It does not make natural sense to believe that God exist; He has no beginning or end. He’s all powerful and all knowledgeable. You may say, I have tried talking to him a couple of times but He did not answer. If He’s as powerful and present as he claimed to be, why did he not answered me? Am I alone in this experience? Do you think the stories of creation are not made up: God spoke words and the whole creation came into being out of nothing? Moses lifted his staff and the Red Sea divided into two. Elijah called on God and fire came from heaven to consume the sacrifice he made to the God of heaven. If it does not make natural sense, you’re right. Only in the supernatural could these mysteries happen. Supernatural occurrences do not make sense to the natural minds.

Do you believe mankind was created in the image of God? Then why does man sin and God does not? He’s perfect in all his ways and live in righteousness. A theologian opined, “We sin because we are sinners.” What does that mean? Is anything about God evidence in man? Science teaches that the world just evolved from nothing and man from ape; man is also a mammal. A school of thought believes God is a Spirit; is either a man or a woman. God could be addressed as he or she. How true is the concept that the Spirit of God is an influence not a person? Trinity is an illusion not a mystery. Do we believe that marriage is a union of two persons notwithstanding the sexes and it no longer has authority figure as a head since both are equal partners. Whoever bakes more bacon directs the affairs of the household. Could you believe that couples who swap partners at swingling clubs do not commit adultery? What should we believe? The answer is critical to our daily living and search for truth and absolutes in our world that has continued to witness dramatic drift in values and pursuits.

The issue of belief had bothered me a great deal in the past. Pastors often say ‘believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved’. I did not understand it because I thought people were lucky and naturally believing, while others didn’t. I pondered where belief came from, how it affects our faith in God and what powers belief commands in our affirmation in God. Many questions like these ones room my mind: how does one believe? Where did belief spring out from? Or is it hereditary? Could it be that we create belief in our minds or it’s an accident of nature. Each time, while trying to focus on one thing another zoomed into my thought. Both fought for space. Many Christians today still have similar quest. One can create a negative belief about God that does not make it right. God is not asking us to defend Him; He had already defended Himself in His Word, in creation and in His grace.

What’s and how we believe?

Belief could be defined as a conviction that certain things are right and true; to trust or have confidence on or to have faith. It could mean to be cleave to, welded to something, glue to it or changing to be like what you believe in. To belief in God could mean to be spiritually ready to cleave to God [John1:12]. What we believe about anything will determine our attitude towards it, radiate our feelings, direct our actions and in each instance cement our implicit trust and confidence. Shad Helmstetter, author of a book, “what to say when you talk to yourself” said, ‘belief does not require something to be true, but to believe that it’s true’.

When we begin to ponder on the depth questions of the genesis of life, our universe and who or what brought them into existence, we often wonder, could anything have come from nothing or vagueness? How was man created? Does man live after death? Perhaps we just found ourselves here to eat, live and pass, or has life any purpose and meaning? Is there any landmark anywhere to testify ownership of any kind? However ancient carvings and burial sites reveal that early man believed in deities and in life after death. Through these deities, they searched and longed for the greater force that controls the universe. There was no doubt that something or someone, somewhere was responsible for creation. It was this force that the deities reached out to, for his power and answer to their petitions. Today while some people believe in the existence of God and eternal life, others believe there’s no God, no purpose in life and no life after death [ Psalms 14:1].

Human beings obtain knowledge through our natural senses or by scientific discoveries. What we see, feel, taste and do help our knowledge. In these days of scientific discovery, we obtain knowledge through researches and experiments. For example, by tasting a fruit, we can say whether a fruit is sweet, sour or bitter. But by experiment, we learn how the air we inhale go through the body and turn into carbon dioxide we breathe out. What happens when the sun comes in contact with green leaves and what its result is? On the contrary, we believe in God through faith. We may have neither experiments nor experiences to show that God exist, but we believe in God or nothing. Some people think we come to God to believe; that is very erroneous and one reason why people never build faith or trust God. Rather we believe to come to God. To the world always looking for signs or evidence, ‘seeing is believing’; but to believers, ‘believing is seeing’. Indeed, we see what we belief. This may not make sense to you at first, but before you turn off the page, pause a bit, think about it and don’t be reluctant to challenge your preconceptions.

Faith in relation to belief:

To fully understand what belief is, it’s important you learn what faith is. Literally, faith could mean to trust and have unquestionable belief specifically in God; it connotes implicit trust and confidence or loyalty. Belief is a verb and faith is a noun. Faith is touchable, tangible, feel-able substance, or a thing that occupies the heart; something that has weight. Many people define faith differently. The bible says, ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen’ [Hebrews 11:1]. It gives reality or confidence in the mind for the things hoped for even though the evidence is not seen and it may make no sense to hold on to it. It causes a person to feel as if things were real and to act as if one actually saw and have them.

Faith is not a feeling; feelings and emotions change, but faith is a belief anchored on the Word of God. God’s Word says the same thing yesterday, today and forever [Heb.13:8]. It’s consistent, reliable, trusted and fulfilling. God is faithful and has never failed. Feelings are influenced by what we see, read or hear, but those things are temporary [2 Corth.4:18]. A man of faith walks with the eye of inner mind [eye of faith] rather than with the eye of sight. Apostle Paul reaffirmed this experience when he wrote, ‘we live by faith, not by sight’ [2 Corinth.5:7]. We are saved not because we feel saved but because we received, believed and acted on God’s word. We are healed because the word has pronounced us healed. We ask and receive because we claim in faith what God had provisioned for us [1John 3:22-23; 5:4-5].

However, on very practical bases, I wish to describe ‘faith as doing something because God [or the Word of God] ask me to do it’. It does not matter whether it makes no sense to me; all it calls for is simply obedience. The book of Hebrew says, ‘without faith it’s impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and He rewards those who earnestly seek Him’ [Heb.11: 6]. In effect, faith is confidence in God and doubt is the enemy of faith or faith in Satan. Some have confused faith with hope. Faith is present while hope is in future. When people ‘step out in faith’ they simply try something different, stake their chances without knowing the outcome. You may have no physical evidence of faith, but when your confidence is in God or Word of God, that is your evidence. The evidence for what you believe in is your faith in God’s Word. God is your witness, and will never lie or fail you. God has given each one a measure of faith; faith grows as one continually dwells [believe, receive, meditate, and confess] on God’s Word [Romans 10:17; 12:3]. When you hear or read the word and acts on it, you exercise faith; indeed that evidenced belief.

PART 11: Why do we believe?

Three [3] critical reasons why people should believe in God are: universe, chance [accident] and human beings.

i] Universe: The Church catechism teaches that the universe and all in it tells that there’s God. The Bible confirms that ‘the earth and everything in it belongs to God; the world and all who live in it is His [Psalm 24:1; Col.1:16; Rev.4:11]. He created the heavens and the earth, and rightly so has a legal claim over them [Genesis1:1ff]. Even though the earth is in rebellion against its Maker, because of its dominance by Satan and evil forces,

it’s nonetheless awaiting a clash with God’s expeditionary forces from heaven to dispose them. This constitutes the purpose of the second coming [2nd Advent] of Jesus Christ

[Acts 19:35; Jude 14, Matt13:39-50, Zech.14:1-4 & Rev.19:11-21]. Where there’s creation, there must be a creator. Consequently the creator had a purpose, a reason and a meaning for his creation. The best way to find why something was designed is to ask the designer.

ii] Chance or accident: The book of Genesis reveals that God created His creation in accordance with His plan and timing. He did this in six days and rested on the seventh day. Through Jeremiah, God reassured, ‘I know the plan I have for you, plans to prosper not to harm, plan to give hope and future’ [Genesis 1:31-2:1-3; Jeremiah 29:11ff]. If there was no plan, then everything would have been accident. The bible was careful to record that God saw what He created and it was very good [that is in compliance]. God showed satisfaction by blessing them. E.g. a Molecular biologist, Denton stated, ‘those who still dogmatically advocate that all these new realities are the result of pure chance are believing in a myth; everywhere and whatever depth we look, we find absolute elegance and ingenuity of an absolute transcending quality that militates against the idea of chance’[Watch Tower –‘What’s the Purpose of life’]. ‘All affairs on earth shall be regulated by various times upon ages’[Eph.2:7];‘God foreordained before the foundation of the world that all children of God to be adopted into His family but to become a child of God is left for each individual’[Eph.1:5]; “But when the time had fully come, God sent His son ,born of a woman, born under the law to redeem those under the law that we may receive the full right of sons”[Gal.4:4]. No mistake, no accident or coincident.

iii] Human beings: The scripture testifies in different books that God created mankind in His image and likeness and for His glory [Gen.1:27, 5:1-2; 1 Corth.11:7; Jas 3:9; Ps 103:14; Jere.1:5]. Saint Augustine emphasizing this truth, put it this way, ‘you have made us for yourself, oh Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in you’. We are therefore God’s children and not God’s accidents. We were fearfully and wonderfully made by God that we may live and enjoy life. Life has a meaning and purpose because it comes from God. Every house is built by someone, but God builds everything [Heb. 3:4]. God created all things by Christ Jesus [Gal.3: 9; John1:3]. Even when you do not see the Builder, that does not mean He does not exist [Exodus 33:20].

Problems of unbelief [or heresy]:Many Christians are troubled by doubts, skepticism of unbelievers, preconceptions, and perhaps wrong teachings. Evil and sufferings do raise difficult questions about the existence of God. However, when God allows believers pass through difficulties, there are for useful purposes. The bible says, ‘troubles produce patience [endurance], patience brings character [God’s approval] and character creates hope. This hope neither fail nor disappoint us, for God poured out His love into our hearts by means of the Holy Spirit; who is God’s gift to us’ [Rom.5:3-5;1Peter1:7-9]. He gives us the strength to persevere and carry us through trial times; even when we are knocked down, we rebound. Some people neither believe in God nor in the scriptures; while others claim to believe in God but disbelief the scripture. To them the Scripture is nothing but Hebrew literatures and not the word of God as claimed by Christians. They are entitled to believe in whatever they want, for unbelief is no excuse before God of all creation. It was to put off this doubt that John Calvin said ‘we owe to scripture the same reverence we owe to God’.

Writing to the Romans, Apostle Paul said, “The Creator’s invisible attributes–His eternal power and divine nature have been visible, ever since the world began for our understanding in the things he has made, so that men will have no excuse. Beware, the just shall live by faith” [Romans 1:17, 20]. He also wrote to the saints in Ephesus, ‘for by grace we are saved through faith and not of yourselves: it’s a gift of God, not of works, less any man should boast’ [Eph.2:8].

PART III: The Word and counterculture

Charles Colson writing on ‘Loving God’ opined that the twentieth century culture manifests a steady decline in biblical belief, because the prevailing attitude of the culture has thoroughly infiltrated the ranks of faith and belief. They go to Church Sunday after

Sunday but have not made commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ or believe in the supremacy of the scripture. They belong to the Church as well as members of some new

Eastern religions. On the other hand, the Church in loss of direction has continued to be liberal to accommodate the changing world. The Church was not called to shift her boundaries [ to mend the laws of God] to accommodate the world with its changing and manipulating culture but rather to shine as light in the midst of darkness and to bring out men from dark world into glorious light.

Christianity is not built around just high-sounding ritual performed on Sunday morning but by abiding on God’s holiness and to bring that holiness into the deceased society which we live. This is a tough assignment but that is exactly what following Christ entails. We are not asked to join them when we can not beat them. We are not in a rat race. Little wonder Jesus called His disciples, “salt and light” to season and shine. We are called to live according to God’s law and not men. Lowering God’s standards is unacceptable compromise and a punishable sin. You cannot serve two masters faithfully. It will be injustice to bend God’s standard to blend with man’s desire. The kingdom of God is seen in the lives of those whom God dwells in. As John Calvin said, it’s the first duty of Christians to make the invisible kingdom visible.

Unfortunately, these folks dismiss the scripture as ‘legends’ of unenlightened ancients and say it’s unbelievable for it does not make sense to natural minds and reason. Some believe the scriptures do not really matter, as long as you believe in something, that’s good and okay. They opine that the events of the scriptures are too ancient and irrelevant to the realities of present day world. These thoughts are linked to the concept of living under a new covenant, so they do not get involved with outdated laws of the Old Testament. They claimed that the scripture contradicts itself and hold different interpretations. But ‘If one does not believe, he shall not be established’ [Isaiah 7:9b].

These persuasions have influenced many Church folks to go along believing that the new covenant of God’s grace requires lesser holiness than the laws. But the truth is opposite; God’s grace demands tougher holiness than the laws. For example: murder under the law meant physical act but under the grace, its requirement goes beyond that to the thought of the mind – “if you hate [or angry with] your brother, you are a murderer”. The same applies to fornication too. “If you lust in your mind after a woman [or man] without the person knowing your thought, you have committed fornication” [Matt5: 21-27; I Jn3:15-17].On idolatry, if you love or put anything above or before God, you have committed idolatry. It could be lust, greed, covetousness or money, food, woman, drink etc. The three[3w] greatest weaknesses are: weed, wine and women.

Truth of the scriptures: The above excuses and claims do not change the truth of the scriptures; that the scripture is the Word of God and the Word of God is God [John1:1-14]. God spoke His Word to create the world and to transform His people. If God’s Word contradicts itself, it sadly means creation including mankind is a product of contradiction; for sure I am convinced we are not. The student edition of NIV had this in its commentary: an eight-year-old girl was asked why Jesus was called the Word, she responded, ‘Jesus is all God wanted to say to us’. Could you have expected any better response? God is still speaking through the mouth of infants and babies [Psalm 8:2].

Some of these people do not read the bible and if they do, it’s, without understanding. The word of God is eternal, it’s supernatural and beyond human comprehension. It’s relevant to all ages, but one needs the Holy Spirit inspiration to understand it. Time could pass, custom may change, but absolute truth remains; whether it’s believed or not. The scripture is the Word of God; does not contradict but compliments itself. Adding to it is as dangerous as taking away from it.’

While Saint Augustine was quoted to have written, ‘I have learnt to hold the scripture alone inerrant,’ Martin Luther also said ‘ the Word of God is greater than heaven and earth, yea, greater than death and hell, for it forms part of the power of God and endures everlastingly’. The word of God explains who God is, His ways, plans and purpose as well as His expectations. It was inspired by His Spirit and only through Him can we understand its messages. King David summed it up this way, ‘As for God, His way is

perfect; the Word of God is flawless’ [Psalm 18:30]. All who believes in God must believe in His Word, for to think otherwise amount to heresy or unbelief.

‘Just as it’s a good thing to remember but better thing to do’, so is it in hearing the word of God and doing it. Sunday after Sunday people hear from pulpits, some listen to radios, others watch televisions in the comfort of their homes, where God’s word is preached but neither belief nor attempt to do it. How then can God’s promise work in someone who does not believe or claim it? You can load the barrel of a gun but until you pull the trigger nothing happens. Many play asleep when it comes to doing the Word. What God requires from His followers is obedience, single-hearted, unwavering obedience and faith, no matter whatever – circumstances or outcome. One great blessing learnt from Jesus’ life is that you cannot separate being and doing.

PART IV: The Power of Faith and obedience

Going back to history, most great figures in the scripture died without seeing their dreams fulfilled or the promised they relied on, in their faith journeys [Heb.11:13]. For example: Moses died without reaching the Promised Land. Paul who expended his life building the early Church died seeing only a skeletal outpost along Mediterranean region crippled by fleshly indulgence or divided over doctrinal misconceptions. Colonial Pastor

Cotton Matter prayed for revival several hours a day for many years, but died as the momentum of the great revival began. All great giants of faith -William Wilberforce, John Calvin, Martin Luther as well as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and so on, died believing and hoping. This buttress the saying, “men died but their works live on.” Today, their works testify their belief and what they stood for.

We could condemn this pattern as cruel and unfair but before you do, we should know the will of God concerning this act. Did you know that even the Lord Jesus Christ had the same experience? He was a King that came to build His kingdom on earth. For about three years, He only laid the foundation with followers who did not even understand Him. He simply obeyed His Father, as He surrendered His life to the cross, paying the price of sin. The Spirit of the Father raised Him from death and took Him to Heaven, leaving His disciples to carry on what He had started – the new way. Think about our Christian Church founding fathers, many of them only sowed seeds, they neither knew who weeded nor saw the harvest. Today, many have been saved and the kingdom is spreading wider even to the uttermost part of the earth. Perhaps God understood how crazy we are over success that He held his glory to himself. He never allow us see or glory in what is done through us because we are only sent-forth.

As we look into the lives of these great oracles of God, we would realize that their deaths were their successes. They lived believing and acting obediently regardless of circumstances or outcome. If you were Abraham, how would you have felt, when God said, “your offspring’s shall be as many as the stars in heaven; for one who was so old and his wife had aged beyond fertility possibilities. But he believed God and was credited as righteousness”. Again God said, “Take your only beloved son and sacrifice him as a burnt offering.”[Genesis 15:5-6; 22:1-2]. God accepted Abraham not because of his perfect life but because of his responsiveness to God’s promises. When we sing the song ‘Abraham’s blessings are mine,’ would you live the life he lived? Similarly Job’s life illustrates the power of obedience and faith. Despite all he passed through, he anchored his faith and hope in God. In response to his unfair accusers, Job said ‘though he slays me, yet will I trust in Him’ [Job 13:15]. Before then Job had reacted to the news that his house collapsed on his children and all died, ‘Naked I was born and naked I shall depart; the Lord gives and the Lord takes, praise be His name’ [Job1:21]. Also when his wife asked Job to ‘curse God and die,’ Job responded ‘you are talking nonsense, like a foolish woman.’ Shall we accept and welcome good from God; then complain and grumble when He allows troubles to visit us? [Job 2:10]. Yet in all Job did not sin in what he said, but held God supreme. Beware, Satan always challenge real faith.

True faith is a gift from God and Jesus is a developer of faith Heb.12:2]. Faith is the servant of a believer [Luke 17:5-10], and makes one rest on the assurance that God is who He says He is. It was this assurance that compelled the twelve disciples to obedience as well as all who have come to the experiential knowledge of God through His son, Jesus Christ. Little wonder that Paul could say, “Nothing can separate us from the love of God”. Colson wrote on “Loving God” ‘Christian faith rest not on great teachings or on philosophies, not upon the charisma of a leader, not upon the success in raising moral values, not upon the skill or eloquence or good work of it advocates. If it did, it would have no more claims to authority than the saying of Confucius or Mao or Buddha or Muhammad or any of a thousand cults. It’s rest on obedience and faith’. He also quoted the German Pastor-Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a martyred in a Nazi concentration camp who once said, “Only he who believes is obedient, only he who is obedient believes.” He concluded obedience is the key to real faith-the unshakeable kind of faith”

Today, many believers constantly seek new demonstration of God’s power, miracles and signs and wonders to make them believe. This only leads to faith in God’s power and

miracles rather than on Almighty God; the same way some people put their faith on created things than they do on the Creator. They easily forget that God is an unchangeable changer. He does not change but changes lives, things, and situations. To love God is to obey Him or keep His commandments. To obey the commandments means we have to know the commandments. It’s the Word that teaches the do’s and don’ts of God [the ways of God], His promises and of course His expectations. It’s the power of God’s Word that changes people who believes and acts on it. For this reason James says, we are to be doers and not only hearers [James1:22; Rom.1:5; Heb11:8-10].

PART V- Word, obedience and faith

Most times Christians get engaged in so many activities and ignore the Word, its obedience and faith. The book of Samuel says, ‘obedience is better than sacrifice’ [1 Sam.15:22]. Even a gift presented to God in disobedience is an abomination. God demands undisputable, uncompromising obedience. This is not only the will of God but it gives Him good pleasure and shows our love to Him. Our generation is experiencing more rebellion and disobedience because we are lovers of ourselves than lovers of God. We hear the word, talk about it neither believes in it nor do it. This explains why we find ourselves suffering, warring, and dying or in unbelievable, disgraceful acts. Disobedience results to sin and consequently end up in death. Obedience produce rivers of blessings while disobedience brings famine and desolation [Isaiah1:19-20]. And delayed obedience could become disobedience.

But God’s will is for us to have life and have it abundantly[John 10:10]. A hymn writer summed it up this way, “ when we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word…………..; Trust and obey for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.” Obedience is a learned behavior; it could beget from instructions or sufferings. Jesus obedience through sufferings brought him perfection and He become eternal salvation for all who obeys

Him [Heb.5:8-9]. In our faith journey obedience is a commandment. Again, only those who believe, obey. In effect, unbelief is siding against God’s Word.

William James, the great Psychologist, stated that the greatest factor in any undertaking is one’s belief. Belief therefore is the secret of man’s becoming and being, conquering and prevailing. It gives us power not only to become God’s children but faithful children of God [John1:12; Heb.3:12]. Belief is also the positive attitude to relate to God in faith and in victory to overcome the world [2Tim.1:12; 1John5:4]. Belief in oneself is essential to achieving or getting things done. Apostle Paul wrote, ‘I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me [Phil.4:13]; Elizabeth at the visit of Mary affirmed, ‘Blessed is one that believes that what the Lord has said to her shall be accomplished’ [Luke1:45]. Belief helps us to relate to others, as we let one esteem another better than ourselves and love one another even as Christ loves us.

Believers need pit-bull faith and tenacity. When we have submitted to God our best in obedience, we must persist in faith and prayers, standing firm against all intimidation, fears and doubts, until God answers and fulfills His promise. For example, Elijah stood on Mount Carmel in the midst of sea of people, those for God and others for Baal. He prayed to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to come down and show He alone was

God and that he was His servant and doing things at the command of His word [1kings18:36-39]. Could there have been fears or doubts that God may not answer? God had always defended Himself and Elijah knew it. All He requires from His children or followers is unwavering obedience. In two other instances, Elijah spoke to King Ahab that there would be no rain in years and later he sent another message of hope, ‘for there is a sound of abundance of rain coming [1Kings17:1;18:41,44b-45], but the cloud was still colorless. He anchored his faith in God. Elijah sent his servant out to check the 7th times expectantly, for despite the report of the colorless cloud, he believed God to do what He said, He will do.

The sky revealed a tiny cloud not bigger than a man’s hand. That little in the hand of God was enough. Elijah believed God who does great and awesome things with a little – as little as mustered seed of faith[Matt17:20;Mk 11: 22ff]; a little oil and flour in the hand of a peasant widow about to eat her last meal[1 kgs17:12-14]; a little boys five barley loaves of bread and two small fishes[John 6:1ff]; a little boy wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger[Lk2:12]; a little stick in the hand of Moses as he faces Red sea[Exodus14:16]. It was a little cloud, a small cloud, a tiny cloud in the west etc. It does not depend on how massive or big of what we see or hear but on whom we believe. As soon as a little cloud appeared on the horizon, Elijah put his faith out and held God on His word; he knew God will answer for God has never failed him. There was no shadow of turning with God; all He needed, His hand had provided, there’s a sign in the sky of a little, tiny cloud. Great is His faithfulness. Elijah sent his servant to Ahab to confirm God’s approval and doing. The appearance of the little tiny cloud is our evidence.

A similar faith was exhibited by Peter and John on their way to the temple to pray [Acts 3:1ff].They met with a lame man from his mother’s womb, who sat daily by the gate called beautiful to ask for alms from worshippers entering the temple. Instead of silver or gold, Peter looked straight into his eyes and proclaimed ‘in the name of Jesus Christ of

Nazareth, rise up and walk’. He lifted him with his right and immediately strength came to his feet, ankle and bones; he leaped, walked and entered the temple praising God [v6-

11]. They did not doubt in their heart, but believed in God’s power in the name of Jesus Christ. Pastor Rod Parsley in his book titled ‘No more crumbs’ said, ‘those with hearts hardened towards the Spirit of God can never discern His approach or hear His voice’.

We must prepare for the rain even when there’s no cloud in the sky, but believe God’s promise- the word of God or His prophets. It’s the same way we prepare for the out- pouring of God’s Spirit and anointing as well as every future event-the day of the Lord, examination, celebration, marriage, retirement and even death. We hold to the word of God even when it lacks evidence and no sign exist. Believe in your heart and confess in your mouth [Rom.10:9-10]. We just have to learn how to believe God’s word than world news, Doctor’s reports, horoscope, tarot signs and witch doctors etc. The gospel has not changed because it’s eternal but our world has and will continue to change. The gospel shall continue to purge our world. We therefore should long after the Word for it quicken us unto righteousness and it’s our trust and hope.

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill can be reached by

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