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Nne oma, I am writing this tribute with mixed feelings – joy and sadness. Joy because you have left this sinful world to a better place and sad because I miss you. I thank God for a life well spent. You gave your life to us, all your children. It is thirty years since your husband left but you scale through rough and difficult times because you believe and trusted in God; was determined to raise your children in the fear of the Lord just as you and our daddy had started.

Mama, I remember when we were growing up, you made our uniforms and beautiful Christmas dresses ready for us to wear and look good. You are my real role model; you taught me how to be simply and neat, prepare good meals and live and keep the house clean; how to take care of my family when I get married. Mama, I remembered your advice, “Every woman need to work hard, even if your husband is rich or not. Do not depend on a man to make it. Rather always help and support your husband whenever he needs your help

Nne oma, you taught me how to provide for myself; buy thing I needed even before I got married. Since once children starts coming, I may not be able to buy them. I will not forget your love and care for me and my friends while at school. You always cook and bring us rice and stew every Sunday at Awkunawar Girls. Mama, you brought us up in a religious home – we prayed daily even before and after meals, attend catechism classes on Saturdays, Church on Sundays morning and Evening mass. You constantly reminded us to say our Rosary everyday and Novena at night. Even in choosing career, you advised me to be a teacher. When I asked you the reason, you responded, “Teacher teaches children and that will help me teach my own children and in turn my husband will cherish and love me for being there for his children.” Mama, I thank you for your advice. Your choice turned out to be the best for me and mould me into having special love for children.

Nnem Oma, I never saw you and papa had any quarrel; it was always KISS THIS, KISS THAT. That was the love name you called each other. When Papa was very sick you nurse and cared for him; you were always by his side and never left him to anywhere, except to Church. You always urged the Revered Father to come to the house and give my sick dad, the Holy Communion. I remembered the day papa passed on, you were there taking care of him. That was a big lesson for me. You always taught us that a man (husband) is the head of the family. He should be respected and honoured.

Nnem Oma, I will not forget the conversion I had with you during my December 2011 trip when I came to see you.  I mentioned all the names of your children and you responded, “They are all my blood.”  You were still your old good self even when your health was failing you.   As was my way of appreciating you, I bath you, cut your nails, made your hair and put on you new dresses. I prepared your best meal and gladly fed you; we then join hands in prayers. All these you taught me how to do. As I look back and recall the past, I remember how wonderful a mom you were; so gentle and so strong yet caring and dependable. Your outstanding qualities I cannot match, but the few I imbibed I promise to live them and pass them to your grand’s and great grand children as well as those that God put on my way.

Nnem Oma, little did I know that my last December, 2011, when I wash your feet, massaged your body and anointed you with Revered Father Mbaka’s oil, that will be my last care and chat with you. I am glad I had that opportunity to visit you; it shall remain with me through life. Before your last breath and answered the heavenly call, Patty called us and I, Eileen, Rose and Amaka were on phone line, weeping and praying for you.

Nnem oma, thank you, for your love, your attention and guidance have made me who I am. You showed me the way to love, serve, accomplish and to persevere as well as contentment, joy and peace in the midst of life’s challenges. You were a nurse, a teacher and counselor; a chauffeur, cook and a friend as well as a playmate when I needed one. Mom, because you have always lived in me I always will love you. Nne, you have gone to a better place where there is no hate, no suffering and no death but your spirit is still watching over us. You’re happy to meet Papa whom you missed for years.  May your gentle soul rest peacefully in Christ Jesus; Adieu mama till we meet again to part no more.

Your daughter,


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