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Evangelism [witnessing] is one command that Jesus gave to His disciples and all believers; it’s so clear and lacks every element of ambiguity yet some Christians still do not get it. It’s either that they get it and are simply adamant and complacent; just refused to obey this commandment. It’s considered the most neglected; yet Church folks are satisfied with going to Church, listening to good sermons, partake in bible studies and feel good. They forget or ignore the most important commandment: discipleship and witnessing. Jesus came to this world to reveal His Father. He was certainly the Great Soul winner, the consummate Evangelist. Also we who have become Christians by putting faith in Christ are called to reveal the Father, in Christ. When God sent out the seventy to go and witness God’s glory and His good deeds, He did not go with them but just availed them His authority and powers. Today, those who are Christians have the Spirit of Christ in them. Jesus Christ also promised them that He’s there with them always even to the end of time. We have the Spirit of Christ in us, His power and His authority. We are better prepared for the assignment of witnessing God’s grace and unconditional love.. Again we who have become believers were once sinners; we were redeemed by Christ for us to live and testify God’s love and goodness. Christ commands us to go and make disciple of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things that He taught us and commanded us to do. We know where we used to be and have been given a new place, new position, new heart and new life. No one is more qualified than born again Christians to share their experiences of God’s saving grace and His mercies with those who desire to know God [Matthew 28:16-20].

Jesus gave the Great Commission to His disciples and followers, to spread the gospel throughout the whole world. Many went to Jesus and worshipped Him; some of them doubted the reality of their salvation and the new found relationship. They were not sure they were saved; that the new found love was real, that God has forgiven them and given them new life, new heart and new destination. They doubted that all the authority that Christ possesses has been endowed in them. These are the reason for their indifferences to the mission of the Master, the goal of the Great commission and the command to go into the world and evangelize. These are unbelieving believers. In our Churches today, while every member may attend worship service but not all members has given their lives to Christ or incline to obey the commands of the Great Commission. They have not accepted the reality of Christ authority and power over their problems and situations. They confess the Holy Spirit but doubt His power; confess that Jesus is the Head of the Church but have not accepted His Lord ship personally in their lives. They give excuses for not doing the work of Great Commission. They see obstacles all around them that pose resistance to the flow of God’s Spirit. They’re quick to tell you that they do not have the gift of evangelism. It was given to pastors, evangelists and their spouses, etc. They console themselves that evangelism is not for everybody. Some will be quick to opine they do not know what to say or they stammer or have difficulties talking boldly to others. When you happen to meet these people, they discuss articulately and gossip widely, talking at the top of their voices. Unbelief and doubts has become their mountain. They forget He who has called them is sufficient and most able to supply their need and give them enableness to do His work.

However those who believe and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ, see the Great Commission as a command from God and they humbly obey. They believe that God will furnish them what to say and how to say it right; willingly obey and trust their faith in God’s great power. They believe that the Spirit of Jesus abides in them and the experience of the new life cannot be hidden. There is an inward urge to speak out and testify to the love of God; tell someone what Jesus has done in their lives and the uncommon experiences that go with it. They are not ashamed or fearful to tell anybody who care to hear. They have inward conviction that the Spirit that encountered them shall give them utterances to say the changes they have experienced in the new life in Christ. We have been called to tell our story and the Good News of God’s saving grace [1 Peter 2:9; John15:16].

Whatever you do in the body of Christ, the ultimate goal is to glorify God, win soul for Christ and serve His kingdom. Whether you are a Deacon, Usher, cleaner of God’s sanctuary, committees member or sing in chancel choir and so on, what you are doing is to glorify God because of who He’s and what He has done for you in Christ Jesus; stewardship that wins or served the won soul showing them the love of Christ in action. Those whom God has called as His stewards should prove faithful [1 Corinthians 4:2]. We are Christians, God’s servants who have been called from darkness into glorious light for God’s glory. We cannot fail to talk about where God has taken us from and where we are. The whole world is anxiously waiting to hear our story of salvation: where God encountered us, how He did it and how we resisted Him and how He eventually overpowered us. It’s not in our own power we go, serve, and proclaim God’s love and grace; it’s God Himself that calls, empowers and sends us out. God has chosen us at this time to bear the Good news of His grace and mercies. This we can do by carrying out the will of God in trusting His word and speaking it in faith.

We did not call ourselves; Jesus called and ordained us to go and bring forth fruits that remain [John15:16]. It’s therefore our responsibility to bring Christ to the world. The entire world is expecting the manifestation of the sons of men; its not for prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers only. Jesus had given us power and commission to act in His name and authority and we shall be successful in all things. The Jesus who has employed us shall avail us with all the resources we need to fulfill His commission. It’s not about anybody; it’s about Jesus Christ and the kingdom of His Father. Jesus has never failed and those He commissions shall not fail. His name put forth His integrity, His word, His life and His grace. “We are called to let the light of the knowledge of the word of God shine out through the preaching of the gospel, that the ignorance that clouds the minds of people might be dispelled: However the Bible teaches us that it’s not enough just to preach: we must also act in accordance with the word of God.”

You may think that because you are struggling with some drawbacks in your life, you feel guilty and rejected; perhaps not competent to represent God by obeying His commission. That could be what your subconscious mind is telling you but not how God sees you or what the word of God says about you. Every living being is going through something or some problem of some sort; it could differ in dimension and gravity. This state of life is what challenges our spiritual life and keep us renewing our mind and seeking God’s righteousness. It keep us reforming, renewing and improving; attempting always to overcoming our weaknesses and becoming stronger in our faith journeys. It also justifies God’s position that all has sinned and comes short of His glory. Again King David asked, If God should count our wrong doings, who can stand? That is why we attend Spiritual clinic [The Church] to be attended to by the Spirit of Christ. But God having seen and known all our shortcomings and human deficiencies has notwithstanding chosen us to proclaim His love and fulfill His commission. If God was looking for perfect persons, perhaps He would not find any human but He’s looking for those who in obedience would accept God’s righteousness and input it in their lives. That’s our great credential. God’s choice is more important than our shortcomings. After all while we were yet sinners, unlovable Christ died for us.

God knows our weaknesses but have decided to entrust us with His passion: The Great Commission. He has called/chosen us at this time and age, just the way we are despite our weaknesses and shortcomings to accomplish His will – what He has called us to do. Therefore ignore your relationship defeat and look unto Jesus, who has called you into His fold to accomplish His specific task [John 15:16]. Jesus came into the world to do the will of His Father. He was the first missionary that brought God’s sacrificial love to mankind. We have no lesser commission than that which God has entrusted unto us through Jesus Christ. He did what He saw the Father did and little wonder that the result of His works brought forth miracles, healings and restorations [John 5:17, 19-20; 1 John 1:1-3]. Release your minds and do not allow any work of nature to hinder you. You’ve been chosen to witness God’s love and grace. Do not limit yourself either by feeling incompetent and unsuitable and incomplete. Therefore stand up against all odds and give out yourself to speak boldly in the name of Jesus, the Gospel of the kingdom of God. God who has called you shall provide all you need to fulfill His assignment and to return glory and honor to Him.

All believers are called to evangelize, to preach the gospel of Christ. It does not matter what is your past or position. Cease every opportunity to speak the grace and mercies of God into someone’s life. The Gospel has to be preached in every part of the world, to every creature, so that the Good News shall reach every home, every family and every person on the surface of the earth. In the world is waiting for you, Pastor Sunday Adelaja says, “we are called to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Our task is not only to preach the gospel but our whole life must bear witness to Jesus and be example of His holiness and righteousness. This is our calling.

Reach Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P.O. Box 723005, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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