The topic suggests that we have authority over the morning as well as the day. Many believers wonder how to command the morning since its activities are determined by the times and season of the upper atmosphere. It’s true that God created heaven and earth and commanded man to have dominion over all his creation. It’s also right that every man’s mountain is his ignorance. Dr. D. K. Olukoya wrote in Command the Morning that knowledge empowers you to possess your possessions. When you become knowledgeable in the deep things of God, you become too hot for the devil to touch or handle. The scripture says, my people perish for lack of knowledge……… [Hosea 4:6]. Knowledge equips you to experience dominion and the secret to reign in life. The discovery of the secret things ushers us in new dimension for our spiritual life. God made man to have dominion over the works of his hand. By so doing, God had put all things under our control [Psalms 8:6]. As children of God we have been empowered to exercise control and authority over the sun, the moon and the stars as well as the hosts of heaven. Little surprise that God questioned Job: have you commanded the morning since your day began and shown the dawn its place that light may hold the corners of the earth and shake darkness [wickedness] out of it? The light of the day is too bright for the wicked and restrains them from doing violence [Job 38:12-13, 15]. The king of knowledge opined that death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof [Proverbs 18:21]. By this question God told Job to stop complaining, justifying yourself and explaining his circumstances. But speak the word, order what he wants and declares good things for him.

Job like many of us knew God had given us authority over all his creation but had no knowledge that we could command the works of God’s hand including morning and they obey us. This passage implies that morning has ears and can hear and take orders from a covenant person. The morning or night can hear both positive and negative orders and respond accordingly. It depends on what we say to them. Whatever a man thinks in his mind he speaks; whatever we say or order the morning obeys. Christians should know that the morning can be commanded. Man has authority to declare or order the day and night; tell them what he desires and put them in their proper place. We can exercise dominion over our mornings; declare good things and silence wickedness in high and low places. The scripture says, “Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you” [Luke 10:19]. Apostle Paul wrote to the saints of the Church in Ephesus, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” [Ephesians 6:12]. Surprisingly, human beings do not understand how to handle the commands of God. We neither know the deep things of God nor how to use it to our advantage. However due to ignorance on the part of man, Satan and its demonic agents have overtaken and can capture anything they want and use them to intimidate and hurt mankind.

What happens to us in the course of the day depend largely on the command we issue in the morning. We have been empowered to have dominion over every work of creation and to rule over forces of nature and spirits. This includes dominion over all elements in the heavenlies and the spirits that rule them. God made two great lights, the greater lights rules the day while the lesser lights rules the night [Gen. 1:15-18]. These lights play crucial role in the life of man; the life and growth of everything on earth is connected to them. They also bring forth God’s glory. Psalm 121:6 says the sun shall not smite us by day or the moon by night. Whatever we desire we should declare it according to what the scripture says. God’s word says God cannot lie and He’s an unchangeable changer. If we believe and say God’s word we have put God on the line to fulfill his word and validate his claim. Elizabeth said, “And blessed is she that believed for there shall be a fulfillment of the things which were told her from the Lord.” [Luke 1:45]. Faith in God’s word makes everything possible; provokes the greater one in us to battle as well as draws the Almighty himself to the battle line in other to bring victory to the believer. Faith comes by hearing the word of God but is released by conviction, confession and action. We have the same spirit of faith as it is written, I believe and therefore have spoken so speak if you believe and desire victory. [2 Corinth 4:13]. Faith is released through speaking and victory is tied to your faith, therefore victory is tied to speaking. Every mountain is leveled at the release of faith through speaking.

Writing on the Tongue: Destiny Moulder, Pastor Jude Chukwumaife said, “The Mountain is only removed when you do not doubt. To doubt is to weaver between two opinions. You will have what you say. The tongue is a creative apparatus; use it to create good things in your life.” He added, do not try to make people understand your problem; for you do not have any problem. Jesus solved all your problems on the cross. Jesus said on the cross it’s finished. The work for our victory is completed. Just understand that God’s ways are higher than our ways; we obtain higher results when we operate at his level. Just say what God says as a healing to your circumstances. Stop explaining God’s ways or try to sound reasonable. Learn to talk your desires not your circumstances. God confirms what you say, believing from your heart. You are the architect of your destiny. The Bible says, “Say unto them, as truly as I live, says the Lord as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you” [.Numbers 14:28]. Do not loose sight of what God says, whatever comes out of your mouth God will do it. Proverbs 6:2 says, “Thou are snare with the words of your mouth, thou are released with the words of your mouth.” God is faithful and will always keep his promises. Whatever God hears you say that’s what he will do. Stop confessing lacks, sickness or what you’re going through. You should use your tongue to create wealth and good health. It does not matter the names the doctors have given the sickness. Many of us believe doctors reports and news reports than we believe God’s word. 1 Samuel 2:3 says, ‘Stop loud boasting and do not let proud words come from your mouth; for the lord is God of knowledge and by him actions are weighed.’ When you say bad things about yourself whether it’s from the heart or not, God confirms it. So be careful of what you speak.

The demons have a field day on you if they know you’re ignorance of your divine powers and authority. They size and sip you around using their manipulations and deceitful weapons to dispossess or create alternative weapons to attack man. Many Christians do not believe in the existence of Satan. They live in denial of the works of Satan. That’s what the enemies want them to believe that he does not exist; if he exists, he’s not harmful. If you wake up in the morning and dash out of the house without commanding the morning, you’re no doubt accepting what the demons prayed in their wicked midnight meeting concerning you. As you wake up in the morning declare you will have wonderful a day and command God’s favor to shield you. May no drunk driver run into you or stray bullet come your way. Order on your children God’s wisdom, obedience and proper conduct. Pray against demonic attack at school, cover them with the blood of Jesus and surround them with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Lift their teachers in prayers; cancel the spirit of bias and prejudice and pray for soundness of mind. The tongue is a war instrument. Use it and believe it to work. In God’s principles we do not war with weapons: gun, knives, daggers or even hands but with our tongues. Jesus said, “For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist” [Luke 21:15]. Jeremiah 5:4 says …….behold I will make my word in thy mouth fire and this people wood and it shall devour them. We overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and by the words of their testimony [Rev 12:11]. We must abide in Christ and let his word abide richly in us. The more of God’s word we store up in our hearts, the more power we posses to command the morning. With Christ in us, we have power over the heavenlies; then release them in faith and obtain results.

Jesus had the practice of starting each day with an early morning prayers. Even as the Son of God He recognized each day a great privilege and precious gift from His Daddy. He acknowledged this uncommon favor of God and appreciated it. He ceased the opportunity of the new dawn to glorify God and obtained permission to command the morning. His prayers usually obtained results and were different from the prayers that his disciples said. They said the prayers John’s disciples taught them. The prayers said before Christ came. Many Christians today still say the prayers David and Elijah and Amos and so on said, as if the death and resurrection of Christ was of no effect. His disciples became concern: the prayers of Jesus, our master obtained results and ours do not. One day, after a session of prayers with his disciples one of them asked him: Lord, teach us how to pray your type of prayer [Luke 11:2ff]. Teach us how to obtain result in prayer. Teach us how to command the morning and the day; how to speak and the whole creation listen as well as obey. Your prayers brought dominion; even the demons, waves and storms as well as the waters obey. Your prayers reveal the source of your power. Jesus taught them: Our Father who art in heaven, hallow be thy name, thy kingdom came……….give us this day our daily bread [vs. 3]. Food, strength, power, thoughtfulness and burden enough for each day. Jesus added, ‘Forgive us our sins….lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil….’[vs. 4]. These daily affirmations cannot work until you command them into action.

When you understand who you are and realize where you are: a beloved child of God, a redeemed of the Lord, delivered from darkness into Spiritual light, a coheir with Jesus and bearer of Gospel News. You are in the world, a hostile environment and a domain of the evil one; domiciled by wicked men and Spirit, some seen and many other unseen. You are at the fore front or battle line. We battle daily with the unseen in spiritual reign. You can not afford to lousy and nonchalant in the thing that pertain to life or death. Many who slept in the grave did not meet their destiny. They died before their time. Much misbehavior we noticed in our children and we subscribe to the medical names and treatments are pure Spiritual attacks that have no medical answers. Many of the problems we encounter during the day could be averted if only we command our morning. The devils know how important our mornings are that he often introduced distraction against it. Be reminded that the morning is the beginning of the day and of life. Therefore learn to command your morning and you will get what you speak.

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill can be reached by

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