Early in life, in primary school, I was thought in General Studies that the world is round. The teacher used an orange to illustrate the lesson. She turned the orange to show that the world is not only round but on motion. As I graduate into secondary school, I was taught that the world is spherical. A world Atlas globe was used to illustrate the lesson. The teacher turned the atlas globe clipped in between two permanent objects that allowed its free rotation. It further substantiated the fact that the world is spherical and in a continuous state of motion. As we moved outside and stood up gazing at the upper atmosphere, we observe that the clouds were moving continuously. Another demonstration was a 400 yards track stadium, where you start running at a spot on the track and return to that same spot to end the race. All these support the fact that the world is round and that we keep on moving. The forces behind the movement of our world are beyond human control. Human beings are created into this state of motion and we keep on moving till we exit. We are moved by this current; even when we refuse to move, it moves us.

            These movements consist of times and seasons; they symbolize different times of the year. Our life on earth is controlled by these currents called seasons and times. We have four different seasons in a year, winter spring, summer and fall. It is on these seasons and times that we live, move and dwell in. God is the controller of these seasons and times. This year God wants you to move from yesterday into today and look forward to tomorrow. Some people have been carried by these times and season’s from yesterday into today, yet they are still dwelling on yesterday. They dwell in the errors and mistake of the past; in the disappointment and distractions that followed it. They refused to let go because of fears and uncertainty of the future. They live in the past while in a new dimension; forgetting that there are more new seasons ahead. A great number of people and nations live in past glory not actualizing the changes they are passing though. These groups of people detest change and prefer their past state. They dwell in the past, talk about the past and hold on to the past. They put a new wine in an old jar; it may not fit

As we move into New Year, many people who experienced uncommon blessings last year feel the year was so good that they don’t want to let go and move into New Year and new dimension. They are afraid that the coming year may not be as exciting and fruitful as the past one; they always glory in the past. Even though they are in the 21st century, they prefer the old cars of yesteryears. They have lost faith in the new generation, new technology, and new development.  These people think better days have gone for good.

I have a good message for these people; an end is a new beginning in life. The old and new year cannot move parallel, rather as one ends another begins. The scripture advises, “And he brought us out of thence, that he might bring us in; to give us the land he swore unto our fathers.” God has always brought us out in order to bring us in. The same God, who led us into and throughout last year, shall also lead us into another year. The scripture says that the eye of the Lord is on the righteous from the beginning to the end of the year. Again King David assured, “For this God is our God and shall be until the end.” It was the same God that brought the children of Israel from the land of Egypt because he had a strong plan and a mighty hand to bring them into Canaan [the land of blessings, fruitfulness and opportunities] – Deuteronomy 6:23. That same God is saying to you and I, I’m able to save you, protect you and supply your needs; this is your season and year of completion and satisfaction; you will bear good fruit. I have led you this far and shall not abandon you; your life has a purpose and destination.

            This does not mean the journey has no ups and downs. There were storms and strong winds as we journeyed through last year. Between the old year and New Year you must have encountered trials, pains and disappointments and even losses. Some never thought they could make it to another year, but the mighty hand of the Lord was with them. He knows where we are, where we came from and where we are going. He knows all the hurts, betrayals, frustrations and disappointments we have gone through. God did not bring you out of Egypt to bring you shame and put you into ridicules. This year is your year of completion; God is determined to bring you into a land that is fertile and full of honey. You will not be hungry or dwell in lack. In our Daily Manna, Dr Chris Kwakpovwe assured, “God will cause you to dwell in great and goody cities which you did not build or plant. He will cause men to work for you and you will eat because this is your year of realization and compensation. You will drink from wells you did not dig, and drink from vineyards you did not plant. For your shame and pain you shall receive double reward and honor because your harvest has come. Your enemies shall pay dearly for their past silly, cruel mischief and attacks.”

            This is the year of uncommon achievements, the beginning of a new era in which your world is made new. You have lived all your life to this moment to come to this era. This is the season of opportunities; everything is working for your good. Martin Luther King said, “Refuse to stop. If you can’t fly then run; if you can’t run then walk. If you can’t walk then crawl, but by all means keep moving.” This is not the season to cry or live in self pity and perhaps quit. Little wonder Zig- Ziglar said, “He who chooses the beginning of a road also chooses its outcome.” As God brings you into the new season you have not chosen to die but live; not chosen to mourn but rejoice. You have not chosen to fail, but to succeed. T. Eliot, a popular American poet said, “What one called the beginning is often the end. To make the end is to make a beginning; the end is where you start from.” Therefore enjoy your new beginning.

            Jesus came that we may have abundant life; anything short of this is not from God. He has not brought you this far to humiliate, fail or betray you. His plan for you is to guide you to your destiny. Only you can stop yourself from receiving God’s wonderful package for the year. Kindly remember “life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the movements that take our breath away.” Life is a gift that shouldn’t be wasted. Believe God for just one miracle that will help you forget your past bitterness, losses, failures and delays. It will be the beginning of the realization of your dreams. God is never late or delayed in coming; he is always on time but does things differently. Put your trust in him and allow him to direct your step. With God leading, you will get to your destiny. Let me quickly remind you that every new season has its own problems. Life indeed has its problem. As you navigate through the New Year, know that there are obstacles on your way; you cannot cross to the other side of the sea and expect no storms. Again the enemies of our souls – monitoring spirits, destiny destroyers and demonic spirit of distraction and discouragement are not happy that you made it to another year. They shall re-sharpen their amour and reverse their strategies; but God……….

Do not be afraid because the Lord God, the Chairman of the Supreme Council of heaven shall raise a standard against their amour and plans. He will break bows, destroy spears and set shields on fire. Stop fighting: know I’m God supreme among the nations and supreme over the world.  I will frustrate and destabilize them. God is in that city [in that household, in that soul, in that job, in that business] and it will never be destroyed [Psalm 46: 5, 9, 10]. Rejoice all people. The Lord God is to be feared, He’s the great king ruling the world; who prefers us over other people; make us His ruler on earth; chose for us the land where we live and make us proud possession of his people, the wealth of nations. God sits on his sacred throne; He rules over all nations….most powerful than all armies of the nations as well as all our enemies and destabilizes their entire armory; He rules supreme [Psalm 47:1-4, 8-9].  This great and mighty God has brought us to a new beginning and shall keep us, feed us, preserve us and protect us. With this confident and assurance, I make bold to I welcome you into the New Year with a difference.


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