As Americans and in-deed the whole world reflects on the tragedy of 9-11, the day the twin towers of the World Trade Center went down. A terrorist group ran two aircrafts into the buildings. That instantly changed our world. This one incident left many families in lifetime sadness, bitterness, spontaneous emotions, and irreplaceable loss. Most family members, friends, well wishers and even ‘called enemies’ who went out in search for daily living did not return home. It was the day the unexpected happened and unexplainable tragedies swept through the face of America. That day the untimely and the fearful hands of death snatched away people who were precious to us leaving us behind to mourn, grieve, and wonder. As we watched those graphic images again and again, it did not make sense that human beings could take their lives just to hurt people they hate. These people are enemies of freedom, the tyranny of democracy and haters of peace. Our firemen, police, soldiers, and other rescuers for the love of this great nation and humanity stood sentinels in this fierce battle against the enemies and many fell in the cruel hands of death. We cannot thank and appreciate their sacrifices enough. We trust they are resting peacefully in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Five years after this catastrophe, the wounds remain fresh and the scars very visible. While we wonder and ponder on what-else could have instigated such dreadful action the terrorist group and leaders threatens more viciously and fearlessly. Could any other reason apart from hate provoke such action? The Proverbs of Solomon chapter 10 verse 12 gives an insight on what hate could do. “Hatred gives rise to resentment while love covers everything.” Yet it was just a wake up call for this nation on the extent the enemies could go. That reminds us that it was hatred that caused Cain to kill Abel, his brother. People can hate you because of God’s favor on your life, prosperity and advancement as well as education and enlightenment. Funny enough some of those so called enemies have benefited from the generosity of this great nation. Some were trained here and enjoyed the influence of this state. Yet they could lock their minds and perpetuate great damage of the magnitude they did on the lives of innocent citizens and destroy property worth billions of dollars. Not withstanding an African proverb says “no matter how nice you are to your girlfriend’s child he/ she will not call you his/her father.”
From every look this terrorist do not just hate America they have extended their hatred to friends of America. They look for any flimsy excuse to strike; in spite of effort to love these neighbors they hate us anyway. Your enemies do not wish you well but hates you with all hatred no matter how good and pleasant you are to them. Just like the God of love is the God of justice, America is a democratic, peaceful nation and also the world police. America has the obligation to defend her nation, her citizens, and her democracy, as well as her world. Every peace has a price tag.
Tragedy has a way of bringing out the worst and the best in people. Be it as it may that disaster brought Looters into a devastated neighborhood but most importantly gave opportunities for reaching out to one another, especially those who were badly hurt and celebrated humanity. Of a truth it exposed people to the great lesson and the reality of life-there is death in the midst of life. Again and again we saw God’s presence in the way we handle pains, hurts loneliness, and unexplainable tragedies. For the first time, many went back to the churches and shared in public worship; they learned to pray and believed in the efficacy of prayers. Our great anthem “God bless America” came on life on every occasion. God’s love was rekindled in the hearts of many. People transformed their depression into compassion, their bitterness into love, and their pains into healing. It also exposed us to see human limitations and easily recognized God’s boundless love and mercies.
Five years later a great number of people have returned to their Sunday morning sports and the church pews once again become empty. Have we forgotten so soon the awesome God that gave us strength in times of pain and grief and saw us through life’s hard situations? That will be weird, ridiculous, and hypocrisy in the highest level. Similar to David’s out cry in Psalm 80 versus 16-19, America cried open “Oh Lord, see our enemies have set our citizens and wealth on fire and brought them down, looked at them in anger and destroyed them.” Preserve and protect….the nation you made so strong. We will never turn away from you again. Keep us alive and we will praise you………….” In the mood of this 5th anniversary, we pause and reflect pensively on that sad events and the way God availed us his grace and mercies. We need to thank God for who he is and for the great things he has done. We have moved on since after then as it was necessary for healing and healthy living. We have learnt that an enemy hates no matter what; we cannot fold our hands and watch the enemies destroy us. We have transformed hatred into love, and allowed time to heal wounds. The writer of Hebrew 1:9 says “you will love what is right and hate what is wrong, that is why God your Lord choose you.” God bless America, the land of the freed and the world in our search for peaceful society and state. America did what was right; forgetting the pains of the past and matched on to brighter future.
The war on terror is ongoing, and more complicated today than it was on September, 2001. We should be vigilant and know our surroundings. Despite our efforts to make the world a safe place for ourselves and our children, it has continued to be violent, disasters, and peace less place to live in. Our enemies are becoming more aggressive and subtly manipulative. Like the battle with the Philistines their Goliath appear on telecast to boast and threaten our world with more tragedy and disaster. They boast of their horses and chariots and the power to destroy but we depend in the name of God Almighty. We should not loose sight that this war has Spiritual undertone. The enemy comes like a thief to hurt, steal, and destroy. We must stand, watch, and be strong. When the terrorist can’t reach us they revert to our children, our spouses, our close relations, as well as out intimate friends just to get out attention. Satan does not care which gods you call on and worship as long as he is not the God of the bible.
There are 2 types of enemies, the external and the internal enemies. The internal enemies are more dangerous and full of intrigue than the external. They informed the outside enemies what our strategies are, our strengths and weaknesses. They are the people we see everyday in state houses, in our churches and other places of worship, at leisure centers, at world streets, in our universities, even in our shopping malls, etc. Yet God asks us to love our enemies, however not the way we love our wives and children. We should show our enemies the love of Christ and not lose our heads but be as wise as serpents. For no matter what we do for your enemies, they will find ways to hurt you. We have fought wars for years; most times war is not always the answer. Most wars are colossal waste and depend of self pride and strong-won’t. It is a high time we looked for other means to solution. We shall never get at peace without the Prince of peace. Perhaps we pause and ask: Has America becomes saver since 9-11? How safe are her citizens at home and around the globe? Does war not give the ‘coalition of terrorist’ rare opportunities to challenge our strengths? The recent events between Israel and Lebanon appeared to incline to that. The best way to stop war is not to start it at all but sometimes we’re pushed to the walls. Since we have tried wars for the past 5 years, shouldn’t we try another means of peace move? It may turn out to provide the much needed answer. These peace moves have worked in the past and would work again if handled well.
Our prayer this day should be: Have mercy on us Oh Lord; consider the troubles we suffer from those who hate us and rescue us from death that we may testify of your goodness and rejoice because you saved us. The wicked shall be destroyed and the entire nation that forget their God. Arise Oh Lord, let no man prevail against you, judge the heathens with righteousness and cause fears in the heart of the enemies, that they may know that they are only mortal beings. The Lord is our refuge and our place of safety. Amen. (Psalm 9:9 ff)
Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill can be r