ADVENT: Jesus has come and is coming again [Part ii]

ADVENT: Jesus has come and is coming again [Part ii]

                   In the first Advent God fulfilled his covenant with His people Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by sending a Messiah born of the seed of David. Just like the children of Israel in bondage in Egypt, lamented to God for deliverance because of much oppression and torment by their slave masters, the Egyptian lords. Their cries touched the God of the universe and He sent Moses to deliver them. The same way God saw that men sinfulness was keeping them away from Him and they could not help themselves. He sent a Savoir to save them from the wages of sin. God revealed the coming of Jesus through the early prophets-Isaiah, Micah, Amos, Malachi and so on; they intimated their world what God was about doing. Because Israelites were then surrounded by powerful nations who warred against them, they interpreted that God was sending them a military leader who would lead them to wars. They were anxious when John the Baptist appeared from his desert domain and announced the coming of a Messiah; prepare the way of the Lord. Again a virgin shall bear a child and shall name him ‘Immanuel’ translated ‘God with us.’ But the Pharisees were doubtful because nothing good had ever come from Bethlehem. They failed in their thoughts that God is sovereign and does what ever pleases Him.

               Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. That does not means Christ was born on 25th December or reflect the anniversary celebration of sun god as early pagan Jews did. Rather at the fullness of time [Daniel 9:25; Gal.4:4-5] Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem [Micah 5:2] of a virgin [Isaiah7:14].The birth of Jesus gave a new significance to the name Immanuel. Since then God has continuously lived with His people, experienced our sufferings and offer relief’s, died for us and sent His Spirit to indwell us. He resurrected and ascended into heaven to be glorified by the Father; the same Jesus that is coming again. The reason we are excited, expectant and hopeful. The Christ who turned water into wine, cleared the temple of hypocrites, who exposed Nicodemus to the mystery of new birth, preached the Sermon on the Mount, fed more than 5000 people with two fishes and five loaves of bread and had 12 baskets remaining. He healed all manner of diseases – woman with issue of blood, demon possessed, paralyzed, crippled, blind man at Bethsaida, sick man for 38 years at Bethesda and a man born blind at 40. Jesus rose from dead Jairus’ daughter, widow at Nain’s son and Lazarus. The same Jesus died on the cross, was buried and resurrected on the third day. Jesus becomes the savior and Redeemer of all mankind. Little wonder the redeemed are excitingly awaiting His return. How ready are you?

        Since that first Christmas the assurance that God is with his people is made real. No matter what we are passing through in life, He’s present in the power of the Holy Spirit. We recalled His promises, “I am with you always, even to the end of age.” I will never leave nor forsake you’ [Matt 28:20; Heb. 13:5]. It does matter who forsakes us – parents, friends, relations, or what situation in life we find ourselves, God is with us.  When God is for us, who then will be against us? Nothing can separate us from the love of God.

           However it’s not uncommon to notice people celebrate Christmas without Christ. They are shopping crazy; glance at Newspaper Adverts and watch TV commercials looking for specials offers aimed at getting them into more indebtedness. They feel no pains to return goods purchased after putting them on severally. They play Christmas music but do not listen to what they say. The fun is the party invitations and special events that come with the season. They wrap gifts for those who shall reciprocate and bake cakes for their family reunions. As busy as they are, Christ is excluded in the scheme of things; no one ever has time to reflect on the Lord Jesus Christ, whose birth they claim to celebrate. We pay greater attention to the wrapper than on the gift. Yet God is in our midst, dwelling with us-Immanuel. We then have the chance to see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; sense His presence in all circumstances of our lives.

              Many people go through life time praying to God and singing about the Savior’s birth but never really met or experienced Him. This Advent offers us that rear chance to see Jesus – the Word that was with God and is God and has become flesh. This life’s time opportunity should not slip by.  God came to live with us so we could live with Him. As many as come to Him, receive Him and believe in His name, He has given power to become His Children. Not born of blood, natural decent from man or by way of escaping punishment or by right of religion, but of God who took men place and died to set sinners free[John1:12-13]. This is the great mystery of God’s grace. We celebrate the birth of Christ to be born anew in our heart. We reflect not only on His birth but also on His ministry, sacrificial death and resurrection; His ascension and promised return. This promised return, the Church anticipates and hope for. The bible says, ‘Behold he’s coming with cloud and every eye shall see Him, even they who pierced Him [Rev.1:7].

            Some people do not understand why believers indeed the world should celebrate Christmas.  They call it ‘Xmas’ or ‘Happy season’. Like the men of Galilee, they stand gazing up to heaven wondering which law of nature could allow son of man to be taken up without return at the point of fulcrum. Before then history had Elijah and Noah only were taken up into heaven. This act adds credence to the personality of Jesus and confirms Him the only world religious leader who died, buried, resurrected and ascended into heaven. The angel assured, this same Jesus who is taken up from you into heaven shall return in likewise manner as you see Him go into heaven. Jesus said, “I am going away and I am coming back to you”[Acts 1:9-11]. “For the Son of man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels” [John14:28; Matt16:27].He will come down as a King of glory, Commander of heaven’s army and Chairman of the Supreme council of heaven. He shall come as Christ –God’s Anointed and the Judge of the world.

           A man once cracked a joke: how can Christ come again since in his first visit, he was nailed to the cross? I share that sentiment and concern but be informed it was something beyond the ordinary. After-all neither Pilate nor Herod pronounced Him guilty. It was a mystery beyond the reach and knowledge of Satan. It was in fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation of mankind. This exposition, Mel Gibson’s film “Passion of the Christ” tried putting together the parameters for Christ death. He died that we may live.

           Apostle Paul wrote: I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ which God will bring about in his own time [1 Tim.6:13-15].He added: The Lord will give such a crown to all who have longed for his appearance [2Tim.4:7-8].Every finger points to the imminent return of Christ. That even Enoch prophesied, ‘see, the Lord coming with thousands upon thousands of his Holy ones to judge everyone and convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the ungodly words ungodly ones had spoken against Him’ [Jude14-15]. Little surprised that Prophet Malachi warned, who can stand the day of the Lord’s coming? Who can stand when He appears?[3:2]It’s not going to be fun and jokes but terrible and crazy. Believe it or not Jesus is coming, Maranatha. We are not only called to be ready but sound this message to our world. Think about it and have a blessed and joyful Christmas.

 Evangelist Ogbonnaya Godswill: or P.O. Box 720035, Houston, TX, 77272.




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