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               A LOSER BECOMES A WINNER, IF…….

A couple of months ago I watched one of the European Soccer Competition matches on television. The match was so tactical that the first half (45 minutes) ended goalless. The second half started with the home side playing long thrusts while the visitors played short taps with intermittent break into their opponent goal area. It was evidence that the two sides changed game tactics in the second half and maintained closed check on the forward players.  However, about ten minutes into the second half, the visitors made two critical changes. The dangling midfield run of the visitor’s forward player forced the home side right back defender into a hard or rough play and the center referee sported an infringement just by the penalty area. A grounder taken by the visitor’s captain beat the home team’s goal keeper and he conceded the first goal of the match.

The home team fought gallantly for equalizer that only came at the 85th minutes of the match. The home team had earlier made a change and brought in two players during the dying minutes of the game. The change they made that brought the equalizer appeared to have energized (or gingered) the home team. About a minute to the end of the game, the home team last minutes ball struggle at the opponent’s goal area brought the winning goal, the match decider. The efforts of the home team players paid off because they remained focused, determined and enterprising. They refused to give up or loose heart, but fought back and won the match.

In another instance, during the 2012 US Presidential campaign, President Obama was doing well in the campaign and the polls were in his favor. However, things seem to have turned around when he lost the first debate; it was a bad night for the White House and Democrats. Some media hosts were grossly disappointed and blamed President Obama for not standing up to the flip flop manipulations of the Republican flag bearer, Mr. Mitt Romney. The incumbent President quickly accepted his shortcoming and assured his supporters to turn the table around during the second debate. He lost but was not out. The scripture had this to say, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. And He delights in his ways. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down. For the Lord upholds him with his hand” (Psalm 37:23, 24). Again one of the old Minor Prophets had this to say, “Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; when I fall, I will arise…..” (Micah 7:8). John Croyle opined, when you’ve missed the target, God grant you the gift of grace to reload and try again (STAND FIRM, November 2010 Edition)

As a good sport man, President Obama accepted the second debate as a new opportunity to be successful. He identified and acknowledged his mistakes and went ahead to make changes in his approach to the game – remove what was not working – his domino, the way he aimed and tackled; reloading tactics, shooting  and refocusing. President Obama kept his promise, when he came back on the second debate and had an outstanding performance that silenced the dancing spree of the Republican followers. Even though he turned the table round, yet some American bias about the President still doubted his win. After the third debate, where the President solidified his second debate’s win, it was obvious that he was in for the second term. Even at that, many prejudiced doubting Thomases were reluctant to give him credit for the uncommon performances. “Losers confused being knocked down with being knocked out.”

In competitive sports, good athletes do not fight to win or die. A trained athlete desires to win but doesn’t fight to win by all means. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, he could loose gallantly and go home to fix his errors or weakness. He gets rid of every weights and misgivings that pulls him down; remain resolved to return and with endurance and focus on the crown set before him (Hebrews 12:1-2). Every prize has a price. You must keep your words simple and truthful; do not attempt to confuse or inane your hearers and followers as well as keep your negative traits to the barest minimum. Losing is an inevitable part of life. It gives us an invaluable window into the development of our character. Character building is a slow process; it happens day-by-day.

Jesus says, “Whoever wants to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life because of Me will find it (Matthew 16: 25). Again, He says to His disciples, “For whoever would save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it” (Mark 8:35). In real life, losing for the sake of Christ is gain or has eternal benefits. The Son of man is come to save that which is lost (Matt. 18:11).When we come to Christ in repentant for our salvation and deliverance, we yield to Him and by His Spirit, He help us lose fears, greed, selfishness, bitterness, ego and lies as well as many other negative traits that had enslaved our lives. Of great need, we lose hell and gain eternity. Apostle Paul says, “For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain (Phil. 1:21).

Apostle Paul rejoicing for gaining Christ wrote, “But what thing were gain to me those I counted loss for Christ. Yea, doubtless and I counted all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord. For whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ” (Phil. 3:7-8). When we lose worldliness for the sake of knowing Christ, we gain the grace and mercies of God, peace with God and the hope of His glory; most importantly we gain heaven. If you lose your life for the sake of Christ Jesus and the gospel, you gain life in heaven and His Spirit the help you in worship and service; favor and uncommon blessings. A looser is a winner if you are in Christ and do not give up but remain determined and focus. Little surprised that Apostle Paul could say expectantly, I have fought a good fight…(1 Tim.4:7).

The biggest challenge we face in our daily struggles in life could be likened to trying to swim against the water current. Life often throws powerful darts at us such as fears, anxiety, insecurity, loneliness and failures, etc. Good fighters face these odds and yet they learn to get up and moved forward each time they are knocked down. They shake off past lapses and mistakes; remain relaxed and focused as well as trust in the finger of God. They are quick to get up and face life with dignity, determination, confident and remain focus on the goal; holding faith in the Lord of life. “We lived life forward and learn from it backwards.”

 As you face life battles, you may come out smart and strong, talking fast and smooth and throwing punches at your opponent; however without the ability to take punches you become a loser. Paul Jay Reed wrote, “A fighter’s greatness is not measured by his speed, quickness, power or looks; it is measured by his ability to endure” and permit me to add, remain focus. He quoted, Bo Lozoff, an inspirational writer that said, “Good looks, sexy bodies and athletic skills erode with time. In the end, only those enduring qualities – those that don’t fade with time – can get us through life: qualities like self honesty, courage, compassion, wonder and humor.” – The Echo (Texas Prison News) Nov. 2012 Edition. Little surprised that Dr John Maxwell wrote, “Don’t just change enough to het away from your problem – change enough to solve them. Don’t change your circumstances to improve your life – change yourself to improve your circumstances. Don’t do the same old things expecting different result – get different result by doing something new.”

Finally, when you miss your target, God always give you the grace to reload and try again to hit the target. We must accept the new opportunity to be successful but first we have to acknowledge our mistakes and change our approach to life less the reload is an exercise in futility. You may not have experienced God’s greatest love for the world; may’ve missed many opportunities to enjoy God’s grace in Christ Jesus, God gives you another chance today to make that Choice. When you do, God forgives all your past misgivings and failures; so learn to forgive yourself. He will then grant you His peace, access to His grace and hope of His glory.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill @ weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272. Web: weefreeministries.org.  Ph. 832.881.3929 c.

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