above all people (ex.19:5;Duet. 4:29]

3.      They would be a holy, righteous people (Duet 6:25; 7:6; 10:15; 14:2, 21, 26:18-19; 32:9; 1 Kings 8:53; Ps 33:12; 135:4; Isaiah 41:8; 43:1; Jere. 10:16).

4.      They were to keep His commandments (Duet.26:18-19)

5.      God would give them a homeland forever (Duet. 4:1; 6:25; 8:7-10; 11:9-12; 30:20)

6.      God expected obedience which would bring blessing upon His people [Duet. 6:2-3, 24; Matt. 4: 4; 30:15-16; 19:20; 32:47 and Ps 119.

7.      Israel was to be example to all nations (Due 4:6-8; 26:19; Ps 67:1-3; 117:1-2).

8.      The period in the wilderness led by Angel of God was to humble them and test them (Josh 5:6-7).

9.      The commandments were to be kept. This is repeated again and again. We are to live by every word of God (Duet 30:15-20; 32:46-47; Matt. 4:4; John 14:15)

The New covenant: [Read Jeremiah 31:31-40; Ezekiel 11:19].

1.      The New covenant does not abolish the first rather it fulfills them [Matt. 5:17-20; Isa. 8:20; 2 Peter 1:19]. THE COVENANT OF God still stands and will be fulfilled. Heb. 8:6-10. The message Jeremiah brought was from the Lord’s and personal message of salvation for each believer.

2.      The old covenant was not faultless; thus the coming of the new covenant. (Jer. 31:33-34); be written on the hearts and the minds of the people so that the law can be kept by the people without assistance and without fault.

3.      Obedience would bring blessings. Christians are to live by every word of God.  [Matt. 4:4]. They are to keep the commandments. John 14:15 – “If you love me, you will keep my comments.” It is the Saints who keep the commandments of God [Rev. 12:17; 14:12].

4.      They will be a blessing to the nations. Salvation will come to all people through the example and teaching of God’s people who preach the truth (Acts 10:34-35; 13:46-47; Matt.5:14). God is not respecter of persons –every one who fears Him and lives by His word is acceptable to Him and we are to be the light of the world.

5.      Christ tests the faithfulness of Christians [Rom 8:27; Rev. 2:23]. Our faith is tested by fire; we are to be holy [1 Peter 1:15-16; 4:17; Heb. 12:1-10].

6.      We are to keep the law; the whole law [James 1:25; 2:8-12; Matt. 5:17-18; Acts 24:4; Rom. 2:13; 3:31; 7:12]

7.      If we keep our own part of the agreement, we will reap the benefits that       flow with God keeping His. He promised good health Ex.15:26; prosperity Mal 3:8-12; Children Ps. 127:3-5; Security Ps.46 and many other blessings beside eternal life John 17:1-3; Rom. 6:23.

8.      Proclaim God’s praises [1 Peter 2:9]. The responsibility of God’s special people is to proclaim – to show forth the praises of Him who has called us. Proclaiming is accomplished through speech and conduct; through faithful obedience – Duet 7:11.

9.      Be a Special treasure unto God; same with being holy [1 Peter 1:13-16]. God emphasized special treasure to impress us with the magnitude of His blessing in making us special. God’s peculiar treasure shows the tremendous blessing that we have; open door to knowledge of God, faith, forgiveness and His Holy Spirit.

10.  God will always remember His covenant; He’s jealous and does not want His name to be profaned in any way [Lev. 26:25; Exodus 20:7. God will punish Israel for failure to live up to her responsibilities within the covenant.


Prepared and presented by Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill, Weefree Ministries at 6pm on April 15, 2011 at the 2nd Bible Study Forum, Altar Church of Christ, 13483 Belliare blvd ste 10, Houston, Texas 77083.



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