The season of Thanksgiving is closely followed by the coming of a Messiah which resonant the story of the birth of a child. Ironically, as we thank God for everything, the birth explains the reason we must be thankful. The coming of the Messiah explains in no little way the totality of God’s love to the world. Just like it is with every living thing, birth symbolizes hope and dreams for the future. Isaiah had prophesized more than 600 years earlier the birth of this child, would be a Savior, coming Messiah and King of the world. Wrapped up in the birth of Jesus are not only hopes and aspirations for Mary and Joseph but hopes and dreams of all creation. Isaiah prophesized to a disheartened Israelites, who felt abandoned and rejected that….a child is born…a son is given …And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6). Isaiah’s prophesy is amazingly puzzling. How can a child to be born be called Mighty God and everlasting Father? Can a father last forever? How do we explain this to those their earthly dads have died? What type of a child would he be?

This sagacious forth-teller of old made us to realize that the coming Messiah had everlasting purpose and in Him we have the provision of abundant, everlasting life. Invariably, we come to Jesus, the Messiah and Everlasting Father to obtain everlasting life (Acts 4:12). Dr Philip W. McLarty wrote, “In Jesus lies not only the hope of a new life that has come into the world but a new creation that has dawned in the fullness of time.”  (Rom 8:22-23). Also when little children or even adult lose their parents in death or grow up without parents or fatherless, the everlasting Father is there to care and provide. The birth of Jesus signals the beginning of a new covenant and new order of being, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” (Isa 9:2); in which God deals with us not on the basis of our righteousness but on the basis of His grace and love (Micah 4:3; Isaiah 11:6; 2 Cor. 5: 17-18; Gal 3:28).

One of the minor prophets of old, Prophet Micah revealed that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2-5). Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome issued a decree that all residents within the Roman Empire must register for taxation. Mary and Joseph were living at that time in Nazareth and upon hearing of the Caesar’s decree, Joseph along with his pregnant wife travelled to Bethlehem to register. While Augustus issued a decree that will help him, politically to secure his reign and build up his power, God prompted Caesar’s decree to bring Mary and Joseph to where the new king will be born (Pro. 21:1). “While they were in Bethlehem, the time came for her to give birth, Mary gave birth to her firstborn son in a sheep pen and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn” (Luke 2:6-7; Gal 4:4). Bethlehem was a place of little or no significance, but surely shall be a birth place for the ruler in Israel, who shall shepherd his flocks in the strength of the Lord; the people shall dwell secured and He shall be their peace. The Messiah is born, Hallelujah! You may have come from a place of no importance, but your season of lifting has come and God is about to showcase you.

In the manger is a baby who is a Father, a Father who is God; this Father is everlasting to everlasting. Puzzling! Unbelievable!! Through this Child, we have not only a son who is a Savior but more so a Father who lasts forever. All of our toys, gadgets, cloths, vehicles, houses, and all earthly things including mankind expire, but a relationship with Bethlehem’s child doesn’t. This child introduces us to the eternal Father who gives us eternal life (John 3:16) and comes to our help when in need (Psalms 23: 1 & 121: 1-2).  If our earthly fathers know how to give their children good gifts, trust me, our everlasting Father can do much more, exceedingly. Only the child born by a virgin, in Bethlehem’s barn in the midst of animals, as an Everlasting Father would take away our sins (Matt.1:21); died and resurrected from death that we might make it through cruel earthly life, could invite us to bring to Him all our distresses, diseases, the emotional and spiritual junk.

A Child is born as everlasting Father into cruel world, where some children are born retarded or with disabilities, where children are abused by their earthly parents, where many children die of curable diseases and lack of medical care, where children die in hunger and in abject poverty, yet in the midst of abundance; where children are murdered and be-headed daily in countless number in war torn areas of the cruel world. A child is born as a Mighty king into a world where over-grown babies are leaders; where wrong people occupy right places of authority in slick, greed and manipulations. They get their priorities wrong and fouled up. A child is born as Prince of peace into the world, warring against itself; gongs of war sounding loud at every corner of the world. A child is born as everlasting Father in a world where many children are orphans and fatherless. A child is born into the cruel world where many unborn children are aborted and others born by mothers who dump the innocent infants into pits, dumpsters or abandon in the bush.   A child is born into an abominable world where we cannot differentiate between men and women, where men sleep with men and women with women, while other men sleep with animals; children do not know who to call dad or mom. This is simply deplorable!

A child is born unto us who are lost in trespasses and sins, dead in rebellion and doom to destruction; who are mockers of God, violators of His commandments and laws, and idolaters at hearts. This is a joyful news and great joy. “….Salvation is born today; Jesus, the God whom angels fear, comes down to dwell with us and today, He makes his entrance here….” (Isaac Watts). You’re invited to respond as Mary who pondered these truths and hid them up in your heart and like the shepherds with faith and excitement, praising God and telling others. This child shall be our peace and our gateway to God; died to save us from sins, if only you believe. May His birth bring you and loved ones joy and lasting peace. Merry Christmas.

Reach: Pastor/Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at email: weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272; Web: www.weefreeministries.org; Call for prayers: 8328813929 (Cell).



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