“At the fullness of the time, God sent His son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law that we might receive full rights of sonship (Gal.4:4-5). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in His, shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Inspired by the above two passages, let me bring you special greetings and good news of great joy that will be for all the people (Luke 2:10). For unto us this day in the city of David a Savior is born who is Christ the Lord (Isaiah 9:6; Luke 2:11) and we shall call His name Immanuel translated “God with us” (Matt. 1:23). The word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory (John 1:14) for in Him dwells all fullness of the God-head bodily (Col. 2:9) and that in Him, in all things He may have the preeminence (Col. 1:18).


WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? Christmas may mean so many things to so many people. To some it is a demonic festival/holiday and others a time to have fun-extraordinary. Permit me to say that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God and Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6) It just happened about 2000 years ago on whatever date – December 25, October 18, April, 20, a Savior, Jesus – the Christ was born. The date is incidental but at a point in history, the Son of God, Jesus Christ did enter this world.

The season always brings with it certain fanfare and excitement. It is celebrated during the harmattan season in equatorial region though it is universally observed during the same period. As part of the festivities marking Christmas, shops are decorated with gift items, newspapers and television stations announce its arrival with fanfare while Christmas music and songs fill the air. Get-togethers, banquets and family get-to-gether and meetings and host of other activities are organized to mark the season. But surprisingly many do not know why they celebrate Christmas. Even those who probably claim to know are often carried away by the associated activities thereby missing the mark – celebrating Christmas without Christ.


WHY CHRISTMAS? For the son of man came to seek and save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). God sent His son to earth so that He would not have to send us all to hell (John 3:16). The scripture teaches that God created man in His own image and he became a living soul; allowed him freedom of choice and a will of his own, resided at the Garden of Eden and given dominion over all living things. Man disobeyed God, deformed by sin and fell from grace.


Consequently man lost his home and place and was condemned to death for the wages of sin is death (Rom.6:23) and all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom.3:23). Man needed a transformation in his wrecked, blinded, lost, depraved and helpless state. God motivated by His great love for all His children decided to humble Himself and come to this world in the flesh, blood and in the likeness of man (Phil. 2:7) an infant, in the person of Jesus Christ. He grew up, suffered pains and persecution and experienced what it was to live in the world. He came as a substitute, became one of us, lived the perfect and righteous life we could not live and died a sinless death in our place thereby granting us salvation, eternal life and reconciliation with the Father.


For this reason God gave Him a name JESUS (meaning Savior) for He will save His people from their sins (Mark 1:23). Also Acts 4:12 reads “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved” Not surprising it is said while “salvation from ignorance needs man’s help, salvation from hell/sin needs only God”.


Second, centuries before the birth of Christ, God had promised the Israelites His continuous presence with them, even in judgment (Isaiah 8:8-10). This He revealed to them through various prophets. The Israelites were afraid of God’s awesomeness and presence. So it was a relief that centuries after, an angel of the Lord announced to the shepherds “For there’s born to you …….. a savior who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11). Christ birth brought the infinite God to the reach of ordinary/finite persons.


For man, the birth of Christ became the greatest single event in the history of the world. The birth of Christ ushered in the new dispensation, a new plan of salvation for mankind, a new means of reconciliation for a fallen man to return to God, his creator. Man now had a savior who will die in his place. What a love! Yet many a man does not still know who the savior is. Those who usually share in ones birthday are his friends and well wishers. Can you be called Jesus friend? Do you know Him such that you want to share in His cause, mission and death?


CHRISTMAS TODAY: Today as we join Christians worldwide to celebrate Christmas, do we know Jesus Christ personally as Lord and Savior of mankind. Does the news of the birth of Christ gladden our hearts?

In the world full of war, fear, despair and uncertainty, Christ’s birth brings dazzling rays of certainty and everlasting hope. Jesus came to bring salvation to mankind. He’s still the same today, the unchangeable changer. No matter your age, whatever situation you may find yourself, Jesus gives certainty, assurance, hope, victory and drives out fears, doubt and despair. Jesus brings unshakable assurance (Heb. 6:19).

Brethren as we celebrate Christmas, we should reflect on God’s great gift to all. Think about how He became man so that you and I could reach, talk to him and feel His presence. Jesus is still available for us today. Do not be deceived by the cultural and commercialized influence of Christmas season or in the vague good wishes and temporary cheers and love expressed (you can not give what you do not have). Christmas, is not a time for shopping spree, show of affluence and materialism. Neither it is a time to get drunk, involve in do-or-die pursuit of riches or other vices that just arouse warm feelings.


Christmas is a time for sober reflection over wrecked and sinful life, accepting God’s free gift of love – Jesus Christ, the Lord; for love came down at Xmas. It is a time to worship the Lord and mention His grace to other people – making discipleship. It is a time to thank God for His love to mankind and make wise giving to Him, His servants and sharing with others especially the haves-not or less privileged.


Finally, every happy family enjoys staying together, sharing fellowship with your family members and with members of household of faith. It could also afford us the privileged to extend gifts to our parents and loved ones. Being a holiday period, we are encouraged to attend crusades, retreats and of course, developmental meetings of family unions – Go as light and shine among them like beacon and through you God will be glorified.


Come let us bow down and worship Jesus, the Lord. Wishing you the best of Christmas-tide.






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