Night is naturally a time for sleep and rest; it’s dark and we are unable to see except with light. Everything seems to be at rest except bats, witches and wizards as well as night keepers. Night is also a time for Spiritual battles and warfare. This night my story must change. Our Daily Manna [devotional booklet] says, “It’s a night of Passover; a night of victory; it’s a night of death, looses, tears, sorrows for stubborn enemies and regret.” When we shut our doors and lie down to sleep there are things that happen all that night: snare of the fowler, terror by night, perilous pestilence [Psalms 91:5-6]; witches and wizards hold meetings and decide on those to attack, distract, cause delays or attempt to destroy. Destiny destroyers are at work, monitoring spirits are on various assignments; dream killers stand sentinel at their duty post while workers of iniquities are already busy bringing down little kingdoms. Satanic agents are released into battles; while fears of the night grip, cripple and disable great giants. However, in all this, the Psalmist says I will declare your faithfulness in the night time [Psalms 92:2].

In this particular night, while you are at rest, God will fight your battle, and win victory; so do not be afraid. The children of Israel had remained in slavery for so long a time that they had lost their emotional temperament, self confidence and worth of life; they were treated like nobodies and lost hope of help from anywhere.  Their emotional ruggedness became disorganized, self confidence was totally messed up and self worth eroded away. But God turns a nobody into somebody. He turns a sinner into a saint; turns drug addicts, murderers, homosexuals, prostitutes, and those darkened in hearts as well as God’s enemies into God’s chosen instruments and friends.

It was at night that Nicodemus went to see Jesus on fact finding mission that became life-determined [John 3:1-3].That very night his life changed. In the night of Passover, God’s Angel passed over Egypt and killed the first-born son in every family and the first-born male of all animals [Exodus 12:12; 29-31]. Lot was freed in the night [Genesis 14:15]. Tonight is a night of favor for your life, family and ministry; it’s a night of deliverance and escape for you. It’s a night of compensation, revenge and chastisement. Tonight is a night of new dawn, new story and new dimension for your life, family and ministry. This night your story shall be re-written and power must change hand. It’s a night of change: your name will be changed from Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, Saul to Paul and Simon to Peter as well as Sarai and Sarah. This night your position and disposition will change from a slave to freeborn and from a sinner to a saint. You never be the same again and will never go back to Egypt. Blessed is he that believe that there shall be a performance of those things which you were told from the Lord [Luke 1:45].

In that night:

  • God has gathered all the military stalwart of Egypt to silent them [vs13].
  • The Lord shall fight for you. He took your position and died for you; paid the price for your sin and so you owe no one anything anymore [vs14]. “There’s therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walks not after the flesh but after the spirit [Romans 8:1].
  • Do not cry unto me: this is time for action. Stop dwelling on self-pity, murmuring and complaining; pointing fingers on mundane things and people that have no power over your life and destiny [vs15]. You have been sitting there for too long a time. Arise, move forward [not backward, not stand still or procrastinate]. It’s time for you to move and not being distracted by many things. This is a new season, a new night and you will have a new story. God has remembered you. He will fight for you; win the battle and the war. “The devil may win some battles but God wins the war.”
  • Lift up your holy hand and your hearts. Stretch them unto the Lord in praise and worship. Set yourselves apart; honor God and surrender unto Him. The Lord will be glorified and magnified [vs16].
  • The Lord will do the remaining jobs, something new, shall compensate, renew your heart and covenant and restore to the fullest – to outwards manifestation [vs17].
  • And the Angel [Specific angel]: He’s the ministering angel for special duties, stewards of God’s mysteries from the throne of grace [vs19]. He brings miracles to happen, unveils God’s powers, and breaks the backbones of demonic spirits. He’s the angel of protection; a shield and refuge [Psalms 91: 4; 5: 12].

The ministering angel changed His position, so also the pillar of cloud. Both moved from front to behind them and stood between the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; to put a demarcation, fence and barrier. On one side was darkness: people could not see, walked with difficulties; in darkness they were in jungle, could be harmed and terrorized. On the other side, they had pillar of light in the night and were protected and saved.

  • The strong East wind blew all that night; it was an extraordinary incident to be compared with the burning bush experience in Exodus 3 [vs21]. God uses whatever we have to rescue us: be it mouth, hand, faith, staff etc. Television Evangelist Mick Murdock once said, “When you ask God to do something new, He gives you a new direction.” Moses did not know the outcome but obeyed God and stretched out his hand over the sea. The hand stretched out in obedience provoked God’s action – the supernatural powers [strong east wind]. The power of the east wind divided the sea into two. The throne of grace gave an order and every creation obeyed it. Tonight your order of release has been given. The chairman of the Supreme Council of Heaven has issued an order concerning your life and situation: every chain in your hands and legs is broken; every covenant of your ancestors or every yoke that held you in bondage in broken. Every barrier that debars you from God’s glory and mercies is put off; every hindrance standing on your way to freedom and fruitfulness is lifted. Every bitterness, frustration and depression denying your joyfulness and breakthrough is healed and severed.

There is a strong eastward wind blowing in your favor and direction; for your release and breakthrough. There is an anointing from the throne of grace, lifting every barrier and ceiling placed on your glory stolen since your birth. There is the shedding of blood of the Lamb of God for your exchange. This is the Passover night: every hand of the enemies is twisted; every arrow shot towards you is shield. Every where there are holding a meeting to plan your demotion is scattered by the missile of the Holy Spirit. The power of death cannot hold you. Your case has changed hands and new experienced Attorney is handling your case; He’s also the new judge from God’s throne presiding over it. You have been discharged and acquitted; praise the Lord.

  • The water that had prevented or served as a barrier shall become your wall of passage – breakthrough. It has become your door of entrance and passage into a new season, new life and new dimension. Every stumbling stone shall become your stepping stone to success [vs22].

As the Israelites passed through the Red Sea in dry land and the water formed walls by left and right sides, so shall you overcome your catastrophes/difficulties and moved into victory.

  • The Egyptians vigorously pursued the Israelites into the middle of the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s chariots and horses and horsemen perished inside the same sea [vs23]. King David prayed, “I’ve pursued mine enemies and overtaken them……they are fallen under my feet [Psalms 18:37-38]. He also prayed, “Fight my enemies Lord; attack my attackers. Shield me and help me. Aim your spear at everyone who hurts me down but promise to save me. Let all who want to kill me be disappointed and disgraced; chase away and confuse all who plan to harm me. Send your angel after them and let them be like straw in the wind.” May the Lord pursue those who pursue you. The angel shall overtake and overturn them. He will disorganized and confuse them. He will scatter them and overthrow them in Jesus name.
  • During the morning watch the Lord looked down on the armies of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud. He saw they were stubborn enemies who had dangerous motives and pursuits. He took off the chariot wheels so they drove with great difficulties [vs24-25]. That same God strucked Jacob’s at the hollow of his thigh and pulled off his hip as he wrestled with Him [Genesis 32:25]. “Who can battle with the Lord?”
  • The Lord asked Moses stretch out your hand over the sea that the waters may come back and he did. The waters returned to its full depth and covered the chariots, horses and horsemen as well as all the armies of Pharaoh. No one of them that came into the sea survived [vs26-28].
  • The Lord saved Israel that day in the hand of the Egyptians [vs30]. The Psalmist confirmed, “The Israel saw the corpses of their enemies. They feared the Lord and believed that the Lord is all powerful; they also believed in His servant Moses [Psalms 91:8]. Every Pharaoh that is pursuing you must die.

 The Psalmist also prayed, “Let their way be dark and slippery and the angel of the Lord persecute him. I do them no harm but they hid a net to trap me. They dug a deep pit to catch and kill me. Surprise them with disaster; trap them in their own nets and let them fall into their pits [Psalms 35:6-8]. Harman was hang in his own gallows as well as his son [Esther7:8]. We know that power of your anger; as your fears, so is your wrath [Ps 90:11]. “Because thou has made the Lord which is thy refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways” [Ps 91:9-11]. May God save you in the day of your trouble.

Therefore My Prayer is that:

Every wile of Pharaoh, every destroyer of destiny, every plaque of inheritance, every accuser of brethren, shall died in Jesus name. Every uncommon sickness or irreconcilable problems that pursue and steal our happiness, every agent of Satan that hurts and infiltrate human relationship-wife, husband, children, relations and friends; every unidentified illness or infection must died in Jesus name, Amen. Every dangerous strategies and machinery from the throne of hell to pull us down must die.

Tonight is the night of crossover because all powers belong to God. Tonight is the night of salvation, a night of victory and deliverance as well as determination. Every enemy that pursues and monitors us must die; all demonic radio lines must be cut off by fire. When Jesus died on the cross, He said it’s finished. One angel from the throne of grace pulled the stone at the tomb away and sat on it and witnessed Jesus resurrection. One angel appeared to Zachariah, to Mary, Jesus mother and God greatness was revealed.  Tonight I rebuke every spirit of barrenness, miscarriage and untimely abortion; I paralyze every satanic strongman and woman delegated over our lives, families and ministries to die. The battle line is drawn; thou agent of hell, shall be crushed and subdued tonight in Jesus name. Thou the spirit of lack and frustration; of greed, gains, and ego have been defeated. Tonight, our eyes have seen the salvation of the Lord. We have witnessed God’s victory and the enemies destroyed. Tonight God would turn a nobody into somebody. Tonight God would turn a sinner into a saint. Tonight God would turn a dreamer into actualizer. Tonight God would make a poor man, rich.

Tonight you have an opportunity to open your mind and mouth and speak to God. Do not forget that death and life is in the tongue; our tongue is a destiny moulders. Speak whatever you desire and God will fulfill them. Jesus is present and the Spirit of healing is in our midst. The atmosphere is saturated with God’s anointing. This is the time to ask and receive. Remember you are a success story and your season to bear fruit has come. The Lord has remembered you and everything turning around to your favor. This is your new dawn, new life and new beginning. Stand on the word of God and your story has changed. “……..I make thy foe thy footstool” [Acts 2:34-35].

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at:  or Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.










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