ADVENT: Expectation and Anticipation

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ADVENT: Expectation and Anticipation!

As we wake up every morning, we’re full of expectations. A young person expects that one day he will complete his studies and get a good paying job; get a roof over his head and a good means of transportation. Some of them expect that they shall get married and raise a family while others will pursue careers. Some have chosen not to have kids because if their parents had kids they wouldn’t have been born. Parents expect that their little baby shall one day grow to become a responsible adult and be independent of them as well as affect their generation. They expect that as they present their baby for dedication and ‘infant baptism,’ he will grow to confirm his faith, know God very personally and have a relationship with Jesus Christ; become an instrument in the Lord’s hand [either as an ordained or layperson] that God will use to expand His kingdom. As we look forward to Christmas, some parents expect that their children will return home to celebrate the season with them; present them with gifts of love. The less-privileged expects that as part of sharing the love of Christ, their well-to-do brethren shall remember them this season. Human beings expect that one day they shall pass to great beyond.

At the same token, many in bondage and spiritual slavery expect that one day they shall be set free; those in prison with or without walls, also expect that they shall gain their freedom. While those on death rows expect that one day their days on mother earth shall end. Indeed every problem has expiring date whether you expect it or not. The criminal minded await the right time to commit crime and atrocities; make smart, illegitimate riches without hard work or become rich in an ill fated manner overnight. The law enforcement expects to catch up with the law breakers and bring them to book. On the other hand many await a new job or change of career in an economy that has been bartered and crying for urgent attention. We await peace in our world that has been war-turned and big nations determined the fate of small one; big fishes swallow small fishes in the depth while other animals look the other way. .

A couple of month ago, the United States of America in search of new direction awaited the election of a new leader. They set a democratic process in motion and in a campaign that was well contested for about 21 months, elected a new leader on the November 4, 2008. By this particular election, the first black man Senator Barrack Obama became President-Elect and is expected to be sworn in on January 20, 2008. This is a history making event and has brought a change, a paradigm shift not only to America but the world. Again God had to go back to the cradle of civilization to look for an African blood to bring the change. Pray for him because that move has the touch of God.

The early Israel awaited the coming of the Messiah. They expected that He will come to liberate them from suffering under Romanic rule. For this reason they expected the Messiah to come from a wealthy or top military family. But that was simply human [wishful] thinking; against their expectation, God sent an angel to announce the coming of a messiah in a low estate of Nazareth and will liberate them from their sins. God did to us what we couldn’t do as human beings. Prominent among those that awaited the Messiah was a man named Simeon, a prophet of the Most High whom God promised that he will not die until his eyes have seen the Messiah [Luke 2:26]. He must have waited expectantly daily for years until the Holy Spirit informed him that the messiah was born.

Today, Christians worldwide await the second coming of Christ. Many must have waited a life time and died expecting. Others renew their anticipation yearly as we go through Advent. We do not loose focus or hope because our Lord shall come suddenly like a thief in the night [1 Thessalonians 5:1-2]. This time He will not come by birth in a manger but will show up in the sky and everyone shall see Him. Be not shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no one deceive you by any means……. [2 Thessalonians 2:2-3]. “Look the Lord is coming with thousand of His holy ones. He is coming to judge everyone. He is coming to sentence all ungodly people. He will judge them for all the ungodly ways. He will sentence ungodly sinners for all the bad things they have said about Him” [Jude 14-15].

Brethren, are you prepared for the coming of the Lord? Be prepared to meet with your God, O Israel [Amos 4:12b]. It’s inevitable. Do not be taken unawares. Some say even before they were born, they heard Jesus was coming and He never did. They opined that when He came the first time, He was tortured and crucified; how dare you think He will come again? This is an illusive thinking and expensive joke, if you care. Human beings live in an instant age; we want quick, sharp and prompt events. We are reluctant and perhaps allergic to waiting or impatient for delay of any kind.  But the scripture assures that Christ is coming again. If Christ said He will die and be raised on the third day and He did, then believe the Father and also the Son that He will do whatever He promised. As we celebrate this season, we should expect and anticipate more earnestly than ever before for the return of the Son of man.

As we come close to the end of the year, there are some unfulfilled life’s expectations, unmet desires and dreams. Do not loose hope or be discouraged because God’s plan and thought never fail. God’s delay is neither denial nor refusal; His promises do not change and there are the best positive tools to hold on. Dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith. Let the Holy Spirit guide and help you when you pray. The mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ will bring you eternal life. If you wait for God’s mercy, remain in His love [Jude 20-21]. Let nothing, no one dim your expectation; pray constantly in faith, reminding God His promises and your expectations. No matter the challenges you pass through, tell your problems how big your God is and believe your season of change has come; hold unto it and wait expectantly. It’s not over; just another new dawn. Have a great Christmas and fruitful New Year.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill@ weefreeministries@org or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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