From time immemorial people have been called to serve nations, communities and God’s Kingdom as leaders: Presidents, Senators, Ambassadors, and Principals of schools, Community Chiefs, Soldiers, Judges, as well as Priest, Imam etc. They served in various capacities and at different times in history. In God’s Kingdom we have principally five-fold ministries namely: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. [Ephesians 4:11]. Apart from these five, we also have Elders, Deacons, leaders of men and women groups, leaders and mentors of youths and children ministries. We have Choir or Worship/Praise Directors, Prayer Band leaders; Church Administrators, Counselors, Sanctuary Managers, Greeters, Chaperons etc. Even in this era God still call and depend on people to lead, serve and care; fulfill His purposes in our world.

The book of Genesis said God called Moses, a shepherd boy and turned him into a national leader [Exodus 3:4]. At different times and age, God called Noah to build and lead certain groups of living things into an Ark when He was about to destroy the earth with flood [Genesis 7:1]. At the age of 75, God called Abraham out of the city of Haran, his father’s own country into unknown but Promised Land [Genesis 12: 1; Hebrew 11:8]. That same God of creation, called Joshua after the death of Moses to lead the children of Israel across the Jordan into Canaan [Joshua 1:1-2]. He called the boy Samuel who was Priest Eli’s apprentice into national service as the next named prophet after Joshua [1 Samuel 3; Judges 6:7]. The Jehovah God chose Saul, son of Kish, David, son of Jesse and Solomon son of King David as kings over Israel at various times. He chose Esther, Ruth, Rehab, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary, mother of Jesus and other women of faith to serve and fulfill His Purposes.

This day, in this era; I want to bring you Good News: God has called you into His vineyard for a purpose: to worship and serve Him. Therefore, rejoice and be thankful for God has not forsaken you. He has called you out of darkness into glorious Spiritual light; to show you the exceeding riches of His glory and grace. For this reason He saved you by His grace through faith and made you a workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works. God is always looking for whom to send? Who will go? He’s always looking for people who are willing to answer His calls without asking why? He searches for those who will obey without knowing outcome; those who will honor God enough to not only hear His voice but do it. God is still looking for those who will worship Him for who He is even when they feel less of Him yet believe He’s present; those who will stand in their duty post doing just what He called them to do. They do their part and trust God will use others people to meet the common goals since He sees the bigger picture of where we are coming from and where we are going.

In the Gospel of Luke, God called a man called Zachariah from the course of Abia, when Harold was the King of Israel. His wife Elizabeth was the daughter of Aaron, the priest [Luke 1:5].

Here are some notable character this couple possessed and the disability they suffered:

*They were both righteous before God;

 *walked in obedience to all the commandment and ordinances of God;

*were blameless;

*but had no child; *because Elizabeth was barren; *they were advanced and stricken in age.

But, is an antonym which means on the contrary or opposite; it could make one to be ridiculed by others, mocked for being a reversal of what you were created to be. The God of the universe is the one who blesses and enriches; He also fulfils and satisfies. His promise is that He will bless anyone who honors and serves Him diligently. His blessings include fruitfulness and multiplication.  But, could be anything that God did not create in you but the enemy had deposited in you that does not give glory to God. It could be stain, dainty or tint. But, could be what you are suffering, inglorious habit or behaviors; laziness, procrastinations and double-minded spirit, etc. It attracts a reproach, shame and could make you doubt your faith in God while your enemies ask you where your God is? You could begin to doubt how big your God is.  I therefore declare to you now that every ‘but’ in your life must die, in Jesus name, Amen.

 Zachariah and Elizabeth may have been ridiculed and mocked for trusting and serving God who had not blessed them with fruitfulness. They gossiped about their claims to be righteous, obedient and blameless before God. Why has God not shown favor unto them? Human beings always attribute sin as responsible to such situation. They blamed and mocked like the friends of Job. Others could doubt the powers and sufficiency of God to provide and sustain; His ability to answer prayers and supply our needs. Not withstanding, they can’t explain why it took Abraham twenty-five years to beget Isaac; why Joseph dream took him to the pit and the prison before reaching the place of actualization, the palace. However don’t forget that who ever mocks or laughs at you also laughs at the God that created you. Again God can do whatever He likes to met His purpose. Lastly God’s delay is neither denial nor refusal.

Yet Zachariah and the wife continued to serve God. He had a once in lifetime opportunity to offer incense at the Alter in an annual ceremony. During that service, an angel of God intercepted the worship and great fears gripped Zachariah. He became disturbed and troubled, confused and terrified. Today some Christians are terrified when there is an outpour or visible visitation of God’s Spirit in worship service. Unknown to many is the fact that the Church belongs to the Holy Spirit. His presence brings His uncommon presents and gifts. He makes Himself visible as a Helper, Counselor and advocate. He comes to inhabit praise; touch and change lives, release blessings, healings and take away sufferings. The angel said to Zachariah: do not be afraid, I’m a messenger from the throne of mercy; I came to take away your shame and reproach as well as every BUT in your life. I came to announced to you that God has remembered you and your wife, even in this later stage of your life; to bring you amazing, unbelievable and uncommon answer to your years of prayers. Your wife, Elizabeth will bear you a son and you shall name him, John. [Luke 1:13]. Every BUT in your life even as you read this piece will disappear and be removed by fire in Jesus name, Amen.

I bring to your attention that King David was a man after God’s own heart but a adulterer and murderer. Moses was the most compassionate leader and servant of God in the scriptures but a murderer. Solomon was the most glorious, celebrated king in Israel but an idolater. Hannah was a admirable and wonderful wife of Elkanah but had no child because God shut up her womb [1 Samuel 1:2,5]. Naaman was a captain of host of the king of Syria, a great man, honorable who brought deliverance unto Syria and a mighty man of valor but a leper[2 kings 5:1ff]. Jeph’thah of Gilead was a mighty man of valor but the son of a harlot [Judges 11:1ff]. Joseph said to his brothers: you thought evil against me but God meant it unto good …… [Genesis 50:20]. Yee shall be the salt of the earth but if the salt has lost it savor wherewith shall it be salted? [Matthew 5:13]. Jesus warned: but many that are first shall be the last and the last first [Mark 10:31].

What is that But in your life? This young girl is beautiful and well behaved but her background is cursed; combines brain and elegance but a prostitute. The couple next door is adorable, admirable and cute but has no child.  The young man is handsome but loves everything in skirt. That man is well read and has wonderful disposition but cannot keep a job. That dude is academically sound but somehow short of common sense. He is a law maker but alleged to solicit sex in public restroom. He is a leader and husband but had inappropriate relationship with a hooker. He is a talented player but organized a dog fight. She is a housewife and mother of three but a brawling woman. He is a diligent public servant but is fraudulent and receives bribe for doing his job. She comes from a rich family and well read but his father was imprisoned for robbery. That boy is in twelve grade and very brilliant but very disrespectful. The workman is very skillful but lazy, lair and full of stories. We all have unpleasant buts’ in our lives but the difference is the magnitude and our response to them. Some celebrate their weaknesses, give them sweet names and somehow treat them as they do not exist. Others, who are conscious of theirs, expect you to accept and tolerate them. They think it does not matter. The truth about life is whatever God did not create in you is foreign and can be kicked away. And God saw everything He had made and behold it was very good [Genesis 1:31].  The grace of God allows us to confess and repent of our sinfulness and our faithful and merciful God will forgive and restore us. This provision is available to everyone who believes. Therefore grab it and use it while it last.

This season the Lord has found favor with you and you will never be the same again. He has remembered you and taken away roadblocks and hindrances on your way. He will bring to pass your desires, heart cry and expectations. God will compensate you this season for your past failures, losses, delays, defeats, disappointments and betrayals. All your past disappointment, pains and even pleasure are only a tiny faction of your God ordained greatness on earth.  When you are down to nothing and have nowhere to run to because you didn’t get what you wanted, be joyful because God is up to some thing; He has a better alternative; something that will change your prospective.. As a matter of fact disappointments are like road bump; they slow you down a little bit but the moment you drive past that area, you enjoy a smooth drive again. God is never late and always on time but knows that His time is different from our time. However all things [whether good or bad] work together for good to them that love God; to them called according to His purpose [Romans 8:28]. God is turning around everything to your favor.

When God remembers you those your enemies that mocked and laugh at you will turn around to laugh and rejoice with you. For with God, nothing is impossible [Luke 1:37].What God did to Elizabeth and Zachariah that same God did it for Hannah and Sarah and can do it again? He can heal all your diseases without side effects. He can provide you with good jobs, academic excellence, admission into college, business connections and breakthroughs. Your dumb founding miracle will surprise you, friends and even enemies; they shall have no other choice than to celebrate you .This is your season of refreshment and compensation. “Blessed is one who believe that the Lord will do whatever he promised” [Luke 1:45].

Hear now this good news: there’s another positive ‘but’ that has rescue us from the former, “But God who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith he loved us”[Ephesians 2:4]; not because of what we have done or not done. This is the grace of God. He has turned our mockery into laughter; our weakness into strength and our poverty into riches.  He will turn our situations around, and every overdue blessing shall begin to find us by fire. The Lord shall amaze us with surprises by fire now in Jesus name. Therefore, we reject and resist all satanic agenda to pull us down in Jesus name. We paralyze every satanic gang up to disgrace us, our families and ministries; frustrate every spirit of demon/ agent of demotion. Lord when Joseph was wrongly accused or when Daniel was set up you turned them into promotions. Lord, do same to my life now in Jesus name. I reject every demotion arrow. Lord open door of mercies and favor in my life, family and ministry and turn around everything that comes my way into uncommon favor and blessing, Amen.


Reach Evangelist Ogbonnaya Godswill at: weefreeministries@yahoo.com  Box 720035, Houston, TX, 77272.





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