- Abraham, the founding father of the Jewish nation of Israel,
- was a man of great faith and obedience to the will of God.
- His name, Abraham in Hebrew means “father of a multitude.” Originally called Abram, or “exalted father,” the Lord changed his name to Abraham as a symbol of the covenant promise to multiply his descendants into a great nation that God would call his own
- Prior to this, God had already visited Abraham when he was 75, promising to bless him and make his offspring into an abundant nation of people. All Abraham had t o do was obey God and do what God told him to do.
– Hometown Abraham was born in the city of Ur of the Chaldeans (present-day Iraq). He traveled 500 miles to Haran (now southeast Turkey) with his family and stayed there until his father’s death. Originally Abraham was from Ur of the Chaldeans. This was where God originally called Abram (Acts 7:2-3). This was a prosperous and advanced pagan center of southern Mesopotamia (354 km SE of Baghdad).. When God called Abraham, he moved 400 miles south to the land of Canaan and lived there most of the rest of his days.
– Occupation As head of a semi-nomadic clan of herdsmen, Abraham became a successful and prosperous rancher and shepherd, raising livestock and farming the land.
More importantly, in a very real sense Abraham is the spiritual father (John 8:39-40 see also Romans 4:13-25) of all believers.
God’s Covenant with Abraham
The beginning of the covenant God established with Abraham. It was also Abraham’s first test from God since he and his wife Sarai (later changed to Sarah) were still without children. Abraham demonstrated remarkable faith and trust, immediately leaving his home and his clan the moment God called him to the unknown territory of Canaan. Accompanied by his wife and nephew Lot, Abraham prospered as a rancher and shepherd, as he made his new home surrounded by pagans in the Promised Land of Canaan. Still childless, however, Abraham’s faith wavered in subsequent times of testing.
- When famine struck, rather than waiting on God for provision, he packed up and took his family to Egypt.
- Once there, and fearing for his life, he lied about his beautiful wife’s identity, claiming she was his unmarried sister. Pharaoh, finding Sarah desirable, took her from Abraham in exchange for generous gifts, to which Abraham raised no objections.. Once again, Abraham lost faith in God’s protection and provision. Abraham’s foolish deception backfired, and God kept his covenant promise intact. The Lord inflicted disease on Pharaoh and his family, revealing to him that Sarah must be returned to Abraham untouched.
- More years passed during which Abraham and Sarah questioned God’s promise. At one point, they decided to take matters into their own hands. At Sarah’s encouragement, Abraham slept with Hagar, his wife’s Egyptian maidservant. Hagar gave birth to Ishmael, but he was not the promised son. God returned to Abraham when he was 99 to remind him of the promise and reinforce his covenant with Abraham. A year later, Isaac was born.
- God brought more tests to Abraham, including a second incident when Abraham lied about Sarah’s identity, this time to King Abimelech. But Abraham underwent the biggest testing of his faith when God asked him to sacrifice Isaac, the promised heir, in Genesis 22: “Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.” This time Abraham obeyed, fully prepared to slay his son, while fully trusting God to either resurrect Isaac from the dead (Hebrews 11:17-19) or provide a substitutionary sacrifice. At the last minute, God intervened and provided the necessary ram.
- “He is the father of us all (Romans 4:16).” The faith of Abraham pleased God.
- God visited Abraham on several unique occasions. The Lord spoke to him numerous times, once in a vision and once in the form of three visitors.
- Scholars believe that the mysterious “King of Peace” or “King of Righteousness,” Melchizedek, who blessed Abram and to whom Abram gave a tithe, may have been a theophany of Christ (a manifestation of deity).Abraham carried out a brave rescue of Lot when his nephew was taken captive after the Battle of the Valley of Siddim.
Abraham’s Strengths and Weaknesses:
i) Strengths:– God tested Abraham severally. Abraham demonstrated extraordinary faith, trust, and obedience to the will of God.
– He was well-respected and successful in his occupation.
– He also had the courage to face a powerful enemy coalition
– resolved disputes amicably;
– His wealth was a source of prestige Gen 24:15;
– Honored for his military prowess Gen 14:13-21;
– showed hospitality to strangers Gen 18;
– Maintained independence from the Canaanites;
– Showed himself unselfish Gen 13:9;
– Build Altars for God and worshipped him continually;
– Tithing: Gen 14:20; Heb 7:4; Mal 3: 7-12; 1 John 3:17 Worship and serve God with his money. Was not greedy and didn’t receive spoils or money from foreign Kings;
– Persevering in prayers Gen 18, 20:17
ii) Weakness: +Impatience, fear, and a tendency to lie under pressure were a few of Abraham’s weaknesses revealed in the biblical account of his life. Iii) Character: Abraham was a friend of God:
– Blessed by God Gen 14:18-19;
– Worshipped God Gen 21:33;
– Had faith in God Gen 15:6;
– Was obedient Gen 22:1-19;
– Prophet and Intercessor Gen 20:7; Called friend of God Ja 2:23;
iv) Weaknesses as head of Household: Held responsible by God for his family: – Exploited his wife in a cowardly way: Deceptive about his wife Sarah; Twice he lied she was her sister Gen 12:12-20, 20; Sarai is basically given over to be a sex slave and Abram profits from it. – Fathered Ishmael as a result of wavering faith Gen 16:1-4; – Conflicts in middle East can still be trace to his mistake;
– Allowed Sarah to mistreat Hagar
v) Important acts and events:
Left his country and went to Canaan.
2. Let Lot take the first of the land.
3. Saved Lot and the King of Sodom.
4. Met Melchizedek.
5.Took Hagar as a wife and had Ishmael.
6. The covenant was reaffirmed with him and received circumcision.
7. Pleaded with God for Sodom and Gomorrah.
8. Obeyed God to sacrifice Isaac, but God spared his son
Abraham as a good Father: Gen 18:191.– Was present and available for his family;
– He took his family wherever he went; – God our heavenly Father promises ever presence for his family Heb 13;5-6; 2.He protected his family;
Abraham’s nephew Lot and his family were taken captive by conquering king and he took his servants to rescued them Gen 14; – Provided wife for Isaac Gen 24:1-4; sent servant to homeland to protect Isaac from evil influences of pagan women; – God , the Father is a great protector Ps 84:11; Pov. 30:5; In today’s world fathers need to be mindful of protecting their family from all forms of danger
– Provide well for his family: Gen 13:2; Abraham was rich in cattle, in silver and in gold; – Good fathers provide both physically and spiritually Eph 6;4; 1 Tim 5:8;
– God the father is our great provider – Acts 14:17; 1 Tim 6:17.
Good fathers are faithful to God: Good fathers are faithful to God and trust God with their whole heart, soul and mind. They believe in God`s promises; to preserve and provide for their families everything needed for salvation. Abraham was held up as an example of faith Heb 11:8-12, 17-19. – By faith he obeyed God when he was called Gen 12:1-3;
– Lived in a foreign land because he believed God’s promises;
– God tested his faith with the delay of Isaac birth; Gen 15:1-6.
– Willingly offered up Isaac when God tested him: James 2;21-23
– Paul praises his faith – Rom 4: 3, 9, 11-12, 20-21. Today we need fathers who will and be example of faithfulness. .Gal 3:16, 26-29. God honor Abraham by calling him father of the faithful. Those baptized into Christ are Abraham seeds.
– Christ came from Abraham and Isaac – Rom 4:16.Ultimately God is our father :a)we respect Him by listening to His word John 5:39; 2 Tim 2:15;
b) We need to speak to him in prayers 1 Thess. 5: 17; 1 pet 5:7
Good father is obedient to God: – Abraham’s life was characterized by obedience Gen 12:1-4; Heb 11:8;
– Each time He obeyed God, He reveals His plans to him. – We too must put our faith into action Jam 2:14-24; – Let our work prove our faith;
– without works obedience is death. Be example of Abraham vs 14, 17, 21-24
The acronym “F-A-T-H-E-R: The Six Attributes of a Godly Father” The “F” in father stands for Faithful — Good fathers are Faithful.The “A” in father stands for Action — Good fathers are people of action.
The “T” in father stands for Teacher — Good fathers are teachers.
The “H” in father stands for Hope — Good fathers offer hope to their families.
The “E” in father stands for Example — Good fathers are a positive example. Finally, the “R” in father stands for Reliable — Good fathers are reliable.
References: Authors: Mary Fairchild; Bishop Craig Oreathouse; Fr Ken Anthony’s sermon; & Michael Griego