A track, at the end of road
The law denies grace gives.
One morning I decided to meditate on the gospel of John, eight chapter, one through eleven. I had read this passage several times in the past, yet had such awesome and thrilling insights that I could not help sharing with friends. The passage narrated the story of a woman caught in adultery and Jesus crazy yet unbelievable reaction to the accusation. Jesus was said to have just returned from Mount Olives where He was believed to have had quality time with His Father. Such times of meditation availed strengths and reality checks on his mission. He met a crowd already waiting for him, so started teaching them. In the process, the teachers of the law and Pharisees brought in a woman accused to have committed adultery and presented her failings before Jesus. However their motive was to trap Jesus of mishandling the Law of Moses.
UNDER THE LAW OF MOSES ADULTERY WAS LIFE DETERMINED, PUNISHABLE BY STONING TO DEATH. For such accusation to hold water, it required two eye witness accounts. Today, Islam among other religious groups still holds strictly to this rule of law. The celebrated case of m/s Lawal in Northern Nigeria is still fresh in mind. In a democratic setting like America, such cruel act is considered a violation of human right. In our age, most murder cases attract life jail or term -10 to 25 years imprisonment, depending on how well you could flex your muscles and probably the color of your skin. For example, neither the woman who ran over her husband thrice with a truck while her daughter watched the murder in disbelieve nor the one who stabbed her man about 198 times only got beyond jail term. The Judges are said to consider other persuasions than just the act.
As we look at the accusation and the circumstances surrounding it, we could not but ponder: Who caught her in the act and where? Was the act committed in a public place, thereby constituting nuisance? or did her accusers invade her privacy, sneered and snitched at her? If the latter, how long were they peeping at her and how much did they see? Again it takes two to tangle, where was her lover? Why he was not brought for justice? Could this be the trigger of malechauvinism or effect of male dominated society? Were the accusers righteous enough to point such finger? By peeping at her, if at all, they had polluted their eyes and hearts, committed lust and considered equally guilty. After all, Gods grace demands more righteousness than the law.
Jesus, the teachers and Pharisees, all knew the laws but Jesus upheld equity brought forth by Gods compassion and justice. Jesus hates sin but loves mankind/sinners. Unknown to the accusers Jesus knew they hid their own worst shortcomings but conspired to expose another. He knew they were kettles calling a pot black; hypocrites practicing dip and skip life. IN OUR WORLD TODAY ITS EASY POINTING ONE FINGER AT OTHER PEOPLE BUT HARD TO ACCEPT THAT THE OTHER FOUR POINT AT US. We criticize what others do and call them names not knowing how others perceive and see us.
Brethren, how often have we accused others of the very thing we are guilty of? Ken Gire writing on Intimate moments with the Savior said, I confess with shame that there are times I have stood in the midst, condemned. And there are times I have stood condemning. There are times my heart has been filled with adultery and there are times my hand have been filled with stones. I DONT KNOW ABOUT YOU, MORE TIMES THAN I CARE TO ADMIT, I HAVE ACCUSED, CONDEMNED AND THROWN STONES. It may be hard to admit, but truly all have sinned. We may not commit physical adultery or fornication, but have idols of greed, wickedness and unforgiveness; lust after cute women and men, after riches and power. We swear in the name of God to add false credence to our false claims; tell sweet and white lies, dishonor our bodies and God. We are lovers of self more than lovers of God. Jesus understood that every man is a sinner and prodigal; we all have skeletons in our cupboards and have been separated from our creator. All our cleanliness is like filthy rakes before God. Thats why the Father sent Jesus to the world, to clean us up and reconciled us to himself. At the cross of Christ we stand on a level ground. But theres good news ..
Jesus bent down while putting his thoughts together and with his finger wrote on the sand. Whatever he wrote shall remain a mystery till eternity. Looking up, Jesus challenged them saying, WHICH OF YOU IS WITHOUT SIN, LET HIM CAST THE FIRST STONE. He stoops down again. Jesus sent a hurting message, a message of truth and a reality check from an all knowing God. He strips them naked; their sins have found them out and they could no longer hide. The message pricked their hearts and one after another, they fearfully dropped their stones and walked away. The woman was left standing alone before Jesus, expecting scolding but received cleansing, forgiveness and Gods grace [unmerited favor]. She had reached the end of her road and had no hope of life again. The Savior showed her a track of mercy and compassion leading to road of eternity, that the law had denied her. Jesus is the Way; His word is eternal. The word of God strips me naked every time. It pricks my mind, challenges my preconceptions and deeds; leads to confession, repentance and avails restoration. This experience is unbelievably true of every believer.
Have you been involved in an act that you are ashamed of, such that belittled you, make you look like an idiot and smell stink? You keep asking yourself how on earth you went into such mess. Have you said something you regretted later or emotionally reacted funny? Even when you have been forgiven by God you still find it difficult to forgive yourself, because you believe you knew better. I sure have. Brood no longer, ITS ONLY THE NOBLE THAT CAN FEEL SHAME. IF WE CAN STILL FEEL THE PAIN, IT IS BECAUSE WE ARE HEALTY ENOUGH TO FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE WITH BEING LESS THAN WE OUGHT TO BE AND LESS THAN WE WANT TO BE. OUR SHAME IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH US, BUT WE SHOULD NOT ALLOW IT TO SAP OUR CREATIVE POWERS AND KILL OUR JOY. You are not alone. Its our common experience on faith journey. We have all accused, condemned, and thrown stones; have been accused, condemned and thrown stones at. But repentance often brings us back to the Masters table to continue fellowship with Him. The good news is Christ had accepted us even before we became acceptable. This is Gods grace.
Whatever our state, Jesus makes an invisible road visible at the end of the highway; create a way where theres no way. He levels every highland and valley and ensures a smooth and safe journey. He loves us not withstanding our failings, just as we are. He cares about us. Jesus is not ashamed of us but identifies with us. Hes here with us and always shall be. He died so that we may be set free and be restored unto the Father and Himself. He helps us when we are helpless, when in trouble, when we have been convicted and thrown into prison. When man made laws stand against us, He applies the grace of God to redeem us. Hes a make-a-way God, a life giver and sustainer; our attorney, Judge, the Savior, Redeemer and the Lord of all.
Dont wait until you get to the end of the road where return is impossible to seek for the road master. Stop where you are right now and turn to Him. One of the dying criminals on the cross, found himself at the end of the road but acknowledged who he was, turned to Jesus and found mercy, forgiveness and a place in Gods kingdom. You can do same.
Evangelist Ogbonnaya, G. can be reached by email at: weefreeministries.org or P O Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.