24 DECMBER 23, 2003




           As I was growing up a protestant in the fifties, there hymn books were commonly in use: the Methodist hymnbook, the Church Hymnary and the Ancient and Modern. These hymn books were associated with the there main protestant churches –the Methodist [Wesley] Church, the Presbyterian Church [the Reformed church of Scotland] and the Anglican Communion [the Church of England]. Most of these hymns were composed by the same authors and published in these three hymn books, using the same tunes. Any other tunes applied to these hymns were perhaps additional tunes peculiar to individual denominations. For example, if you happened to attend any church function in any of these denominations, you would be familiar with the popular worship hymns. These include hymns like; blessed assurance, stand up stand up for Jesus, what a friend we have in Jesus , courage brothers do not stumble , etc. the roman catholic church only chanted Latin songs from their missal [prayer mass book] during the celebration of high masses. These hymns are spirit filled and have stood the test of time. Most new songs were composed from these great hymns. There are great heritage from our founding parents.

            A reflection on the name “ancient and modern” given to the Anglican Communion hymn book revealed a deep thought and great insight of “then and now” for all generations. Even though most new generation’ Churches have produced new hymn/song books to further expound the word, the sovereignty of God, the name of Jesus and open manifestation of the Holy spirit, yet they still use these old –but – ever –new hymns in their worship services. The language of their new hymns /songs may be modern but the   foundation is ancient. Even some worshippers in these new Churches had their root from the orthodox Churches. This brought to mind a fairly new book titled “Ancient well and living waters” authored by pastor Rod Parsley, a television Evangelist and pastor of world HarvestChurch. Introducing the book on a telecast, he stressed that the essence of the book was to call new Churches back to the ideals of the Christian Church founding fathers. He recalled that the ancient parents tarried for a long period and ministered for a short time. Their lives reflected the writings of Christ for the world; their utterances expressed the love of Jesus while their concerns and passion cared for the lost, poor and sick. They ministered with great humility and servant-hood.

            Talking about ancient ideals, it’s awesome how these people lived their lives. They may not have worshipped in furnished Church buildings, or preached in air-conditioned sanctuaries, or have telephone ministries and fly about in jets etc, but they kept their vows, spoke the truth, redeemed their time, respected their honored humanity; most importantly, practiced godly fear. They had uncompromising commitments and unquenchable zeal for the God they worshipped and observed His status. They had compassion for lost soul and risked their lives for their sake. They indeed understood the real meaning of “taking up the cross and follow Christ”. Like John the Baptist, they may not have raised dead persons but they raised nations by evangelizing the world. These were reflected in their preaching’s, hymns composed, writings, welfare programs and most importantly in the lifestyles they lived.

            How often have you heard preaching’s on hell fire, the horrifying consequences of sin, eternity, repentance, rebellion, predestination, message of the cross, and / or even God’s grace. Then, ‘Escape from Hell’ and ‘Go to Heaven’ were the regular themes of their sermons. Despite the fact that then life was remote and there were neither modern means.            





In the midst of hardship they preached the Gospel fearlessly, tirelessly in and not of season and lived lives that touched and drew the unbelieving world to accept the word. Then the Church was the crusader of truth; it did not matter who was concerned, whether rich or poor, government or private institutions. The Church was a sign post to Christ for salvation. She was a spiritual clinic and her doors open to those who had come short of God’s glory, made mistakes or missed their paths. Today, it is no secret that the reverse is the case. More-so Churches have become formidable economic empires with a diverse focus. This explains why people are quick to believe in God but disbelieve the Church.

            The on-going could prompt one to wonder, has the Church becomes a big money spinning business, in serious competition with manufacturing industries and financial sectors? Has she become a political arena where money changers [high money givers] compete for recognitions and titles? God forbid. But how can the world believe her when she has settled for its system: building millions dollars worth of empires while poverty has invaded our world; her pastor lived flamboyantly, driving exorbitant cars and flying about in jets, while missionaries and brethren in other lands have no bicycles. Even some worshippers in these Churches are wretched, yet in submission to God pay their tithes and give offerings, out to nothingness and pains, for the benefit of the ‘new testament Levites’ who now have more inheritance than those at pews and are at the head not tail [1 Thess. 2:10]. For God’s sake, what’s their testimony? Whatever happens, they should not forget that judgment shall begin in the house of God [1 Peter 4:17].

Just in the same direction, I wonder whether preaching has become a show for actors who had missed Holy-wood. Excuse me! The more they could coin words out of original text the more ovations they receive. In same Churches preaching time is a how time. Oh yet, I hear you, say it again! The congregations’ clap their hands and some step forward to appreciate the preachers with money for preaching what they want to hear. Devotion is measured by the fat checks you give and no longer by one’s faith in Christ or the purity of life you live. It’s now common to watch preachers deliver water-down messages, padding with Michael Jackson’s acrobatic floor-walks, and in the process sweat like a Kenyan mile racer who has just completed a race. That in large part contributes to today’s epidemic spread of easy believism, ‘Churchanity’ and ‘Cheap grace.’

Nowadays preachers like politicians tell people what they want to hear and that is considered a good message [but no Good News] that helps to swell congregates but no true conversion. The preaching follows a certain pattern, observing the no-areas. Then, a sermon won three thousand souls and more, but today three thousand sermons may win no-soul; they preach to please men, not convict them and use the ministry to make personal gains [1Thess 1:5-9; 2:3-5]. Just as it’s common for rich persons to always try to buy justice in our courts, so also they buy pastors and any positions they desire in the Church; play their music and dictate tunes. Does it then surprise you that the world people tend to believe in God but disbelieve the Church? Again, the Church engages in the same social activities that social clubs do, nothing more. Being a Christian without conviction becomes the order of the day.

The western culture has written away personal sin, and believes that everyone is a good person in a bad world; it often blames sin on the society, on the government or the economy and believes that “people are really good at heart” and “sin does not exist.” This is one of the devil’s old but reincarnated strategies to keep people happy with what they are doing and unaccountable for their misdeeds. Our first parent tried this trick on God but that only grieved God the more. Eve blamed her disobedience on the serpent while Adam did same on God. We seem to protect and justify what we do and criticized what we don’t, no matter how grievous these are. We dip when we are in favor and skip when in disfavor. These folks sit in church pews Sunday after Sunday; never bother to think about who they are? Where is their destiny? What they believed in or why?








They are easy prey of the new eastern religion [e.g. amore, lodge. Witchcraft, etc] that desires to rewrite the scripture to suit them. What an ugly world! Some people view this differently: to them it does not matter.

    The then life was not peculiar to clergyman but most ‘old school’ had similar experiences. They passed through Mission. Schools and Colleges and evolved very strict discipline lives that kept and molded the society. In a place like Africa, many were converted into Christianity by white priest who neither spoke their native language nor did the native understand them; the early interpreters did not help matters. Yet like Abraham and Ruth, they put their faith in God, departed from the known gods of their parents, accepted and worshipped the unknown God of the bible. Some of them later because missionaries, served and died in other natives of the dark world.

            Come to think of it, many of them had no courtship before marriage, some had no privilege of choosing their wives; they were chosen by their parents or unless and sent to them after the rites had been concluded yet they lived happily together, kept the sanctity of marriage and raised wonderful family. Now people court for years, marry in weeks and get divorced next day. Teenagers start discussing and having sexual intercourse at tender ages and many have kids while in middle schools. Our television channels are polluted with erotic and sexy films and advertisements, causing unfulfilled excitements among young people. Them it was ‘durex’ very few adult knew about it; now renamed ‘condom’ and commonly distributed everywhere, to enable teenagers have marathon safe sex; thereby or capable of promoting promiscuity.

             Then speaking the truth and humility were virtues but now lies and smartness [crooked or cocky] are allowable norms in the society. Then divorce was a taboo but now it’s a way of life and a sign of liberation. Then Children were taught to honor their parents and respect elders; they could stand and allow elders sit at public places but now their culture and values are different. Now pupils go to schools with guns to shoot and kill whoever annoyed them. This generation believes the news media more than the Word of God. Most of them were raised by Christian parents who vowed to bring them up in the fear of God. But can’t they give what they don’t have?

            Could that explain what has happened to our rich heritage and Christian values? Where is the present generation heading to or better put, where are we leading our generation to? Living a Christian life in an unchristian word is becoming a thing of history. While Church attendance is suffering free fall, religious apathy is spreading like wide fire. In most European countries Churches have been converted into warehouses and most young people do not go to Church. The crisis in values is also evident in the matter of morals. Many Churchgoers do not accept the moral decrees set by their Churches. They question the authorities of Church leader in setting the standards of behavior. In the name of religious tolerance, homosexuality has become an acceptable way of life and recently the American Episcopal ordained a gay bishop and accepts same sex marriage. Some so-called Christians believe on reincarnation, celebrate Halloween and follow several other religious persuasions. Most of our confessions are different from our faith and belief. ‘Faith cannot live if it is not rooted in the solidity of a specific confession’ [Romans 10:9-10]. Sound Spiritual values must have its bases from the scriptures – a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our roadway. Any thing short of this is heresy or another gospel.

            We are summoned to redeem the time for the days are worse than evil. We must return to the supremacy of the scripture and preaching of unadulterated word of God to the lost generation. The Church more than the press is watch dog of the society, speaking and defending the truth at all times. The Church must lift up the name of Christ as a savor, Redeemer and Lord of all or nothing. Those who call the name of God should stay away from worldliness. We must know Jesus not only as the son of Joseph and Mary but as Christ and the Lord of all.



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